Anti Tobacco Really Scared of Snus in the US

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  • darkwing
    • Oct 2007
    • 415

    Anti Tobacco Really Scared of Snus in the US
  • Soft Morning, City!
    • Sep 2007
    • 772

    Haha. Even kids are using snus to kick the smokes!

    Man, if I had discovered snus my senior year of high school, I could have saved myself about two years' lung damage.

    Somebody get Mr. Neal a tin of the true Swedish, stat!


    • darkwing
      • Oct 2007
      • 415

      It appears that snus really has the anti tobacco crowd in a twist on this side of the Atlantic. We see some commentary in the media in which they try so, so very hard to demonize it. The best they can come up with is the EU's old ban rationale, which has since been fairly debunked, and dire warnings that underage users abound, that snus is being marketed to kids, and that it is a step toward encouraging people to start smoking. I think they will have to find better threats. None of this addresses the reality of snus being relatively harmless, and the fact that so many people are using snus to get away from cigarettes.


      • alex
        • Jul 2007
        • 226

        It bothers me that this article was written by an aspiring journalist, and she didn't even bother to do any research about the product. I understand that in a High School newspaper she would not be allowed to publish anything positive about a tobacco product, but the KC Star should be more responsible for screening before publishing.

        **** american big tobacco. If all of this negative publicity leads to me not being able to order from Sweden, I will be really really angry.


        • theoldsearock
          • Jun 2007
          • 77

          Ignorant bozos are attempting to outlaw all forms of tobacco usage all over the world.

          While we poison the water with chemicals, poison our food with chemicals... it's the tobacco users that are causing the problems, right?

          And the insurance companies are pushing rates up for anyone that uses tobacco products to the point where it is LEGAL to not hire a person that uses tobacco in any form.

          I've got enough pipe tobacco stashed away to smoke for the rest of my life. To heck with these anti-tobacco zealots, they are fools.


          • aj01
            • Jan 2008
            • 149

            Big Tobacco

            Fact is, "Big Tobacco" is everywhere. LD/Gustavus is Japan Tobacco Int'l, Skruf is (mostly) Imperial Tobacco, Fiedler & Lundgren is partially owned by BAT via shares in parent STK, and which is RJ Reynolds in the States and Imperial in Canada. Swedish Match is considered an eventual takeover target by Philip Morris, and STK will probably be swallowed by BAT.

            It's well known in the industry that the EU ban on snus was lobbied for by pharmaceutical companies, who would rather you chew gum and use patches, and by Philip Morris, who would rather you smoke Marlboro.

            Now that Marlboro is a snus in the USA, and that PM will launch in Sweden & Norway (they own the old Rocker factory), I am sure they'll lead the charge to legalize it.


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