ABC news report on Snus

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  • TheInsulator
    • Oct 2007
    • 65

    ABC news report on Snus

    I found this on google. It's loaded with misinformation though. Apparently, the swedes have been using snus for decades and snus has far less nicotine than a cigarette. Even though there's alot of inaccuracies, i feel it's a positive report nonetheless. It really does show you that american researchers still don't have much of a clue about what snus is.

    edit: this is a canadian report i later noticed. I tried to register to leave a comment but the united states was convieniently left off the country list needed to register an account. 8) whatever...
  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    Jonathan Foulds, director of the Tobacco Dependence Program in New Jersey, said smoking a cigarette, though, was not the same as using a smokeless tobacco pouch. The way in which nicotine is delivered makes all the difference, he says.

    "You can't beat a cigarette for nicotine delivery. It's much faster and in a more concentrated form," Foulds said. "Cigarettes are like a Ferrari, and the [smokeless] pouch is like a secondhand Ford."
    (from the article)

    Isn't Jonathan Foulds an anti-tobacco-activist and isn't that an invitation to continue smoking?

    These anti-tobacco-people are so damn sick, it's unbelievable!

    ... but it backups my opinion, that these full-time anti-tobacco-advocates, payed with our tax-money, don't want anyone to quit smoking. The more people continue to smoke, the more secure these hypocrites' jobs are.

    BTW, the Ferrari-Ford comparison IMHO is wrong. Cigarettes are more like a Ferrari, that breaks down after 5 minutes of driving. Also the "final velocity" of snus is higher IMHO. :lol:



    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      A second hand Ford? Maybe he's talking about Camel snus. :lol:


      • alex
        • Jul 2007
        • 226

        Maybe he didn't know the right way to bake a loose and it fell apart on him like a Ford. Maybe we should feel sorry for the guy :lol:


        • Braindead
          New Member
          • Aug 2007
          • 6

          Well, completely wrong imho. I experienced several times regular medium-strong smokers, to whom I overed a portion, feeling dizzy within a minute. And that was just standard General and Grov and not a highpower Snus like Skruf Stark or N&J.

          And, as chainsnuser pointed out, the range and final velocity of snus are definitely higher. Maybe cigarettes are like a Ferrari from 1960 while snus is a Ford from 2050. I'd take the Ford!

          ...and right now I'll visit buysnus and will not spend less than 150 Euros.


          • littlesilverboxfromwales
            • Mar 2007
            • 118

            I'd rather a VW myself, a good TDi at that 8) quick and does lots to the gallon


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