Stopped smoking,still smoking

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  • Elephant Man
    • Aug 2009
    • 41

    Stopped smoking,still smoking

    So I'm officially off the cigs and using only snus now.The decision to stop smoking was 50% health/50% financial.Since the financial aspect is obviously taken care of,it leaves me with the health (lungs) concern.See, I still smoke 2-3 "tobacco-free" cigarettes :wink: a day (shared between me and one other person.Will my lung health still improve,or will the continued use of this other substance cause prolonged harm at least to the point of ending up with COPD,emphysema,cancer?
  • MojoQuestor
    • Sep 2009
    • 2344

    Stopping the cigarettes may very well be enough, but I can tell you this: If you will allow yourself an extended period of time with no smoke at all in your lungs, you might be amazed at how much better you feel. By the way, and apropos of nothing, aren't brownies delicious?


    • Snusophile
      • May 2008
      • 531

      Re: Stopped smoking,still smoking

      Originally posted by Elephant Man
      So I'm officially off the cigs and using only snus now.The decision to stop smoking was 50% health/50% financial.Since the financial aspect is obviously taken care of,it leaves me with the health (lungs) concern.See, I still smoke 2-3 "tobacco-free" cigarettes :wink: a day (shared between me and one other person.Will my lung health still improve,or will the continued use of this other substance cause prolonged harm at least to the point of ending up with COPD,emphysema,cancer?
      Smoke is smoke. Nothing changes, as it still deposits tar into your lungs and it's not filtered. I love how people (not you) like to claim that their marijuana habit won't harm them. "It's heeerbal man, it's not bad for you like cigarettes." Those people need to get a grip and realize that they're smoking something that was probably raised in the woods, or in somebody's basement, possibly sprayed with Raid, containing all kinds of shit. Now I'm not saying tobacco is any different in the way it's raised, but just remember that smoke is smoke. Smoke harms your lungs. Doesn't matter what it is, it can give you COPD (same as emphysema, just a nicer term), and surely cancer can also occur. Why not do what sage does and vape your weed? Or eat it? :lol:


      • Asquar
        • Mar 2008
        • 256

        I have nothing against smoke or smoking. People should have the right to smoke whatever they want, and our society would be a much more spiritually enlightened and peaceful place if the various psychotropic plants were given the respect they deserve, rather than being disparaged by the fearful and ignorant and exploited as tools for paranoid propaganda.

        Having said this, I haven't smoked since August. I made the decision to give up tobacco cigarettes entirely for the sole reason that as long as I continued to smoke, the craving for smoke never entirely went away, and thus I would find myself looking forward to the occasional "reward" of a cigarette despite the fact that the snus was adequately providing for my nicotine needs.

        But after a few weeks of not smoking, this slight urge went away completely, and my world is no longer divided into smoking and smoke-free zones. I don't and never have worried about the health risks associated with smoking, not because I don't believe that they're real, but because health and longevity isn't something I'm given to worry about. I just prefer to be completely free of the hassle of being a smoker in an anti-smoking society. It makes my life easier, and helps difuse the very profound resentments I have against the insane anti-tobacco (and anti-marijuana) moral crusaders.


        • Ulsterman



          • snupy
            • Apr 2009
            • 575

            So much of this is genetic, as tendency to lung cancer is in the genes. As far as emphysema, eat lots of sweet potatoes and carrots. There is a chemical in smoke, benzo(a)pyrene, that strips the body of vitamin A, which is linked to emphesyma. Sweet potatoes and carrots will replenish it.

            What keeps me off cigs is the oxygen depletion in the blood. Smoking deposits certain gases in the blood and those gases displace or lessen the amount of oxygen the blood can carry. I work out every day, lifting weights every other day and speed walking a local mountain (the ascent is 1/3 of the trail and a 45 degree angle up) on alternate days. It's much, much harder to do either of these (or any type of physical activity, including sex) when the blood can"t carry the max level of oxygen due to smoking.

            In the case of weed, bake and eat instead of smoking it.


            • Redbeard
              • Sep 2009
              • 390

              Now, this is just anecdotal evidence, so take it with a grain of salt. I smoked bud for 6 or 7 years before I ever started smoking cigarettes. Never during that time did I notice the same detrimental health effects as I did smoking cigarettes. Obviously, I coughed up a lot of phlegm the day after a party (usually smoked blunts at parties), but nothing like smoking cigs. I think this is because if you solely smoke bud, you usually won't have the same volume of smoke going into your lungs as smoking cigs. So, yes, smoking anything is bad for you, but, if you're otherwise relatively healthy, I don't think smoking pot is going to kill you.

              On a somewhat related note, I haven't smoked any pot in over 3 months, and I've been completely smoke free for just over 2.


              • MojoQuestor
                • Sep 2009
                • 2344

                I'm suspicious of what goes in prefab cigarettes--also most papers. Smoking anything's probably not great for the lungs. At the very least, a layoff period and then, possibly, an occasional use of something natural might be better than smoking prefabs. An herbal vaporizer is a great idea. Cooking is a delight all its own.

                Even with vaping, smoking, or baking and eating, how does one know what's been sprayed on those leaves and/or flowers? Ultimately a small, private garden, or a trusted source, is the only way to be sure.

                The best advice is probably abstinence; failing that, practicing moderation.


                • Hawky
                  New Member
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 9

                  Re: Stopped smoking,still smoking

                  Originally posted by Snusophile
                  I love how people (not you) like to claim that their marijuana habit won't harm them. "It's heeerbal man, it's not bad for you like cigarettes." .......... Why not do what sage does and vape your weed? Or eat it?
                  I would have to disagree (partially), ofcourse any smoke will harm your lungs, but weed is less harmfull than tobacco is. Besides that, what does 'vape your weed' mean?


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Means using a vaporizer to vaporize the weed. You still get the THC, but no smoke. especially popular in the medical marijuana movement. actually don' do t any more as I just don't like the high it produces.


                    BTW, welcome to Snuson,, I just answered your questions on your other post


                    • Hawky
                      New Member
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 9

                      Screw that, i'll just smoke weed. And if i quit smoking i'll just have to use a pipe

                      thanks for the welcome


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        what I do here Hawky :wink:

                        But Ii agree. But happy at least gave it a try, discovered what I did, and more importantly, did not like about it.


                        • Elephant Man
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 41

                          Originally posted by sagedil
                          Means using a vaporizer to vaporize the weed. You still get the THC, but no smoke. especially popular in the medical marijuana movement. actually don' do t any more as I just don't like the high it produces.


                          BTW, welcome to Snuson,, I just answered your questions on your other post
                          My only concern with vaping is the studies showing you get VERY little nicotine from e-cigs,even the strong juices.Makes me wonder how much THC gets absorbed by vaporizing it.That said,vaping Chinese mystery nic-liquid,and vaping some natural bud are totally different I'm sure.


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Trust me, you get plenty of THC, reason I was interested. But for me, at least, the high is too one dimensional. there are other things in pot besides THC that contribute to the high. Vaping just doesn't get all of them.

                            For those that are interested in learning more, I posted the best vaping forum info.


                            • Hawky
                              New Member
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 9

                              if you don't want to 'smoke' weed, then smoke it in a pipe.

                              If that doesnt work, try and make any food with weed-butter.

                              With this, you can make cake, brownies, whatever you like, without having to smoke. It just takes about 1.5/2 hours to kick in.

                              Check it out here:
                              or here:


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