A friend of mine used Rick Simpson's Oil a couple of times, he was happy with it. I don't know why he stopped using it though... Dentist in Long Beach | Dentist Milpitas
Many smokers today desperately want to quit what others often consider to be a foul, disgusting habit only to find that they miserably fail each and every time they try. There is a great many quit smoking programs and products currently available including the program Quit Smoking Right Now. The promise of being able to permanently quit smoking in the comfort of their own home without the use of gums, patches, or drugs plus avoiding the problems of weight gain and nicotine cravings can often entice smokers to try specific programs. It is the intention of this article to look at the Quit Smoking Right Now program to see if it may be of use to many of the addicted smokers who really want to quit but who may have failed in the past.
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Trust me, you get plenty of THC, reason I was interested. But for me, at least, the high is too one dimensional. there are other things in pot besides THC that contribute to the high. Vaping just doesn't get all of them.
For those that are interested in learning more, I posted the best vaping forum info.
That's what I have noticed about vaping. While the vaporization of marijuana will release a moderate amount of THC, it fails to release cannabinol, a moderately psychoactive component of marijuana that causes feelings of silliness and amusement. THC makes me feel spaced out and confused. I prefer indica strains because they make me feel happy and joyful. When I smoke sativa strains, they make me depressed and anxious.
Here's some chemical facts about nicotine.
This article is from Bodybuilding.com, and is a very neutral source that not only talk about the negative...