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  • RRK
    • Sep 2009
    • 926


    After seeing a crazy headline on Google that said snus makes you fat I wondered what the exercise habits of snusers was.

    I just do some maintenance exercise consisting of 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer (about 2 miles) and 30 push ups. I do it in the mornings on week days and take weekends off.

    Anyone else?
  • fedora
    • Aug 2008
    • 251

    Link to story please!!!!

    I work out on exercise rings - quite fun and challenging.


    • RRK
      • Sep 2009
      • 926

      Originally posted by fedora
      Link to story please!!!!


      • Hawky
        New Member
        • Nov 2009
        • 9

        hmm, i'm already fat, and i only just tried snus (first time was 3 days ago).

        Also, that article says that heavy snus users have a higher blood pressure, even though i read somewhere else that it actually creates a lower blood pressure and prolonges your life if you've been a smoker. Does anyone have a valid source/opinion on the blood pressure thing?

        oh dear, only 2 days and 4 hours left


        • texasmade
          • Jan 2009
          • 4159

          But Margareta Norberg, one of the scientists behind the study, told The Local this did not mean that people should not use snus as a way of giving up smoking.

          "That is not the conclusion that we have drawn, because cigarette smoking is even less healthy than using snus."

          But, she said, "we should not consider snusing as a healthy habit."

          "People should consider not using tobacco at all."

          i like how they always try to throw that in there


          • eyephantom
            • Jul 2009
            • 333

            Heavy users were defined as people using the substance at least four times a week.

            I'm in the best health I've been in since I started smoking 7 or 8 years ago. I ride my bicycle > 10 miles/everyday, smoking would never allow for that. I can safely recommend the oden's classic- chocolate whey protein drink combination.


            • Hawky
              New Member
              • Nov 2009
              • 9

              Originally posted by eyephantom
              I ride my bicycle > 10 miles/everyday, smoking would never allow for that. I can safely recommend the oden's classic- chocolate whey protein drink combination.
              I would disagree on the 'smoking would never allow for that' part. I know smokers who cycle more than 14 miles a day :P


              • NorSnuser
                • Sep 2009
                • 153

                Originally posted by RRK
                Originally posted by fedora
                Link to story please!!!!
                This isn't the worst anti-tobacco article or study I've seen, but it's awfully close.

                The article in The Local was very poorly written and has outright mistakes. I wonder if they even read the original study or just wanted to publish an anti-tobacco piece.

                I accessed the original study from The Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2006 and wasn't surprised to find a poorly executed, public survey type study showing that less than 4 cans a week (loose or portion wasn't defined) showed no statistical significance on all factors. In some cases 4 cans or less a week had better risks than previous smokers using no tobacco.

                They had to stretch to show a barely increased risk for more than 4 (up to 7) or more cans a week. And that only shows correlation, not causation. They did not control for diet and these were ten year follow-ups for older men and women. They did not account for increased metabolic syndrome incidence naturally occurring as one ages.

                I will give the link to the original article below, but I'm not sure most people can access it. My wife is in public health (and snuses ) so I can access most journal articles. She was appalled at the poor methodology of this study and basically said it "was a piece of unscientific garbage".



                • GoVegan
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 5603

                  Snus makes you fat!

                  Now I have a reason!


                  • Ulsterman



                    • thatguyjeff
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 103

                      On topic: I don't exercise

                      Off topic: So snus users happen to be more obese. Yet they provide no evidence that indicates snus is the cause.

                      I'm no researcher, but here's what I think. Folks who tend to lead healthy lifestyles are more likely to avoid tobacco use at all. Whereas someone who is not already leading a healthy lifestyle wouldn't have the same concerns.

                      The obese snus user was probably already obese when started, or well on their way. If anything, tobacco helps keep the weight off.

                      Super-models? They smoke like chimneys - and there's a reason for that.


                      • Ulsterman



                        • desirexe
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 1170

                          I will never gain weight from snus as long as I keep Thunder in rotation. That stuff wreaks havoc on my stomach!


                          • badlands
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 297

                            as long as you move more than you eat you'll never get fat. a couple of years after I got out of the army I jumped up to 248! but i freaked out and got down to 175 in like 4 months..not recommended.


                            • Ulsterman



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