What brands are soft on the gums?

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  • Kingfisher
    New Member
    • Nov 2009
    • 2

    What brands are soft on the gums?

    Hey eveyone! I am new here, and I would appreciate all of your advise.

    I have been using snus for about 12 years regulary, always ettan. My gums have recently become really sore after using for about two weeks on one side. This has never happened before.

    I would like to know if you guys know if ettan is "rougher" for the gums than other products? And if you know are other brands less irrritative? All opinions are highly respected. If you could suggest any brands that might be "softer" I would really appreciate the help.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Hiya, welcome to SnusOn :^)

    I'm not sure what to recommend. It's unusual that you'd start having problems after 12 years. Maybe try switching sides. Are you using lös or portions?


    • bakerbarber
      • Jun 2008
      • 1947


      Welcome aboard!

      Maybe try Roda Lacket or Prima Fint until your lip feels better. They are both very fine and smooth if you don't bake them too tight.


      • Kingfisher
        New Member
        • Nov 2009
        • 2

        Thanks guys!

        Ettan lös has been my snus of choice. I have been changing sides every month or so, and until recently i have not had any problems. I even saw a dentist because of my recent sores, but he did not see anything concerning.

        I've heard that prima fint could be a good option before, so thanks bakerbarber, I'll have to give it a try.

        My recent sores might just be random, but I just wanted to hear what others have to say on the subject.

        I'll keep you posted, looks like I'll be making a 100 mile trip to Sweden next week.


        • Gizmer
          • Jun 2009
          • 103

          I've read that people can get random "snus lesions" on their gums. I get them occasionally if I snus on one side too much. I just avoid that side until it heals, usually within a day or two. I wouldn't worry unless it got swollen or something.


          • tom502
            • Feb 2009
            • 8985

            I sometimes have aching gums, but I would not say "sore", and never had a lesion or anything like that. I think my "ache" is just from having a thing on my gums, and would be the same if it was a wad of paper.


            • LaZeR
              • Oct 2009
              • 3994

              Originally posted by tom502
              I sometimes have aching gums, but I would not say "sore", and never had a lesion or anything like that. I think my "ache" is just from having a thing on my gums, and would be the same if it was a wad of paper.
              I've noticed this now on two specific occasions (well 3 actually)

              -When first starting snus (lasted about 2 weeks)
              -When first starting the Extra Starks/Sterks or Revisiting after a lawl.
              -When placing a portion or los in a new position & for an extended period of time.

              For me it is like a "numbing" and uncomfortable but in no way painful effect on that particular area of the gum(s) and I am pretty certain in my case, it is related to the nicotine absorption process as opposed to the texture of the los or portion material.


              • pris
                • Mar 2025

                Not sure if this helps but I remember I found Ettan Portions rougher on my gums than General. Although I liked Ettan I didn't continue with it for this reason.


                • Owens187
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 1547


                  Offroad - Like sucking on coarse grit sandpaper

                  Odens - Like sucking on fine grit sandpaper

                  General Wintergreen - The softest there is

                  Anything else - Nice, Soft, Good To Go!


                  Is there really a difference?

                  Gov't Mandated Warning:

                  Just my 2 Cents.....


                  • Liandri
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 604

                    Bah! I've been using Ettan for just as long with no problem! Sounds to me like you've been pampered recently and are just wussing out. Take it like a man!


                    • skruf_mcgruff
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 267

                      Originally posted by Kingfisher
                      Thanks guys!

                      Ettan lös has been my snus of choice.

                      I'll keep you posted, looks like I'll be making a 100 mile trip to Sweden next week.
                      Are you from norway? With the name king fisher and 12 years of ettan lös, you might be the most bad ass man alive.


                      • thatguyjeff
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 103

                        Is it possible that in the last couple weeks you opened a tin that was on the dry side, past the date even?

                        I can really tell the difference on my gums between tins that have been open a while and fresh ones - and not just flavor-wise. They dry stuff is rougher.


                        • tom502
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 8985

                          I pitched an old dried out can yesterday, and I think I'm gonna fish it out when I get home, and try an experiment, and just soak it and see what a day does.


                          • justintempler
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 3090

                            Welcome Kingfisher,

                            Prima Fint is the finest out there. You don't sleep with your snus do you? Maybe more water during the day to neutralize the high pH of your snus. Ettan is around 8.5pH. If it gets to be a problem some Picanelli tobacco bits might hold you over until your gums recover.


                            • adm
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 240

                              For portions, I've found those big juicy Thunder ES Frosted to be super, super soft....


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