I've been using snus for about two or three months, I snus on and off, ordering a roll of my favorite (thunder frosted) and a few cans of new stuff to try, and dipping copenhagen between orders. I just received my latest order a week ago and have been snusing pretty regularly, but I seem to be having trouble sleeping. This is a new occurance and I think it may have something to do with the snus. Anyone else have these problems? Also has anyone ever fallen asleep with a portion in? I did once and ended up drooling tobacco juice all over my pillow.. Lol
Snus & Insomnia
I have insomnia but I always have. Like most longterm users I have fallen asleep with snus in, the worst thing that happened was a stained pillow case.
I actually put a portion in when I first wake up in the morning, hit the snooze button (snus button if you like puns) and go back to sleep. 10 minutes later I wake up fairly alert.
Originally posted by RobsanXI've taken naps on the couch with a portion in, and I always put a strong portion in about an hour before bed. I guess I'm the opposite, I'm afraid that if I don't have enough nic in my bloodstream it might keep me awake.
Originally posted by LaZeROriginally posted by RobsanXI've taken naps on the couch with a portion in, and I always put a strong portion in about an hour before bed. I guess I'm the opposite, I'm afraid that if I don't have enough nic in my bloodstream it might keep me awake.
small amount wakes up and large quiets down
Yeah too much nicotine tuckers me out... a little is a kick but too much plasters me....
I have issues with alcohol in that it messes my sleep up. Seems nicotine helps with this problem. Also, caffeine seems to help me when I use snus or snuff and I can use more caffeine than if I don't use nicotine. Nicotine I hear moderates caffeine's effect.
I wake up in the middle of the night and am up for an hour or so if I don't do some snuff. Before snuff, I'd wake up to throw some snus in halfway through the night.
When I dipped I'd go to bed with a small pinch in.
When I smoked I'd wake up once or twice a night to have a cigarette.
I'm bad with it, I always need nicotine to sleep but hate how the dreams seem to make me less rested if I snus in my sleep.
I used to always have a last cig before I went to bed, and now i have a last snus instead.....
I've been finding that it gives me superbly vivid dreams - which i really enjoy. So I've upped the late night snus to Extra Sterks, or strong Los....
Works for me. I do feel my heart kicking off as the nic hits, but no problems sleeping!
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Prismaster is a tool for molding loose snus or loose Swedish Chew into a snus/prilla without getting any snus on your fingers.
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18-02-19, 01:03 PM -
by bakerbarberI am trying to sleep again.
Sure the internet doesn't help. Does the snus?
I've fallen asleep with a snus enough times to know...-
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