Snus & Insomnia

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  • JaKe
    • Dec 2009
    • 80

    Snus & Insomnia

    I've been using snus for about two or three months, I snus on and off, ordering a roll of my favorite (thunder frosted) and a few cans of new stuff to try, and dipping copenhagen between orders. I just received my latest order a week ago and have been snusing pretty regularly, but I seem to be having trouble sleeping. This is a new occurance and I think it may have something to do with the snus. Anyone else have these problems? Also has anyone ever fallen asleep with a portion in? I did once and ended up drooling tobacco juice all over my pillow.. Lol
  • TheOneandOnly
    • Jun 2009
    • 616

    Maybe cut back on the Thunder a little, or try regular portions. You probably have enough nicotine coarsing through your veins to keep you awake for days.


      • Aug 2009
      • 528

      I have insomnia but I always have. Like most longterm users I have fallen asleep with snus in, the worst thing that happened was a stained pillow case.
      I actually put a portion in when I first wake up in the morning, hit the snooze button (snus button if you like puns) and go back to sleep. 10 minutes later I wake up fairly alert.


      • jtwh20
        • Nov 2009
        • 833

        you may want to take your last snus of the night an hour before bedtime. may help


        • JaKe
          • Dec 2009
          • 80

          I've found that a regular portion or even a weak but delicious discreet portion before bed helps me relax. I did a little research and the nicotine in strong snus like thunder can cause insomnia, but they're still my favorite.


          • MojoQuestor
            • Sep 2009
            • 2344

            My insomnia has been better since I cooled off on the nic some. In my case I think it has been caused by a combination of things.

            When I first started snusing I really went to town, but it was worth it to put the cigarette demon to bed. Now I can concentrate on putting me to bed.


            • Veganpunk
              • Jun 2009
              • 5381

              Welcome to SnusOn Jake. I usually use a mini, or a lower nic. snus when it's close for time to sleep.


              • RobsanX
                • Aug 2008
                • 2030

                I've taken naps on the couch with a portion in, and I always put a strong portion in about an hour before bed. I guess I'm the opposite, I'm afraid that if I don't have enough nic in my bloodstream it might keep me awake.


                • LaZeR
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3994

                  Originally posted by RobsanX
                  I've taken naps on the couch with a portion in, and I always put a strong portion in about an hour before bed. I guess I'm the opposite, I'm afraid that if I don't have enough nic in my bloodstream it might keep me awake.
                  Truthfully I'm wondering if we are looking at this from the wrong angle. Isn't it documented that Nicotine in small doses works like a stimulant whereas in larger doses works as a sedative?


                  • RobsanX
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 2030

                    Originally posted by LaZeR
                    Originally posted by RobsanX
                    I've taken naps on the couch with a portion in, and I always put a strong portion in about an hour before bed. I guess I'm the opposite, I'm afraid that if I don't have enough nic in my bloodstream it might keep me awake.
                    Truthfully I'm wondering if we are looking at this from the wrong angle. Isn't it documented that Nicotine in small doses works like a stimulant whereas in larger doses works as a sedative?
                    I think that physiologically it doesn't affect my sleep one way or the other. Psychologically speaking, I always had a cig right before bed, and I just substituted a strong portion to put my wandering mind at ease.


                    • bondzai
                      • Apr 2008
                      • 362

                      small amount wakes up and large quiets down

                      Yeah too much nicotine tuckers me out... a little is a kick but too much plasters me....

                      I have issues with alcohol in that it messes my sleep up. Seems nicotine helps with this problem. Also, caffeine seems to help me when I use snus or snuff and I can use more caffeine than if I don't use nicotine. Nicotine I hear moderates caffeine's effect.


                      • Monkey
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 3290

                        I wake up in the middle of the night and am up for an hour or so if I don't do some snuff. Before snuff, I'd wake up to throw some snus in halfway through the night.
                        When I dipped I'd go to bed with a small pinch in.
                        When I smoked I'd wake up once or twice a night to have a cigarette.
                        I'm bad with it, I always need nicotine to sleep but hate how the dreams seem to make me less rested if I snus in my sleep.


                        • adm
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 240

                          I used to always have a last cig before I went to bed, and now i have a last snus instead.....

                          I've been finding that it gives me superbly vivid dreams - which i really enjoy. So I've upped the late night snus to Extra Sterks, or strong Los....

                          Works for me. I do feel my heart kicking off as the nic hits, but no problems sleeping!


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