Does anyone else get considerably less sick after switching to SNUS?

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  • simplesmoke
    • Jan 2011
    • 75

    Does anyone else get considerably less sick after switching to SNUS?

    I quit fully from smoking I believe 8-9 years ago. I used to post more often when I was making my transition and have never gone back to cigarettes. Definitely addicted to SNUS now, but I don't mind that so much other then the cost.

    My question to those that are SNUS only users, do you notice yourself getting Colds/Sinus infections, upper respiratory infections much less often? Maybe it is just from me smoking before but I would get a cold/sinus infection at least 2 times a year when I was a smoker. Usually fall and usually winter into spring.

    Been thinking about it lately due to the covid19 virus talk since everything in life in the USA seems to revolve around it now.

    As soon as I started SNUS I have gotten a cold/sinus infection (can never tell the difference) maybe 4 times that lasted less then 3 days in the 8-9 years I have been on snus. I have had at least 3 years where I never got anything like what I describe. I NEVER get a sore throat either now when I do get a cold/sinus infection, I had sore throats every time I had a cold (the 1st 24-36 hours) out of the 4-5 days of it and always hated it for probably 20 years before I started snus. I am ALWAYS using snus though, I feel like it must make it inhospitable or something for bacteria/viruses the nicotine, the tobacco, I have no idea.

    I know being a smoker makes you more likely to get sick, but to be fair I have the same recollection of being sick every year at least 1 or 2 times (usually between seasons) with the same sore throat when I was a kid many years before I started smoking.

    Has anyone else had this experience or feel like there is some extra benefit from using snus when it comes to your sinus/upper respiratory system when using snus?
  • SnusOn.Com
    Super Moderators
    • Jun 2018
    • 427

    Originally posted by simplesmoke View Post
    My question to those that are SNUS only users, do you notice yourself getting Colds/Sinus infections, upper respiratory infections much less often?
    Yes, and many members in the past have found the same. I also find if I do get anything if doesn't last very long either. I would attribute it to the snus adjusting the pH in your mouth and throat and most cold viruses starting at the back of the throat. Definitely a hidden advantage of snus use ;-)

    Not really sure how Coronavirus works and so I'm afraid I couldn't really comment on that.


    • simplesmoke
      • Jan 2011
      • 75

      Originally posted by SnusOn.Com View Post

      Yes, and many members in the past have found the same. I also find if I do get anything if doesn't last very long either. I would attribute it to the snus adjusting the pH in your mouth and throat and most cold viruses starting at the back of the throat. Definitely a hidden advantage of snus use ;-)

      Not really sure how Coronavirus works and so I'm afraid I couldn't really comment on that.
      Thanks, had a feeling there would be others confirming my suspicion. Over the first few years I figured it was just a fluke, and eventually I thought it must have just been being a smoker made me more susceptible to things. (Which I am sure there is some truth to that) But having my own experiences with this over 9 years makes me feel like there is definitely a correlation.

      As for adjusting the pH in your mouth and throat, that sounds plausible. I am no scientist, but if bacteria and viruses evolve to exist and prosper in certain environments and snus changes the pH just enough to disrupt their cycle with many of them, that could explain the benefit.

      Coronavirus talk made me finally post this because one person I was talking to yesterday (who is much more technical then I am) spoke about the long drawn out process and how it eventually kills those with less then top shape immune systems. I am only going based on what he said, but basically the first 9 or so days you have it, its basically setting up shop in your head and all the dripping down your throat and into your respiratory system and into your stomach and out your urinary track. (Reason many can have digestive issues during this) Eventually it builds and grows to the point in the lung area that some can get pneumonia. He said the key during this phase is getting the crap out, flushing your nasal cavities, blowing your nose, expectorants to spit that junk out as much as possible.

      That got me to thinking if snus would give any of us an edge for this virus. If the whole road to our lungs and digestive system is really inhospitable due to constant snus use, maybe it would help take out more of the virus and disrupt the cycle?


      • simplesmoke
        • Jan 2011
        • 75


        If snus does alter PH enough in your throat/mouth/sinuses possibly maybe it might help keeping it from setting up shop so to speak.

        That drug the claim it is effective seems to revolve around something to do with PH and certain cells? Either way when I saw it and saw the tie to PH I thought of this discussion.


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