I meant to bring this up the other day. I was eating pizza with a portion of Tre. I chewed it up right along with the pizza. I didn't notice it at first because of all the Italian seasoning and oregano and such, even after I swallowed it. I always touch my portions with my tongue to get a little "refill" of flavor. Lo and behold, it was gone!
My heartburn told me where it went.
Cool story no?
Great! A new warning label for Northerner.... Swallowing A snus may cause heartburn
I thought you were SUPPOSED to swallow them...hence the "no spit" tobacco. Maybe this is why I've been on the toilet the past 2 months. Man I've been changing my whole diet and EVERYTHING.
Yeah. You see? That right there may be the problem you've been having!
Used to dip every day, switch to snus 3 years ago, still dip every few months, and on monday I got my usual Skoal apple in peach along with Copenhagen...