Exercise & Performance. Marathon!

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Exercise & Performance. Marathon!

    I have snus to thank.

    When I was a smoker, I totally gave up any aerobic activity or distance running. As of early November 09, I've been running 4 miles a day. I'm preparing for a 26 mile run in March, and without snus to help me quit smoking, none of this would be possible.
  • RedMacGregor
    • Dec 2009
    • 554

    the wife and i were training for a marathon a couple years ago.. i'm a pretty big guy, 5'10" 240lbs (not all fat, i can dl over 400 and squat about the same) but i haven't been much of a runner.

    i got up to 5 miles, admittedly on a treadmill, but at the magical hour mark, i completely shut down mentally. it was like my brain decided "ok, you've been running for an hour now, that's quite enough" kinda dumb, dad got sick about that time, and i never pushed thru that hour mark.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Originally posted by RedMacGregor
      the wife and i were training for a marathon a couple years ago.. i'm a pretty big guy, 5'10" 240lbs (not all fat, i can dl over 400 and squat about the same) but i haven't been much of a runner.

      i got up to 5 miles, admittedly on a treadmill, but at the magical hour mark, i completely shut down mentally. it was like my brain decided "ok, you've been running for an hour now, that's quite enough" kinda dumb, dad got sick about that time, and i never pushed thru that hour mark.
      Just get your speed up to 26mph, and you can run in the marathon with Chad :^P


      • Liandri
        • Jul 2009
        • 604

        Good for you.

        Thats all, really.



        • thatguyjeff
          • Jun 2008
          • 103

          I ran the Twin Cities marathon back in 2005. I would like to run in it again.

          And when I do, I fully intend to stop just before the finish line to light up so I cross the finish line with a lit cig in my mouth.

          But hey, that's just me. Good for you with the running and marathon aspirations and all that. I've heard anecdotally that less than one-hundreth of one percent (.0001 or .01%) of the worlds population has finished a marathon. It's an exclusive club!


          • truthwolf1
            • Oct 2008
            • 2696

            Be careful.

            I am having a flashback of a 7th grade health teacher talking about a guy who quit smoking in his thirties and then started jogging/working out extremely only to end up dropping dead of a heart attack.

            Now my cloudy memory also recalls that he had written some books and had a following of former smoking joggers who were also getting heart attacks after going from a sedentary lifestyle to heavy exercise too quickly.


            • ashiyaa
              New Member
              • Feb 2010
              • 1

              How much exercise should my 10 year old dachshund get a day? I don't want to wear him out with to much exercise, but i don't want him to get fat either. If i take him on a walk, do you think a mile is to long or just right?
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              • Snusmun
                • Feb 2010
                • 359

                Originally posted by truthwolf1
                Be careful.

                I am having a flashback of a 7th grade health teacher talking about a guy who quit smoking in his thirties and then started jogging/working out extremely only to end up dropping dead of a heart attack.

                Now my cloudy memory also recalls that he had written some books and had a following of former smoking joggers who were also getting heart attacks after going from a sedentary lifestyle to heavy exercise too quickly.
                I think there's some truth in this so I would recommend drinking about a bottle of red wine every night so as to keep the blood flowing. Baby aspirin and nattokinase are also good :wink:

                I'm not a vet, but one mile with a 10 year old daschund sounds just about right....I would not be concerned unless it takes longer than one hour after for them to recuperate and stop panting to cool down.

                So how is the training coming Chad?


                • cletus66
                  New Member
                  • Feb 2010
                  • 4

                  Re: Exercise & Performance. Marathon!

                  Originally posted by chadizzy1
                  I have snus to thank.

                  When I was a smoker, I totally gave up any aerobic activity or distance running. As of early November 09, I've been running 4 miles a day. I'm preparing for a 26 mile run in March, and without snus to help me quit smoking, none of this would be possible.
                  Chaz --- great to hear. I've been running while smoking a pack of Marlboros a day and now that I've switched to snus I can't believe what a difference it has made.

                  The uphill sections on my daily run that used to leave me breathless are laughable they're so easy and I'm also contemplating a half marathon sometime next year.

                  Keep it up!


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Welcome to Snuson cletus66,

                    So how long have you been using snus now??


                    • cletus66
                      New Member
                      • Feb 2010
                      • 4

                      Originally posted by sagedil
                      Welcome to Snuson cletus66,

                      So how long have you been using snus now??
                      Hi Sagedil,

                      This is my second week and I can't believe the results. I've stopped smoking at work completely (Tre Ankare minis are my workplace snus) and I'm quickly losing the strangehold cigarettes once had on me.


                      • snusjus
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 2674

                        I've been running four miles daily for the past few weeks. When I smoked, my endurance slowly declined until I could barely run ten minutes! Since quitting the cigarette habit, running is much more enjoyable. Since I quit drinking alcohol, I have a lot more motivation to run daily; hangovers and exercise don't mix.


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