Good job... I was way to tired and partied a bit last night so I was to lazy to sign up on that site to reply and knew if I didnt post it on here I would forget about it.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I absolutely love going through Yahoo Answers to read all the ignorant and uneducated answers. The post about snus and marijuana is another fine example of what you'd typically find on the site.
Inaccurate? This guy has absolutely no clue what snus even is. How is there any tar intake with snus? How are there chemicals in snus, other than the ones indicated on the can, which are known to be harmless? And mouth cancer, yeah, sure. All the Swedes have it, right? Except they don't.
If a fairy came along and granted me three wishes, my first wish would be for the ability to slap people across the internet, you know, reaching through the screen and *SLAP*.
I too posted some comments on there. Sounds like Mathew is a college kid who likes to smoke pot so he wrote a paper on it. Like most college kids that age they feel the need to act as if they know it all, especially when it comes to pot and the truth is he knows nothing about either topic.
I would really like to read this paper he wrote on Marijuana. I bet its a great read. LOL.
Can your baby get pregnant if you have sex while pregnant?
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Only if the baby is female. But you have to be careful about the time that the impregnantation of your baby occurs, because if your baby gets pregnant during first three months you are pregnant then the baby of your baby will be born before your baby, because there is so called "double-womb effect", and this can get complicated, but according to some researches if you get your baby pregnant during the 21.week, your baby will have its baby during the one hour after your baby is born, and this is a wonderful experience