Will USA Camel snus harm me

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  • LaZeR
    • Oct 2009
    • 3994

    Re: Will USA Camel snus harm me

    Originally posted by MCWP
    Hey everyone. Im 18 years old and i do not have a credit card to order snus online. Ive tried real snus a few times and love it but now all i can do is go to the gas station and buy camel. I know everyone hates it but i do enjoy the Mellow with my black coffees. Is this stuff just as bad as dipping? Is it pasturized like real snus, and are there serious risks to using this product? Thanks for any info
    Dunno about the health risk association although as mentioned the USA Camel is sweet as hell so I could see teeth rottage expedited.

    Do you have any local tobacco shops? General brands should be available there to see if you like it of course at a higher price (retail) than available online.


    • MCWP
      • Jan 2010
      • 58

      Yes i can see exesive use leading to tooth decay.. but I do take care of my teeth by brushing and flossing very well, twice a day.


      • Veganpunk
        • Jun 2009
        • 5381

        Welcome to SnusOn MCWP. I like the avatar.


        • LaZeR
          • Oct 2009
          • 3994

          Originally posted by MCWP
          Yes i can see exesive use leading to tooth decay.. but I do take care of my teeth by brushing and flossing very well, twice a day.
          Well then you might be okay with the Camel but I would still suggest you try some -real- swedish snus someday. :wink:


          • Liandri
            • Jul 2009
            • 604

            You sound like you're excited about getting addicted to tobacco. I'll be blunt, brutal and honest in saying you're extremely stupid for being excited about that. I wish I could go back in time when I was 18 so I can kick my own ass for ever getting addicted. But its you're body, you can do what you want. You probably feel as if you're a headstrong adult that knows the ways of the world. So be it and godspeed.

            So best advise for any situation: Don't proceed towards tobacco addiction.

            Advice you MIGHT listen to: Get yourself a credit or debit card, you're a big boy now.

            Same health risks with the camel snus as there is with swedish snus. Just its a little sweeter. But if you like the sweetness you can wait out for Discreet brand snus which is same sweetness with assorted different flavors. Maybe in the future those will be sold at local retailers but I'm definately not one to comment on that, for I know not of the brands long term goals.

            I'm not trying to sound like an ass (however I am rather good at it, by my choice or accidental) But I really want you to weigh the risks, the money and the hassle of tobacco addiction. The problem many of the users here is that... Most of us are not young anymore! They can't make the good or bad choices that you can still make.


            • Veganpunk
              • Jun 2009
              • 5381

              Listen to him sonny, back in my day we didn't have this snoose. :wink:


              • Damicom3
                • Jan 2010
                • 65

                First off welcome MCWP! People here are great and they really mean well when they tell you not to get addicted. It shows they care and I'm glad to be among such great people, tbh I"m also still really new to this forum.

                I'm 21 and Around 5 years ago I was in the same boat as you and smoked cigarettes with my friends due to thinking it was cool. My tobacco usage led me to snus and here eventually. It sounds to me like you have already decided whether or not to delve further into tobacco so I will leave you to it.

                You should get a debit card asap, I did around 17 I think and it just makes life easier. You will save money on snus if you buy swedish snus as opposed to camel so thats another incentive to get a debit card.


                • LaZeR
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3994

                  Originally posted by Liandri
                  You sound like you're excited about getting addicted to tobacco. I'll be blunt, brutal and honest in saying you're extremely stupid for being excited about that. I wish I could go back in time when I was 18 so I can kick my own ass for ever getting addicted. But its you're body, you can do what you want. You probably feel as if you're a headstrong adult that knows the ways of the world. So be it and godspeed.

                  So best advise for any situation: Don't proceed towards tobacco addiction.

                  Advice you MIGHT listen to: Get yourself a credit or debit card, you're a big boy now.

                  Same health risks with the camel snus as there is with swedish snus. Just its a little sweeter. But if you like the sweetness you can wait out for Discreet brand snus which is same sweetness with assorted different flavors. Maybe in the future those will be sold at local retailers but I'm definately not one to comment on that, for I know not of the brands long term goals.

                  I'm not trying to sound like an ass (however I am rather good at it, by my choice or accidental) But I really want you to weigh the risks, the money and the hassle of tobacco addiction. The problem many of the users here is that... Most of us are not young anymore! They can't make the good or bad choices that you can still make.
                  You have a good point.


                  • MCWP
                    • Jan 2010
                    • 58

                    Thanks for showing concerns, but I don't really want to stop. And no im not excited about becoming addicted, but yes i am aware that casual use can/will turn into addiction. Im enjoying life and discovering new tobaccos and new ways of taking tobacco. Just be happy its not cigarette smoking im getting into Call me stupid, i dont care!


                    • GoVegan
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 5603

                      Originally posted by Liandri
                      You sound like you're excited about getting addicted to tobacco. I'll be blunt, brutal and honest in saying you're extremely stupid for being excited about that. I wish I could go back in time when I was 18 so I can kick my own ass for ever getting addicted. But its you're body, you can do what you want. You probably feel as if you're a headstrong adult that knows the ways of the world. So be it and godspeed.

                      So best advise for any situation: Don't proceed towards tobacco addiction.

                      Advice you MIGHT listen to: Get yourself a credit or debit card, you're a big boy now.

                      Same health risks with the camel snus as there is with swedish snus. Just its a little sweeter. But if you like the sweetness you can wait out for Discreet brand snus which is same sweetness with assorted different flavors. Maybe in the future those will be sold at local retailers but I'm definately not one to comment on that, for I know not of the brands long term goals.

                      I'm not trying to sound like an ass (however I am rather good at it, by my choice or accidental) But I really want you to weigh the risks, the money and the hassle of tobacco addiction. The problem many of the users here is that... Most of us are not young anymore! They can't make the good or bad choices that you can still make.
                      Well said!


                      • LaZeR
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 3994

                        Originally posted by MCWP
                        Thanks for showing concerns, but I don't really want to stop. And no im not excited about becoming addicted, but yes i am aware that casual use can/will turn into addiction. Im enjoying life and discovering new tobaccos and new ways of taking tobacco. Just be happy its not cigarette smoking im getting into Call me stupid, i dont care!
                        Personally I won't call you stupid. Hell, we've all been there and done it at some point. It is just hard encouraging someone so young into one of the most addictive products (tobacco) that exist.


                        • CultLeaderLettuce
                          • Nov 2009
                          • 97

                          The thing is, a lot of us remember when we first started using tobacco (usually in the form of dip or cigs... personally I was dipping in my early teens, but stopped when I got braces, never went back, wasn't addicted... didn't get addicted until I was 20, and can remember the whole "hmm, if I have a cig here and there, I'll be okay), and we just want to help others keep from doing the same thing we did.

                          Personally, if you do enjoy tobacco (and man, I did enjoy it before I actually became addicted), at least you're staying away from the dirty needles of the tobacco world, cigarettes. Give the US Camel a try, it's not too bad. It's not the best, but since you're not hooked (or as hooked) as the rest of us, it might actually do the job for you and be the best thing for you. If you do decide that you'd like to give something stronger a try, by all means do so. You know the risks, and honestly I'd rather you stick with something like snus anyway.

                          Also, as has been stated in this thread, nice avatar!


                          • Paul
                            • Dec 2009
                            • 364

                            When i started smoking, i'd wish that i knew snus~.
                            Only discovered it when i was trying to quit, and i've tried everything (patches, gums, nicobloc, carbon filters, zyban, champix, acupuncture ,you name it)
                            And now i stopped smoking in one day, and by using snus i feel good about enjoying tobacco.

                            If you are smart, you'll stop all tobacco usage, if you're not (like me), well just stick to swedish snus, and the ocasional cig or pipe


                            • WickedKitchen
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 2528

                              The way that I see it it's the least harmful form of tobacco save nasal snuff. It's probably less detrimental to you than over eating too. I have that problem and I feel better putting a snus in my mouth than another slice of cake, or some cookies, or pie, or whatever the hell I find.

                              everything will kill you eventually. Though I agree that not getting addicted is the way to go given the option of clear thinking (somehow I missed out on that when it came to cigs) I think snus is the best thing you'll find.

                              good luck.


                              • BardicDruid
                                • Aug 2009
                                • 72

                                If your that obsessed with getting "the buzz", sounds like you have an addictive personality. Not to worry there are plenty of 12 Step programs out there when you convince yourself that anything is alright. I know, I have 17 years clean and sober, keep going kid our doors are always open.


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