2 cavities, one hardly noticeable but still there (and its between the teeth- PEOPLE REMEMBER TO FLOSS), and my wisdom tooth has one. The recession on the tooth behind my left canine looks a lot better now that I'm off that side. Dentist still complains about my tobacco use but otherwise look fine. He doesn't care what kind but he understands regardless. Slight staining on my now much more used right side.
I chewed gum all day yesterday and didn't even use snus to bring any inflammation down, but he still flat out pointed at where I was using it, good dentist knows all, lol. And when I got out a 20oz of coffee with creamer, splenda and a hint of cinnamon and some Grovsnus Los. ooooooo it was nice.
I chewed gum all day yesterday and didn't even use snus to bring any inflammation down, but he still flat out pointed at where I was using it, good dentist knows all, lol. And when I got out a 20oz of coffee with creamer, splenda and a hint of cinnamon and some Grovsnus Los. ooooooo it was nice.