Snus & Exercise

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  • Anti
    • Dec 2007
    • 140

    Snus & Exercise

    On the topic of snus and health, are there any athletic snus users here?

    I workout about 3-4 days a week with weights, and cardio 6 days a week. I snus about one or twice a day throughout the week and it gets all kinds of negative comments from friends and family.

    The basic complaint is something like, "why do you spend so much time exercising, just to cut your life short with that poison?" Yet, they drink alcohol and a few partake in smoking out (weed).

    I was just curious if anyone else here exercises, and if you've noticed any negative effects on your ability to exercise or comments you've heard from friends/family?
  • darkwing
    • Oct 2007
    • 415

    I run 10-12 kilometers every day and often start out with a portion in. It has no effect at all, it seems, although I notice it starts to juice faster and I end up spitting it out after 20 minutes or so. BTW, I find that people who say you are endangering yourself with snus are quite brainwashed and assume all tobacco is mortally dangerous. I also find they do not listen to any attempts at explanation of snus.


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      I find nicotine to be like caffeine - gives me a boost more than anything, and a bit more staying power when doing any sort of physical exercise/work. I suppose, also like coffee, it can be hard on your heart, but so long as you are in shape, eat well, etc, I don't see a problem. I would think that high saturated fat intake and high salt intake would be a bad combination with nicotine if you were out of shape but tried to push yourself too hard, for example. If your resting blood pressure is good, though, and you are otherwise healthy, I can't really see any terrible issues. I'm not an expert, mind you, so take that for what it's worth.


      • Tutu
        New Member
        • Dec 2007
        • 6

        Go to Sweden / Norway, and you'll find that ALOT of soccer players do use snus. However, it does limit your athletic possibilities, but unless you're going for olympic medal in maraton, dont worry


        • The Wolf
          • Oct 2007
          • 132

          Originally posted by Tutu
          However, it does limit your athletic possibilities
          **** that. For me it's the other way around. :wink: I'm not much of an athete anymore but when I run or just play football (again, the real thing :wink for fun I sometimes keep a pris in while doing the exercise and everytime when I'm done, the first thing is getting a pris.


          • Tutu
            New Member
            • Dec 2007
            • 6

            When you put a snus under your lip, your pulse and bloodpressure rises, wich makes it harder to perform your maximum, but thats pretty much it when it comes to athletes and snus, so I dont really care about it. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week, but I'm not gonna stop using snus because of health issues currently known.. For me, the only reason I would stop is economical, since I'm 18 now and will be a student in half a year, but I guess I should be able to afford snus anyway :P


            • 1wilco
              New Member
              • Dec 2007
              • 7

              When I used to dip the nicotine did make an effect on my long term endurance. If I had a pinch before a run I had to start breathing harder earlier. I could still make the same distance, but it was just a little harder.


              • Blashi
                New Member
                • Apr 2008
                • 3

                I think that is bad idea : high pressure when we are efforting + nicotine that causes an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and respiration .Overflow to our heart .


                • Shrewd
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 118

                  I guess I'm the odd-man-out. I don't exercise in the traditional sense, but I do work on my basement (or other peoples home projects) nearly every weekend. If I have a snus in (especially with a strong snus) I get a little light headed when doing the work. I also have a bit of trouble with my stomach, and I sweat a lot more. I'm guessing that is all related to my blood pressure probably being a little high. So, typically if I'm going to be working for an extended period of time I generally will stick to minis (the only time I use them anymore). I suspect if you're already prone to high blood pressure, probably some common sense is in order when doing a work out.


                  • Dead Rabbit
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 315

                    I use snus as my motivator to get me through cardio, which I do 4 times a week. I always make sure not to snus within a hour or two of my run. As for lifting weights, (5 times a week) I don't really care if I spit out a priss and then pump iron.

                    I play competitive softball, fun league softball and up until last year adult fast pitch baseball about 4 to 6 times a week (I have a cool wife). For those in Europe, baseball/softball is bar none the most snus friendly sport in the world. Its in the sport's culture to use smokeless tobacco. After pounding a gator aid, nothing is better then popping in a big priss and swinging the bat.

                    I know its kind of dorky to get into softball so much, and even though I play with and against those types who take it way too serious, for me time stops when I'm on the field. Its almost Zen like for me. I spent two hours in the cages today. The entire universe was a stupid little ball that I concentrate on nothing but hitting as hard as I can. I grunt either like a mad man or a female tennis star....I like to think mad man. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


                    • MelangeMan
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 139

                      I can't wait until someone makes a comment about my snus with a big fat cheeseburger, or beer in their hand. I'll just look at them and wait patiently until they figure it out.

                      But the jokes on me. Now I want a cheeseburger.


                      • TropicalBob
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 316

                        I used to cover major league baseball spring training in Florida and I'd sit in the dugout with the players. Omigod! There would be a virtual wading pool of spit under our feet. Next to me were the highest paid athletes in America, all of them chewing tobacco that is far more potent than even the strongest snus. Chew. Spit. Chew. Cheer. Spit.

                        They'd get up, walk to the batter's box and swat a 90mph fastball 400 feet over the center field fence. Trot around the bases. Return to the dugout. And spit.

                        Many still do, despite baseball trying to break itself of this habit.


                        • Dead Rabbit
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 315

                          Originally posted by TropicalBob
                          I used to cover major league baseball spring training in Florida and I'd sit in the dugout with the players. Omigod! There would be a virtual wading pool of spit under our feet. Next to me were the highest paid athletes in America, all of them chewing tobacco that is far more potent than even the strongest snus. Chew. Spit. Chew. Cheer. Spit.

                          They'd get up, walk to the batter's box and swat a 90mph fastball 400 feet over the center field fence. Trot around the bases. Return to the dugout. And spit.

                          Many still do, despite baseball trying to break itself of this habit.
                          Wow....that would be my dream job!!!!!!!!! Other then playing , of course. Did you get paid? That is realy, really really cool.

                          About 10 years ago, MLB seemed really to be campaigning against the smokeless tobacco legacy in baseball. Ever since steroids, they seemed to back off of it and you don't hear much about it (bigger fish to fry?). It seems like players are dipping more then ever now, particularly the Latinos.

                          I was at the Tiger game yesterday and its so nice to sit there with two portions of Lucky in and not miss a thing due having to march to the smoking area as a slave to Marlboro lights. Now if only the supposed best offensive in baseball, maybe even ever, could win a game. Just one fricking game.


                          • Dead Rabbit
                            • Mar 2008
                            • 315

                            Message to MelangeMan

                            "Who the hell wants to be 90 anyway?"

                            An 89 year old?

                            I like your poem....its kind how i feel.


                            • TropicalBob
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 316

                              Yep, got paid. I've been a newspaper writer/editor all my life and spent 21 years with the St. Petersburg Times, during which I spent many pleasant hours at spring training games. These are a lot looser for the press, understand. I'm not sure a journalist could sit with players during the regular season. But I did during the spring games.

                              Other duty I enjoyed was chasing hurricanes that hit Florida. The outdoors editor and I would throw our gear in a car and take off. Many a wild memory from those trips! I'd wash my reels of film in motel toilet tanks by flushing the john over and over.

                              OT and I'll stop now.


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