So, I was going to go to the dentist a couple months ago, made the appt and everything but chickened out. NOW - I am forced to go, I have a filling that is loose and my tooth is starting to hurt. <--not related to swedish snus, I use that on the other side 90% of the time. I'm gonna quit snus for a week before the appt, it's gonna take a ton of will-power, nasal snuff and some old Firebreak gum to survive. I'm nervous as hell as I've used snus for 2 years, there's gotta be some damage only visible to a dentist. I'm sure I'll get all embarrassed, turn red and tell him I use snus, a type of oral tobacco and then realize he thinks I am referring to Cope!!! Sorry, I know many of you guys can't understand my stressing out. This is truly a woman thing...I'm begging of someone to tell me to shut up and to tell me that I am doing the right thing here. Just the thought of the dentist chair is causing sweaty palms and faster heart rate. Ughh...thee worst day of my life is approaching!!
Prep for dentist
I wouldn't worry about it. What's his opinion to you? In the end, he's gonna do his job, and you're gonna leave. I wouldn't even quit for a week. Brush your teeth, then don't use any snus on the way to the dentist. That's all I do, and that's to keep tobacco bits out of my teeth so they don't have to deal with it.
Originally posted by lxskllrI wouldn't worry about it. What's his opinion to you? In the end, he's gonna do his job, and you're gonna leave. I wouldn't even quit for a week. Brush your teeth, then don't use any snus on the way to the dentist. That's all I do, and that's to keep tobacco bits out of my teeth so they don't have to deal with it.ops:
Re: Prep for dentist
I've been snusing for over two years and I snus right up to the dentist appointment. I use los and portions. My dentist said my gums looked excellent. I wouldn't worry about it. You don't have to tell him you use oral tobacco.
If he does see anything say you drink a lot of soda pop. :wink:
If you have a lot of anxiety going to the dentist (which is a common problem) then you should consider getting a benzodiazepine to help keep you calm. Take the tranquilizer as soon as you get to the dentist, or about a half hour before if you're not driving. Either get your regular doctor to give you a few pills after you explain the problem, or call the dentist and tell him the problem and get him to prescribe it. The only issue might be that you should have someone drive you home.
Re: Prep for dentist
Originally posted by NorSnuserI've been snusing for over two years and I snus right up to the dentist appointment. I use los and portions. My dentist said my gums looked excellent. I wouldn't worry about it. You don't have to tell him you use oral tobacco.
If he does see anything say you drink a lot of soda pop. :wink:
If you have a lot of anxiety going to the dentist (which is a common problem) then you should consider getting a benzodiazepine to help keep you calm. Take the tranquilizer as soon as you get to the dentist, or about a half hour before if you're not driving. Either get your regular doctor to give you a few pills after you explain the problem, or call the dentist and tell him the problem and get him to prescribe it. The only issue might be that you should have someone drive you home.
And yeah, soda is horrible. I think the majority of my fillings are thanks to my 3-4 a day mtn dew habit I had when I was a teen. Nowadays it is just diet soda which I just read wreaks havoc on your kidneys! I just can't win! ARRGGHHH!!!
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