Snus Brand pH Levels

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  • pris
    • Mar 2025

    Snus Brand pH Levels

    Just wondered if anyone knew of a site which lists the different pH levels of the snus brands? Haven't come up with much from Googling myself.

    Just following a train of thought whereby high pH levels are more damaging to the gums so curious to see how the different brands compare.

    I'm not certain all stark snus has high pH levels as I recall reading somewhere else that some companies increase nicotine release by using higher grade tobacco in their snus mix.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I'm coming up short myself. The only company I know of that /claimed/ to use different portions of leaf, is Skruf. I'm a little dubious of that claim tbh, and even if true, I'm guessing there's still ph manipulation going on.


    • pris
      • Mar 2025

      Oh no! I hope Skruf aren't telling porkie pies! They always said their stark was stronger because they used whole tobacco leaf rather than stem. Not sure what they do with their Xtra Stark....Man that really wipes the floor with me


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Your best bet may be to test it yourself. Try mixing a portion with distilled water, and then use litmus paper to test the water. That should give an idea of where the ph stands. Even if you don't get exact numbers that way, you can compare regular snus with starks to see how much they vary.


        • pris
          • Mar 2025

          Good plan LX


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            Swedish Match

            Portion: 8.8

            Los: 8.3


            Portions: 8.3

            Los: 7.95


            • pris
              • Mar 2025

              Thanks snujus.

              Is that a blanket level regardless of whether standard or stark? Also you wouldn't know the levels for Skruf would you?


              • timholian
                • Apr 2010
                • 1448

                I have litmus paper and thought about doing a lil'blog sharing my results but I have a feeling that it wouldn't be a great average since the Texas heat has to take some kind of toll since my packages may sit in the heat for as long as 5-8 hours. (I count it being on the mail truck as the same as mail box.) I may still do it for my own info though.


                • snusjus
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 2674

                  I'm really not sure. All I know is the standard pH level for all the SM brands. I wouldn't be surprised if their strong snus (Nick & Johnny, GES) have a similar pH level, since they hit extremely hard. Skruf won't release their pH or nicotine levels for the Stark and Xtra Stark brands. From my own experience, Skruf probably has a lower pH level than Swedish Match products. I would guess the level is near 8.3.


                  • snusjus
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 2674

                    I forgot to add: Catch Dry and Probe Whiskey have a lower pH level in the 7.5 range.


                    • pris
                      • Mar 2025

                      @ Snusjus - Thanks for the info. I must admit to me Skruf Stark burns less than GES.

                      @ Timholian - Now that would be a good project. Would be very interested to see the results.


                      • Zanaspus
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 153

                        If you're serious about doing the test, I'd strongly recommend going to an aquarium store and procuring a high range pH test kit. Waaaaay more accurate, reliable, and precise than paper.


                        • snusjus
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 2674

                          I don't know why Skruf won't release the nicotine or pH levels for the Sterk and Xtra Sterk varieties. Perhaps they're afraid to be targeted by the Kalla Fakta TV show like Swedish Match?


                          • NonServiam
                            • May 2010
                            • 736

                            Originally posted by snusjus View Post
                            I don't know why Skruf won't release the nicotine or pH levels for the Sterk and Xtra Sterk varieties. Perhaps they're afraid to be targeted by the Kalla Fakta TV show like Swedish Match?
                            I've had a thought on that as well. I haven't researched PH levels extensively, but they do say their stark los is 10 mg/g nicotine. They won't however release the content of their Xtra Stark. I think it's a marketing reason. If they let the competition know just how high they have set the bar, then the competition has a goal to exceed so they can then claim the "strongest snus" title. With Oden's being like 17 mg/g, I would think that Xtra Stark is about 20 mg/g. But once again, the PH is the delivery system. You can have a .45 caliber bullet, but if it isn't loaded to the correct pressures then a 9 mm would be more powerful.


                            • pris
                              • Mar 2025

                              Originally posted by snusjus View Post
                              I don't know why Skruf won't release the nicotine or pH levels for the Sterk and Xtra Sterk varieties. Perhaps they're afraid to be targeted by the Kalla Fakta TV show like Swedish Match?
                              I'm beginning to wonder whether Skruf Xtra Stark has a higher pH than Skruf Stark as to me it burns more, or maybe that's just the higher nicotine content....


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