Depression – How Organic Nicotine Can Help

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  • muddyfunkstar
    • Aug 2010
    • 967

    I quit smoking 5 years ago (cold turkey, no substitutes) and I've been on anti-depressants for two years. Can't say for sure if the depression was nicotine related because in that 5 years I also suffered a lot of major personal upheaval (2 redundancies, my wife had 3 miscarriages, housing/landlord problems, etc, etc) which were all contributing factors.

    What I can say for sure is that since I started getting nicotine in my system again in the form of snus, it's improved and stabilised my mood and well-being better than any anti-depressant I've been on. If I can get through this winter without any depressive spells, I'm pretty confident I can come off the meds.

    So, yeah, go nicotine!


    • snusgetter
      • May 2010
      • 10903

      Originally posted by muddyfunkstar View Post
      I quit smoking 5 years ago (cold turkey, no substitutes) and I've been on anti-depressants for two years. Can't say for sure if the depression was nicotine related because in that 5 years I also suffered a lot of major personal upheaval (2 redundancies, my wife had 3 miscarriages, housing/landlord problems, etc, etc) which were all contributing factors.

      What I
      can say for sure is that since I started getting nicotine in my system again in the form of snus, it's improved and stabilised my mood and well-being better than any anti-depressant I've been on. If I can get through this winter without any depressive spells, I'm pretty confident I can come off the meds.

      So, yeah, go nicotine!

      Hell, man, looks like you've gone through enough shit already.

      Time for a breather.

      Keep the snus handy and the best to you.

      Hopefully you won't need a shirt like this


      • muddyfunkstar
        • Aug 2010
        • 967

        Funnily enough, I have a turkey sandwich for my lunch. I'll resist the urge to blaze it up

        Things are good at the moment, I have a supportive wife, a beautiful daughter, and work is going great. Best I've been in a long time


        • snusgetter
          • May 2010
          • 10903

          Originally posted by muddyfunkstar View Post
          Funnily enough, I have a turkey sandwich for my lunch. I'll resist the urge to blaze it up

          Things are good at the moment, I have a supportive wife, a beautiful daughter, and work is going great. Best I've been in a long time



          • precious007
            Banned Users
            • Sep 2010
            • 5885

            Without any nicotine, I am much more depressed, upset, and anxious.
            You'll feel that way only for a few weeks/months.

            Once you're completely clean then you can enjoy life again.

            It's normal to experience anxiety and depression since it's all part of the withdrawal from nicotine. (but that won't last for ever)


            • Mykislt
              • Sep 2010
              • 677

              I've been using snus for anxiety, that's how it all began for me.


              • snusgetter
                • May 2010
                • 10903

                Originally posted by PipenSnus View Post
                Did anyone stop to think that there may be a very good reason why native North Americans consider tobacco to be a sacred plant?

                Because it's a cash crop?


                • jagmanss
                  • Jul 2010
                  • 12213

                  Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                  You'll feel that way only for a few weeks/months.

                  Once you're completely clean then you can enjoy life again.

                  It's normal to experience anxiety and depression since it's all part of the withdrawal from nicotine. (but that won't last for ever)
                  Wanna bet... It all depends on the person, I quit smoking and Nicotine for a year until I caved and went back and felt better right away. I was depressed up untill then for the whole year and now have snus and snuff instead of the smokes..


                  • truthwolf1
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 2696

                    Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                    5 months without nicotine I was still terribly lethargic and grumpy. I hated it.

                    I do believe that on nicotine I'm the same as I would have been if I had never taken nicotine - but since I've been addicted for years I think my chemistry is changed for good therefore I now need nicotine to function normally.
                    I was pretty lethargic for a year while even using Snus. Smoke breaks made me walk somewhere/outside to light up all day long while snus just made me sit down. Gained 10-15 pounds like nothing but have lost most of it in the second year.

                    My in-betweens from nicotine could go as high as 4-5 hours with no problem nowdays. With a hangover I might barely just use one a day and be okay. Should be pretty easy to quit nicotine when the time comes but not anytime soon. lol


                    • Jwalker
                      • May 2010
                      • 1067

                      I know when I used half a can of grizz a day I started feeling way better but only if I got it just right, otherwise I'd feel like I'd overdone it like the whole 1/3 of a can of cope xlc natty in for 15 minutes before I puked a little. I also didn't gain any weight even though I ate like crap.


                      • ratcheer
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 621

                        I lost about 10 lbs when I started on snus, but I think I have gained most of it back.



                        • xrt
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 374

                          Any way to get nicotine out of my body faster? At this point I must wait 5 (!) hours to get buzzed again from smokeless tobacco.


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