4/5 years 1-2 packs a day...smoke free almost 2 years
Post your experiance here if snus helped you to quit smoking
This is a sticky topic.
It helped me. Nicotine gum, patches, and all the want-to in the world didn't get me off cigarettes. It was roughly two packs a day for 22 years, then rollies for another year and a half--then not long after I started Swedish snus, it was a few cigs a day, and now it is none. I've had a few here and there, and I still have some tobacco left, but I have noticed how even a little smoke can affect my voice. My vocal instrument is challenged enough when it's in tip-top condition; I don't need the phlegm and loss of range and breath control and etc. Plus the idea of COPD is not attractive to me.
I did have a cigar today. A year ago, that would have sent me running to the cigs. Today, well, it was nice, and I enjoyed it, but I was happy to get back to the snus. Snus rocks. Check that; snus ROCKS.
Originally posted by NinakaeQUIT smoking after 4 days of snusing. It's a miracle 2 me. Tried everything b4 but would have cravings. Snus is awesome and i wish i could get everyone who smokes 2 quit using snus but not everyone is open 2 it or doesn't give it a chance
Snussing definitely helped. I had been smoking for 20 years and work in a heavily smoke filled environment (onboard a ship) when i came home from Haiti in late january i was tired of hearing the boss lady complain that I was going to shuffle off to buffalo(die) because of it. We were watching 60 minutes and she said " check it out maybe this would work." I quit the next day by going and finding some Marlboro snuss at the local 7-11.
Here I am enjoying a skruf stark at 1224 on a saturday not regretting to quit and not just happy about not reaking like a bum on pension night but also enjoying the overall savings from my new habit.
By the way no weight gain and now my 5k time has come under 30 minutes.