Post your experiance here if snus helped you to quit smoking

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  • SnusoMatic
    • Jun 2009
    • 507

    Originally posted by precious007 View Post
    No you didn't :P

    You were an addict :P

    There's nothing fancy to like in cigarettes they taste so horrible.
    No. I really liked to smoke. If smoking was not bad for my health i would smoke now. They tasted great to me. My favorite brand was camel non-filters.


    • Fury
      • Nov 2009
      • 205

      I replied to this thread on 05-30-2010 and my answer was yes, 2 packs a day for 18 years. It's been 2 years since I have stopped smoking cigs. I do smoke 2-3 cigars a week though, but that has nothing to do with being addicted. To me cigarettes = heroin/crack addicts, cigars = wine connoisseur. But thats just my opinion.


      • Mdisch
        • Jul 2011
        • 805

        I haven't had a cigarette since.... Yesterday - but that's just 'cause I went to some crappy town and partied and yeah it happens.. But up until yesterday it was no cig for a week and no bad desire for one!
        Cigarettes have started making me feel sort of disgusting by now :P


        • myuserid
          • Jun 2010
          • 1645

          Haven't had a smoke in over a year. Last one was in June 2010.


          • DriverFound
            • Dec 2008
            • 21

            It's been 4 days so far, and so good!


            • -Tom-
              • Sep 2011
              • 15

              Have been smoking for 15 or 16 years. Came to Sweden 6 weeks ago and tobacco is awefull here and way to expensive. Never liked 'normal' cigarettes, allways rolled them myself.
              And then I found out about snus. Hadn't heard of it before. So bought one can and I liked it. So bought some more snus and didn't bought tobacco. I'm only visiting a town once a month or so, so I have no choice now. Can't roll any cigs, but have lots of snus instead. And so far (7 days now) I don't have any problems at all with quitting smoking.


              • Mdisch
                • Jul 2011
                • 805

                Originally posted by -Tom-
                Have been smoking for 15 or 16 years. Came to Sweden 6 weeks ago and tobacco is awefull here and way to expensive. Never liked 'normal' cigarettes, allways rolled them myself.
                And then I found out about snus. Hadn't heard of it before. So bought one can and I liked it. So bought some more snus and didn't bought tobacco. I'm only visiting a town once a month or so, so I have no choice now. Can't roll any cigs, but have lots of snus instead. And so far (7 days now) I don't have any problems at all with quitting smoking.
                Congratulations, and best of luck!
                I think a lot of here that are new to snusing also came from cigarettes.
                I'm currently on what must be my 2nd month of not smoking. Tho I had only been smoking for 3 years.
                So where did you move from?


                • Hydroxine
                  New Member
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 8

                  Smokefree since April and not going back!


                  • 6pieceperal
                    • Jan 2012
                    • 49

                    one long week today smoke free. smoked for almost 30 years. screw cigarettes


                    • shag1952
                      • Aug 2010
                      • 83

                      yup, finally. It took almost a year but the snus took over, it's been 6 weeks and no smoking! My wife was able to quit too, she did it cold turkey...........


                      • Frohling
                        New Member
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 5

                        Been smoking for 40 years. Thanks to snus I have been smokeless for almost 3 years.


                        • mkerker
                          New Member
                          • Jan 2012
                          • 3

                          Smoked for 42 years. Quit with the help of snus in one week. Been smoke free for 13 weeks now.


                          • Fazer
                            • May 2011
                            • 663

                            Smoked for about 24 years, ish. Completely smoke free for around 6 years now. I was using NRT and i was still in withdrawal, i was an irrational, moody, intolerable prick using NRT, like dealing with a pregnant woman. I had a snus, 10 minutes later i was back to normal, the rest is history ...thanks Sweden!!


                            • Mayhart
                              • Feb 2012
                              • 66

                              Moving to Sweden made me stop smoking :P .. Unlimited Snus! Yay. Once i moved back to my homecountry i started smoking again, but decided to say Yuck Fou to EU and import my snus from outside Europe and now im smoke free again.


                              • squeezyjohn
                                • Jan 2008
                                • 2497

                                Yes - snus stopped me from smoking.

                                Tried it in Sep 07 in Norway - imported some from BuySnus in Nov 07 and within a month was down to one to three cigarettes a day. Gave up properly at the beginning of 08 and haven't looked back since 4 years later.

                                Sure - I have had the odd cigarette - but the thing with converting to snus is that it just doesn't matter - the nicotine levels with snus are so much higher that even if you have the odd one it doesn't give you that "ahhhhhhh!" factor to the cigarette.

                                I have probably smoked 20 cigarettes since 2008 as opposed to 20 a day for 4 years.

                                That is a good thing!

                                Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


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