Helped me kick a 2 pack a day habit.
Post your experiance here if snus helped you to quit smoking
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Thanks Rick ! You're right. been trying different snus and flavors are more pronounced. What's great about snus are the many varieties that are out there to try. Also, unlike smoking where you usually stick to one brand or type, with snus you can create a rotation of different brands and flavors. Variety is good!
Yup, knocked my smoking on the head.
If NRT was the only other alternative I'd still be smoking now.
Can't believe I missed this post, so here's a shout-out especially to the females who want to quit and may be checking the site out. Snus is not disgusting, it's discreet, tastes good, much cheaper than smoking, and WORKS!
Now to the nitty gritty...I quit May 6, 2009 and haven't looked back after spending 30+ years attached to 2 packs of cigs a day. So did I already mention, it WORKS!?I tried all the "normal" methods without any luck...snus made quitting painless, which was a great thing. And on top of it, I didn't gain weight like so many others do when they quit, and I figure that must be because you have that little snus packet in your mouth so you're not as tempted to snack your brains out.
Was a really bad chain-smoker for 12 years. I tried everything to quit... patches, gum, hypnotherapy, Allen Carr's "EasyWay". But nothing made a dent in my smoking habit, until I discovered my little Swedish friend. With Snus, I was able to dramatically cut down and eventually quit smoking entirely with none of the aggro that usually goes with quitting smoking. Hooray for Snus!