I recently have switched from cigarettes to Snus and I feel great, well not completely I still have a cig in the morning. I'm planning this morning to be the last. I was just curious how much nicatine is in one Non light cig. I've read that generally mini snus has 4 gms large has 8 so what's the cig to snus ratio? Is one cig equal to one mini? Etc. By the way I've been loving this forum, I know I'm not alone. Happy snussing!
Nicatine in cigs vs snus
According to one study, a portion of snus (8mg nicotine) delivers roughly the same amount of nicotine as a standard cigarette. I would recommend keeping portions in for 30 minutes and put a fresh one in immediately after... all day. This will give you the maximum blood level of nicotine, since blood nicotine levels peak 30 minutes.
I just did a google on this question "how much nicotine in a marlboro cigarette" I found sources from .07 > 4 mgs in each fag. The second question is, how many puffs do you inhales while you're smoking the fag? Also, does it change with how deeply you inhale, i guess so ? too many variables in this question. As an 8mg snus can be in the mouth from 30mins > 60mins i would say it could be as high as two fags per snus?
After i typed the above i did a search on "how much nicotine in cigarette mg"
One answer that jumped out was this ... American cigarettes contain about 9 mg of nicotine, but because much of the nicotine is burned off, a smoker gets about 1 mg of nicotine in every cigarette... WOW - Is that 8 fags per 8mg snus ?
Good question and it's one i've asked myself but, like i say, too many variables. I do know one thing, when i started on the snus i'd come from 20/30 fags a day and, i got the head spins back for a couple weeks so, it could be very high as it's a constant drip feed all day with me
Originally posted by Fazer View Post
WOW - Is that 8 fags per 8mg snus ?
Originally posted by snusjus View PostMost "full flavor" cigarettes deliver 1.2mg to 1.6mg of nicotine per stick, so the amount of nicotine one absorbs from snus and cigarettes is roughly the same.
Originally posted by Darwin View PostWhich is why, I surmise, that so many end up needing strong or very strong portions to overcome cig cravings because the habituation aspects of smoking can be as important, and sometimes even more so, as the nicotine delivery. Your mileage may vary of course, one person's mini is another person's sterk, but whatever the heck it takes says I.
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