Have had receding gums for a while, nothing needing action though. Been using snus since last November. Went to the dentist yesterday and I now need to see a periodontist for some reconstruction. Dentist said it is just normal progression, I'm 55. I happen to believe that snus hastened it though, I have recession everywhere but the gums by the molars are most needy, that is where I have been using the snus.
Bummed because I am 99% off cigarettes because of snus. Now, I am trying to decide to still use it or go back to smoking, I know I can't quit nicotine, tried too many times.
Bummed because I am 99% off cigarettes because of snus. Now, I am trying to decide to still use it or go back to smoking, I know I can't quit nicotine, tried too many times.