Coffee/Mouth Cancer

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  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696

    Coffee/Mouth Cancer

    Not sure if this topic from last June was posted anywhere.

    Lots of Coffee Lowers Oral Cancer Risk
    5 Daily Cups of Coffee Cut Mouth/Throat Cancer Risk
    By Daniel J. DeNoon
    WebMD Health NewsReviewed by Laura J. Martin, MDJune 22, 2010 -- Drinking lots of coffee probably isn't entirely good for you, but it does lower your risk of mouth and throat cancer.

    That's probably not what University of Milan researchers Carlotta Galeone, ScD, PhD, and colleagues thought they'd find when they analyzed nine studies comparing 5,139 people with head and neck cancer to 9,028 people without cancer.

    But the numbers came out this way: People who drink more than four cups of coffee each day have 39% lower odds of getting mouth or throat cancer, compared to people who don't drink coffee. The protection was seen for oral and pharyngeal cancer, but not for cancer of the larynx.

    Drinking less than five cups of coffee a day had a smaller but statistically significant protective effect: about 4% lower odds of mouth and throat cancer for each cup drunk daily.

    Was it the caffeine? Probably not. Though there weren't enough data on decaf drinkers to draw conclusions, drinking tea -- even massive quantities -- was not protective.

    Galeone and colleagues note that coffee contains more than a thousand chemicals. Some, such as cafestol and kahweol, have anti-cancer properties. But whether these substances actually protect against cancer in humans is a question for future studies.

    Most head and neck cancers are linked to alcohol consumption and to smoking. Interestingly, the protective effect of coffee was not diminished in drinkers and smokers. Nor was the effect boosted by consumption of fruits and vegetables, also shown to protect against head and neck cancers.
  • victoryredchevy
    • Jan 2008
    • 303

    Awesome! Coffee is a beautiful thing.


    • bill77.017
      • Jul 2010
      • 2279

      I drink a lot of coffee. Good to know.


      • snusjus
        • Jun 2008
        • 2674

        Interesting find. I have heard that coffee contains high levels of nitrosamines, but the chemicals with anti-cancer properties probably undo the harmful effects.


        • bipolarbear1968
          • Mar 2010
          • 1074

          No too change the subject, but isn't tea good for you as well?

          I used to drink coffee all day when I smoked analogs. Since I quit and started using snuff, I drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning and it's hot tea the rest of the time. The type of tea I'm referring to is straight up black.


          • victoryredchevy
            • Jan 2008
            • 303

            Originally posted by bipolarbear1968 View Post
            No too change the subject, but isn't tea good for you as well?

            I used to drink coffee all day when I smoked analogs. Since I quit and started using snuff, I drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning and it's hot tea the rest of the time. The type of tea I'm referring to is straight up black.
            I've heard that green tea contains something that is cancer combating. Not sure about black. Heck, I've never even tried black tea.


            • bipolarbear1968
              • Mar 2010
              • 1074

              Originally posted by victoryredchevy View Post
              I've heard that green tea contains something that is cancer combating. Not sure about black. Heck, I've never even tried black tea.
              I've heard the same thing. Supposedly an anti-oxidant called epigallocatechin gallate.

              Too bad I find the green tea a bit funky in the taste department.

              Thanks for your feedback, victoryredchevy.


              • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                • Dec 2008
                • 2781

                Damn, I used to drink a ton of coffee, but have since switched to only tea. Black in the morning and Genmaicha (or whatever that green tea with roasted rice is) at lunch. I cut back from drinking coffee all day and night to just a cup in morning first, so I don't think I'll go back to 5 cups a day for reducing mouth cancer risk. Interesting though, thanks for posting it!


                • WickedKitchen
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 2528

                  There was a time that I drank so much coffee...I guess I protected myself against the smoking. Now I have 2 each day (but they're 16oz) so I think I'm covered. I've begun drinking tea in the mornings rather than decaf.


                  • LaZeR
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 3994

                    Good to know. I chain drink coffee all day at work even to the point I get bitched at by my girlfriend. Can't wait to show her that study.


                    • f. bandersnatch
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 725

                      That is very interesting. I read a study recently that showed that middle eastern men from a group studied had a higher risk of developing throat cancer due to their practice of drinking hot black tea. The conclusion actually held that it had little to do with the tea, and more to do with the piping-hot state of the liquid they were pouring down their gullets. Now this study comes along and throws my whole world into turmoil. I think it just goes to show you that science is not an exact science.


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