Anyone ever think about quitting?

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  • TropicalBob
    • Feb 2008
    • 316

    Caffeine and nicotine are like kissing cousins. Although not related, they do essentially the same thing when the blood takes them to the brain. Alert, relaxed, fine feeling.

    Sugar also kicks out some of the same chemicals nicotine does. That's one reason hard candy works for those quitting.

    Hell, snus won't kill you. If you like it, do it. The stress of quitting takes a nasty swipe at longevity! And that's rule one to live long: Avoid stress.

    Now, where's my pipe and Energy Portion?


    • Anti
      • Dec 2007
      • 140

      I try and stop drinking Busch Light (or Beast Light) and start drinking better beer, but I seem to keep buying it. :lol:


      • ChemicalsLie
        • Feb 2008
        • 22

        Originally posted by Anti
        I try and stop drinking Busch Light (or Beast Light) and start drinking better beer, but I seem to keep buying it. :lol:
        around here, beast is Milwaukee's Best. Busch...doens't come around much. when you're in a fraternity, you become a cheap beer connoisseur.


        • STORM6490MT
          • Mar 2008
          • 138

          I use snus instead of smoking so I don't think I will quit. I don't want to fool myself into thinking that I can go nicotine free for several years without a relapse. Snus is my savior. After puking out blood into the snow after hiking, I knew it was going to kill me.


          • Anti
            • Dec 2007
            • 140

            Originally posted by ChemicalsLie
            Originally posted by Anti
            I try and stop drinking Busch Light (or Beast Light) and start drinking better beer, but I seem to keep buying it. :lol:
            around here, beast is Milwaukee's Best. Busch...doens't come around much. when you're in a fraternity, you become a cheap beer connoisseur.

            Yeah, that's what the "Beast" is here too. We have a Miller plant pretty close to the house, so finding the Beast isn't too hard. I usually have a cheap light beer or two during the week, and save the good stuff for the weekend.


            • wwbd2007
              New Member
              • Feb 2008
              • 4

              Nicotine as medicine

              Quite plainly I use nicotine as medicine. I have struggled with ADHD my whole life. I was tested in grade school and found not to have ADHD. However, as I grew into an adult my responsibilities grew. Three years ago I finally went to a shrink and explained my difficulties. After several tests it was determined that I had severe ADHD that was masked by a high IQ. I was started on meds and found life much easier. However, the meds had negative side effects which caused high blood pressure (140/100) and a high resting pulse (over 100). :shock: So I was forced to go off the medicine.

              After much research, I found that nicotine was just as successful at controlling ADHD symptoms as any prescription stimulant on the market. I had to find the safest way to use it. Swedish snus and hard snuff made by Star Scientific is by far the safest option. So my dilemma was not how to quit, but how to start relatively safely.

              I am happy to report that it works wonderfully with very little "side effects". Do I consider quitting? Yes. I will quit when I am out of school. (I currently work full time as an IT project manager, and go to university at night for an economics degree). Until I quit, I will enjoy my snus MUCH more than I ever did Ritalin.


              • TropicalBob
                • Feb 2008
                • 316

                Congratulations on your discovery. It's a valid one, as nicotine has many positive medicinal uses. Anyone who ever quit smoking for more than three days -- yet remained disturbed physically and mentally -- knows that nicotine stabilizes a person. (If you've quit, your body gets rid of all nicotine after 3 days. After that, it's habit, they say, and not addiction that results in "relapses".)

                But maybe it's also the pull of the benefits of nicotine. I know I'm a terror when I'm short of nicotine in my bloodstream. On my snus and other stuff, I'm a likable guy.

                Not long ago I read of NRT patches being tested on ADD kids! The nicotine replaces Ritalin, much as it did for you.

                Nicotine will slightly elevate your blood pressure and resting heart rate, by the way. I can kick mine up 20 points and about 10 beats per minute by popping a snus while in the doctor's office. But neither of those will kill you or put you on feeding tubes in a nursing home.

                Enjoy your newfound "medicine". For reference, I use snus, Stonewall dissolvable tablets, an e-smoking cigar and pipe with extra-high nicotine, and, rarely, Oliver Twist and nasal snuff, in addition to smoking four pipes a day. Keeps me mellow and happy.


                • snusafus
                  New Member
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2

                  ChemicalsLie, do you goto Pitt? Im a Jr. there and have been showing off my snus tins when im out, got quite a few people on the stuff


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