Diabetes drug may keep lung cancer at bay

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  • snusgetter
    • May 2010
    • 10903

    Diabetes drug may keep lung cancer at bay

    Metformin shows promise for helping smokers avoid deadly disease

    CHICAGO — The common diabetes drug metformin may hold promise as a way to keep smokers from developing lung cancer, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday.

    They said metformin prevented lung tumor growth in mice exposed to a cancer-causing agent found in tobacco smoke, and because it is already widely used in people, it may be worth further study.

    Metformin has been shown to switch on an enzyme that blocks mTOR — a protein that helps tobacco-induced lung tumors grow.

    A team led by Dr. Philip Dennis of the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, studied metformin in mice exposed to a potent, cancer-causing agent in tobacco called nicotine-derived nitrosamine ketone or NNK.

    They treated the mice with metformin either orally or with an injection. Mice that got the drug orally had 40 to 50 percent fewer tumors, while those injected with the drug had 72 percent fewer tumors.

    Tests in smokers may be next

    The findings were so strong the team now wants to test it in smokers to see if it can keep then from developing tumors.

    "Although smoking cessation is the most important step for current smokers, over half of lung cancer cases are diagnosed in former smokers, raising the importance of identifying those at highest risk and identifying effective preventive treatments," Dennis, whose findings were published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research, said in a statement.

    Other studies have shown that metformin can cut diabetics' risk of pancreatic and breast cancers, and the latest finding now suggests it may defend the body against smoking-induced lung tumors.

    "This important laboratory study, together with prior laboratory and epidemiology research, suggests that metformin may be useful in cancer prevention and treatment," said Dr. Michael Pollak of McGill University in Montreal, who wrote a review on metformin research in the same journal.

    The World Health Organization says tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death globally, killing more than 5 million people each year from heart disease, cancer and lung disease.

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 20 percent of U.S. adults smoke. Tobacco kills one-third to one-half of those who smoke.

    Gotta wonder if this would have any effect on ex-smokers who are now SNUS users!!
  • c.nash
    Banned Users
    • May 2010
    • 3511


    They are finding new shit everyday. Good shit, good shit.


    • rkh3
      • Nov 2009
      • 110

      I read an article a couple years ago that said that the number of deaths per 1,000 are the same for current v former smokers. My wife smoked for 12 years, quit 23 years ago, and was diagnosed with lung cancer three years ago, caught it very early.


      • PipenSnus
        • Apr 2010
        • 1038

        Guess I'm lucky, then. I've been taking metformin for years.


        • SnusoMatic
          • Jun 2009
          • 507

          i had stopped taking metformin and increased my insulin. after reading this i am going back to it at least until we find out how another batch or two of mice came out. i always wonder why they use mice to study how something will affect humans. ever see that human ear they grew on that rat? how strange


          • xbeejx
            New Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 3

            Metformin is great stuff.
            I take an antidepressant that made me put on a grotesque ammount of weight.
            It made me obsessed with food and sick with hunger.
            I dragged up some clinical studies about metformin helping people on atypicqal antipsychotics lose weight so he put me on it.
            It stopped me gaining but I didnt really lose any weight. But when I dropped the antidepressant back to a quarter dose I blasted off 10kg in the first month


            • GoVegan
              • Oct 2009
              • 5603

              Originally posted by rkh3 View Post
              I read an article a couple years ago that said that the number of deaths per 1,000 are the same for current v former smokers. My wife smoked for 12 years, quit 23 years ago, and was diagnosed with lung cancer three years ago, caught it very early.
              I had a close family member die from lung cancer after he quit smoking for over 14 years. Unfortunately, I don't think there is really a length of time where you can be considered safe. I just think that your odds of not getting lung cancer marginally increase with each year you don't smoke but you never reach the point where you don't really have to worry about it.


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