Jesus Christ! Help!!!
I just scanned down the comments here and the key words that popped out were:
Low nicotine snus...... what the ****??? over!
chinese tobacco vaporizers?? what the ****??? over?
To hell with PMorris and their industry of death. If they wanted to make money instead of destroying the reputation of snus in America to their loyal cigarette junkies, they would just purchase the distribution rights of snus in America and not label their own brand.
You use vaporizers for marijuana if you are medical user. It prevents carcinogens from getting in your lungs. I have used one with weed and tobacco and it sure as hell wasn't pleasant with the tobacco.
Swedish match just needs to nut up and recruit business savvy individuals on this forum that are located here in America to distribute their products. Spend some cash at the races to promote the product. You know, the typical start up stuff. Only problem is, American Corporations like PM will lobby against snus in order to protect their endangered business.
bla bla bla rant rave bitch bla bla
I just scanned down the comments here and the key words that popped out were:
Low nicotine snus...... what the ****??? over!
chinese tobacco vaporizers?? what the ****??? over?
To hell with PMorris and their industry of death. If they wanted to make money instead of destroying the reputation of snus in America to their loyal cigarette junkies, they would just purchase the distribution rights of snus in America and not label their own brand.
You use vaporizers for marijuana if you are medical user. It prevents carcinogens from getting in your lungs. I have used one with weed and tobacco and it sure as hell wasn't pleasant with the tobacco.
Swedish match just needs to nut up and recruit business savvy individuals on this forum that are located here in America to distribute their products. Spend some cash at the races to promote the product. You know, the typical start up stuff. Only problem is, American Corporations like PM will lobby against snus in order to protect their endangered business.
bla bla bla rant rave bitch bla bla
