Feel better since using snus?

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  • victoryredchevy
    • Jan 2008
    • 303

    Feel better since using snus?

    There have got to be more like me when it comes to this. Weather you're a former smoker or dipper/chewer, don't you feel better physically and much clearer mentally since starting to use snus? I dipped American snuff for about 4 and a half years before comitting to snus for good. I remember, now, how awful I'd feel after every dip I took. I remember wanting to quit, but not wanting to give it up and being addicted always overriding my wanting to put it down. I remember the leukoplakia ridges running along each side of my mouth and the sore gums and recession and random cuts and legions and dry wrinkled patches in my mouth. I also remember the hazy cloud my body and brain was in while using snuff and feeling physically and mentally tired because of the god awful contents I was absorbing into the bloodstream. Wow....have I come along way. Since using snus, I can't attribute any of that stuff to my tobacco habit anymore. I feel much, much better physically and mentally sharper. My mouth feels so much cleaner. Also, although snus is not harmless, my conscience is much more at ease about using tobacco and the paranoia of what I'm consuming has almost diappeared. I can pick up one of my buddies cans of dip now and get a whiff of it and I can smell the fermentation in it and it is literally sickening. That is a trully disgusting habit. Snus is an entirely different animal compared to that stuff and I'm so grateful that I can have it :P . Is there anyone else that can agree with this? Do you feel better physically and mentally now that you are a snuser?
  • DraculaViktor
    • Feb 2008
    • 66

    I can totally agree with you on that. I used to dip kodiak and skoal (and smoke cigarettes) and all the while i was doing it, I would always be nervous about the harm it could be doing, plus that bogged down haze like you described. After I spit it out, I would feel as if someone drugged me. In a way, someone did drug me. I remember a small hole on the lower inside of my lip, an ulcer, that was there. Since I stopped dipping American snuff, the whole is actually repaired. I never got leukoplakia, but the white ridges are sometimes from tensing your jaw and actually biting and irritating the lining, usually when you sleep. I have one in the back of the side of my mouth but it's from me grinding my teeth when I sleep, or accidentally clamping my teeth on the sides of my mouth. Get your hands on some sugar free green tea gum if you can. That is good for the mouth. Also, chewable licorice from a health food store. It's in a chewable pill form. DGL is what it is called specifically.


    • The Wolf
      • Oct 2007
      • 132

      Even though I didn't smoke/dip or anything before I found snus, I actually do feel physically (and mentally especially) better than before starting. My subconscious might just be telling me that snusing is good and sports are bad (I used to play football for 10 years), but then again - who cares. I feel good and alive.


      • Soft Morning, City!
        • Sep 2007
        • 772

        I've been using snus for six months now and I can definitely say that I feel better than when I was smoking. I can breathe better, walk up hills without getting completely winded, taste things better, smell things better, and now when I get sick the duration of the recovery period is essentially cut in half.

        I'm so glad that I found snus and quit smoking at my young age, before the cigarettes really had a chance to do any lasting damage. Without snus, I'd still be a two pack per day smoker.


        • steelsfx
          New Member
          • Mar 2008
          • 3

          I just found snus last weekend. After drinking until 5am and smoking two packs of Camel Lights Friday night, my body was hurting. I walked to the gas station with dread knowing full well I didn't actually want to buy another pack but didn't want to face the withdrawal again...then I saw the little fridge of Camel snus (I was in Columbus, OH). Talk about lucky. I've since found that Triumph is carried at gas stations in Dayton, where I live, and that it's a much better snus experience, although the Camel mini portions are kinda nice to satisfy the cravings.

          Since I bought the first tin, I've had two cigarettes and can breathe easier and feel so much better in general. As I have fire fighting training beginning in two weeks, it's a very good time to stop the cigs.


          • snoosiphant
            • Feb 2008
            • 175

            Originally posted by steelsfx
            I just found snus last weekend. After drinking until 5am and smoking two packs of Camel Lights Friday night, my body was hurting. I walked to the gas station with dread knowing full well I didn't actually want to buy another pack but didn't want to face the withdrawal again...then I saw the little fridge of Camel snus (I was in Columbus, OH). Talk about lucky. I've since found that Triumph is carried at gas stations in Dayton, where I live, and that it's a much better snus experience, although the Camel mini portions are kinda nice to satisfy the cravings.

            Since I bought the first tin, I've had two cigarettes and can breathe easier and feel so much better in general. As I have fire fighting training beginning in two weeks, it's a very good time to stop the cigs.
            Welcome to the forums! My first snus was triumph and its ok. a good stop gap until my first order of the bona fide came in last saturday. Try some skruf stark lös, it WILL satisify your nicotene cravings


            • steelsfx
              New Member
              • Mar 2008
              • 3

              Thanks for the welcome! I've asked around at several local tobacconists but can't find any that sell snus. I'm usually averse to buying things online if I can avoid it by buying local, both to avoid the problems with online purchases and to support my local economy.


              • snoosiphant
                • Feb 2008
                • 175

                Originally posted by steelsfx
                Thanks for the welcome! I've asked around at several local tobacconists but can't find any that sell snus. I'm usually averse to buying things online if I can avoid it by buying local, both to avoid the problems with online purchases and to support my local economy.
                I support my local economy when I can too and I have asked about snus at my local b&m a couple of times. They didnt take the hint

                Lots of folks here have had trouble free transactions with either www.buysnus.com or northerner.com.

                I placed my first order with northerner.com last week and it shipped the day after I ordered and arrived in 5 days. The shipping was only around $6 and I chose the swedish postal service option.


                • eumaledictio
                  New Member
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 7

                  This is just what I was thinking about today. I smoked a pack a day, years ago, and more recently I got down to about a pack a week, comfortably. I started using snus about a month ago, and I've only had two cigarettes since then. I remember absolutely hating the odor that comes with smoking - that was the biggest incentive for cutting down, since I've always been relatively healthy. I'd scrub my face and hands with soap and water every time I smoked, and I kept a toothbrush and toothpaste in my desk that I would also use every time I smoked. I was dipping on and off for about two years, too, but I probably only bought thirty cans over that whole two years, since the smell of it makes me a little sick and I always have to brush my teeth after that, too.

                  Since I've quit smoking, I feel noticeably more energetic. I've been getting up at 6:30 every day and going to bed at midnight without being exhausted, even after having a few drinks. My girlfriend used to make fun of me for going to bed early every night. I also feel like my lungs are starting to really start working better - I hear that even smoking every now and then still keeps your lungs from repairing from long term cigarette smoking (I've been a smoker for 13 years). It is really a whole different experience, now, and is every bit as satisfying. I'm happy that it smells so good, too.


                  • STORM6490MT
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 138

                    I think you can actually see a difference in me by watching the videos I did on youtube. At first I look all hung over and kinda out of it mentally, then I become more energetic and responsive. My riding has improved greatly this year on the mountain and my libido is ten times greater than when I smoked.

                    I love snus!


                    • victoryredchevy
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 303

                      Originally posted by STORM6490MT
                      I think you can actually see a difference in me by watching the videos I did on youtube. At first I look all hung over and kinda out of it mentally, then I become more energetic and responsive. My riding has improved greatly this year on the mountain and my libido is ten times greater than when I smoked.

                      I love snus!
                      Storm...what's up! I didn't realize who you were 'til you mentioned the youtube vid's. I replied to one of your videos there. Good to hear you're still snusing bro.


                      • aika
                        • Mar 2008
                        • 133

                        I don't know.. I was such a chain smoker that the health benefits have yet to hit me, anymore I just feel lethargic and exausted all the time, miss that energy burst.


                        • STORM6490MT
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 138

                          Originally posted by aika
                          I don't know.. I was such a chain smoker that the health benefits have yet to hit me, anymore I just feel lethargic and exausted all the time, miss that energy burst.
                          if you feel exhausted all the time you may want to change your diet as well. don't drink city water. eat a fruit before every meal and no high frutcose corn syrup. ditch the processed foods. try to cut off the sugar.

                          another thing that will help you quite a bit is called Swedish Bitters. I take a shot of the stuff every day and follow it with a glass of water. At noon I take a shot of raw organic braggs apple cider vinegar with water.

                          It will take about a week before you feel the difference. Pills treat the symptoms while foods cure the problem.


                          • aika
                            • Mar 2008
                            • 133

                            Thanks for the advise, I will try it out. I think alot of lethargy also comes from the fact that I have 2 jobs and the only time I can work out is at night so the rush of hormones keeps me wide awake and fuels my insomnia. May have to start getting up earlier in the morning to run/lift.. but I am not a morning person

                            Let you know how I am doing in a week.


                            • KarlvB
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 681

                              I have felt much better since I quit smoking....and you will really start to notice the changes after a month or two...

                              For example, I regularly work 12-14 hours a day (although the average is more like 10 hours) and after a particularly gruelling three weeks I saw someone who commented on rested I look.....all I could think was WTF?...usually I have bags under my eyes and look pretty crap when working that long continually for more than a week....but not now......my insomnia is gone.....I wake up refreshed at 5:30 and still go to bed at around 12.....

                              Also my sense of taste is returning in full force..

                              I don't get winded when I go for a run.....

                              I had my teeth cleaned after I stopped smoking and they've remained white.....no more nicotine stains.....

                              And the list goes on and on.....but I think STORM6490MT is right about making some other lifestyle changes like diet changes and exercise

                              Maybe try drinking Yerba Mate for some energy?

                              Also check out





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