Feel better since using snus?

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  • CWC
    • Mar 2008
    • 114

    What is this? Switching to snus may help my insomnia That is something I will great happily if it happens. Nice articles you posted, maybe once my body adjust I will be able to try them. Only problem is the only time I am not tired is at night when I need to sleep. Also, my body has learned on it's own to sleep through any alarm clock, no matter how high the volume is set if I fail to get to sleep before the PM turns to AM. Still, looking forward to the possibility


    • KarlvB
      • Feb 2008
      • 681

      CWC, I can't promise that your insomnia will go away completely, but I hope it does...Insomnia is one of the worst things in the world when you have a demanding career......I think your sleep will def become more restful as you breathe easier and have more oxygen in your blood etc...

      I have to add that as with smoking I found that alcohol wreaks havoc with my sleep or rather the quality of sleep I get.....so once I stopped smoking I started to avoid using alcohol in the week to optimise my sleep....

      But I guess each person is different and the key is looking at all the options available to cure your insomnia...

      Have a look at this for one solution to create a regular sleeping pattern


      I am getting off topic here so I will stop there...


      • Asquar
        • Mar 2008
        • 256

        Nicotine is unique in that it simultaneously picks you up and calms you down, and I have never wanted to give that up. If it wasn't for snus, I would still be a smoker, and just thank God that there is a viable, even superior alternative.

        So in terms of mental acuity, I feel the same as when I smoked. But I feel much better on two levels:

        1) Breathing is deeper and more even after 6 weeks without a cigarette, and I appreciate this.
        2) I no longer have to step outside, be stared at as a pariah by the anti-tobacco zealots etc. I'm personally outside of and free from the 2nd-hand smoke wars. This is tremendously liberating for me.

        Man, I really dig snus!


        • bondzai
          • Apr 2008
          • 362

          Feeling better with Snus

          I quit smoking about 30 years ago. A month ago, I decided I needed a new bad habit. I took up dipping a few weeks ago. Then just a week ago switched to snus. I feel a lot better than before I used nicotine. My father has Lewy Bodies Dementia and Nicotine is supposed to help prevent that, alzheimers and also helps memory. Now for the first week, I was really affected by the dip, but I thought it would improve my mental health--and it has! Things bother me a lot less. I sleep better. I feel better when I wake up. I don't get as angry. I feel really good.

          I was using food I believe. Now I am using Snus. When I normally go for a snack I go for snus now and am losing weight too.


          • RPatrick
            • May 2008
            • 48

            Great Thread !

            I had been using SKOAL / KODIAK snuff for about 25 years. Over the last two years I had been getting severe headaches from the american snuff. I was also feeling completely exhausted or knocked out after having even a small pinch. My body could not take it anymore. There is just no way I could keep using it. I began looking for other options and found snus.

            I decided to give snus a try and the difference was like night and day for me. I would use snus in the morning and snuff in the afternoon and the difference was amazing. I've been using snus full time for over 2 months and the headaches are completely gone and my energy level is more than it has been in years. Swedish Snus has been a real life changing product for me.

            Snus users still have to deal with the health effects of nicotene which can lead to something like high blood pressure, but there is no doubt in my mind snus is vastly superior to american snuff from a health standpoint.

            It is nice to see I am not the only one that notices.


            • Scott64a
              • May 2008
              • 27

              I stopped smoking a week ago, and it's like the oter two times I quit: my lungs have been clearing, my sleep is improving, and my apetite is healthier.

              My sinus headaches have gone away, and I no longer have a coughing fit every morning on the drive to work. the "jones" of cigarette smoking is slowly but surely fading, as I am getting used to a different thearpeutic effect in this delivery system. I have been using Copenhage pouches, but am now using Camel snus because the Cope really angries up my oral mucosa. Camel Original tastes like TEA instead of burnt, fermented ASS.

              I can't wait for my order of actual snus to arrive and I look forward to resolving the issues assocated with smoking/dipping.



              • eli
                • Apr 2008
                • 243

                It's been about 6 weeks for me completely off cigarettes, i still have a little bit of the tiniest cough, but I think that's just my lungs still healing from years of abuse, my taste and smell are coming back and my energy level is higher (my ping-pong playing has shown definite improvement).


                • spirit72
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 1013

                  can't wait for my order of actual snus to arrive and I look forward to resolving the issues assocated with smoking/dipping.
                  You absolutely will. Give it 4 months or so and you will be a completely different person---or at the very least, closer to the person you were before cigs took over.

                  I was a smoker for 15 years and tried as many times to quit. I've been off for close to 5 months now using snus. I walked out of the office the other day and smelled the flowers blooming and the leaves budding. I realized all of a sudden that it was the first time since I was 20 that I had experienced the smell of spring without top and bottom notes of Eau de Camel.


                  • jamesstew
                    • May 2008
                    • 1440

                    I have been smoke-free for two months and feeling much better. I originally would use snus on occasion when I was in a situation that wouldn't allow smoking. Although I enjoyed it I didn't believe it would work as a smoking replacement. I started using snus exclusively as my nicotine delivery system of choice when my son made a comment about my smoking. He's six now but I know that my credibility would be strained telling him that smoking is bad in the future. It took about 5 weeks for the bronchitis to completely clear up and although I was skeptical about it my sense of smell definitely has improved. I was looking at houses this last weekend and was amazed when I walked into one that was formerly inhabited by smokers. The smell hit me like a ton of bricks but I don't think I would have noticed in my smoking days. Also I have actually lost weight since I quit smoking with snus. In the past when I would attempt to quit the cigarettes I would unconsciously substitute food for nicotine.


                    • kinesthetic
                      • May 2008
                      • 22

                      I just got back from a 4 day 25 mile backpacking trip in the mountains. I never felt really winded untill the final big climb out of a gorge on the last day. It's only been about 3 weeks since my Last cigarette but before I quit I would have been huffing for air after the first hill. Something about Gotlands Grey and mountain air...


                      • Craig de Tering
                        • Nov 2006
                        • 525

                        Originally posted by STORM6490MT
                        Originally posted by aika
                        I don't know.. I was such a chain smoker that the health benefits have yet to hit me, anymore I just feel lethargic and exausted all the time, miss that energy burst.
                        if you feel exhausted all the time you may want to change your diet as well. don't drink city water. eat a fruit before every meal and no high frutcose corn syrup. ditch the processed foods. try to cut off the sugar.

                        another thing that will help you quite a bit is called Swedish Bitters. I take a shot of the stuff every day and follow it with a glass of water. At noon I take a shot of raw organic braggs apple cider vinegar with water.

                        It will take about a week before you feel the difference. Pills treat the symptoms while foods cure the problem.
                        I know you wrote this almost 2 months ago but this is the first time I clicked on this thread. I just wanted to say "Bravo" on those recommendations.


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