Do you snus while at the doctors

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    No, I don't. I read that the blood pressure drops 2 hours after snusing.
    I figure I want to know my normal blood pressure, not that inflated by snus.
    I also read that any rise in blood pressure from snus is not the permanent
    type of hypertension. Something like that.


    • WickedKitchen
      • Nov 2009
      • 2528

      I stay away from snus before the doc. In the last four years I only went to my GP for a physical. I schedule them for 9:00 or 10:00AM so it's easy not to snus before the apt. I have a sterk waiting in the car for when I'm done, but I abstain in the AM. I have a little sphygmomonometer and I've not seen any spikes with snus other than HR increases, and mild ones at that.

      I am slightly concerned about the salt and it's effects. To counteract this I have a banana six mornings each week. The potassium counteracts the salt from what I've read and even at that, I've also read that the sodium addition is negligible until you hit 7 or 8 portions per day. I like bananas.


      • amdusias
        • Jul 2009
        • 265

        I have high blood pressure and take meds, everytime I have my BP checked I usually have a portion in or have just spit one out and my BP is always perfect.


        • c.nash
          Banned Users
          • May 2010
          • 3511

          I snus during everything. Lol

          I had a prilla in when I gave blood about a month ago.


          • ChaoticGemini
            • Jun 2010
            • 564

            Originally posted by desirexe View Post
            I always discard snus before seeing the doctor, it would make it so much harder for me to lie with snus in my mouth when the question comes up, "Do you use tobacco?" Speaking of which - do all doctors ask their patients that question before EVERY appointment??
            ha, at least that's all your asked. I have to see crappy base doctors and they have a tech to ask about 20 questions every time and you better lie about your answers because they will FREAK out. They ask if you use tobacco, but the next line they have to fill out wants to know how many packs. So far, all of they just wrote no since they didn't know how to write out snus quantity. My favorite questions they ask that I have occasionally answered honestly to watch them freak (I'm sure everyone can say yes to these at some point): Have you EVER used alcohol to get to sleep? Do you ever have trouble getting out of bed even after getting a full night's sleep? Have you ever found it difficult to care of things at home, or get along with other people? Have you lost interest or pleasure in doing your regular activities? Do you ever feel depressed or anxious?


            • dreed2
              • Jul 2010
              • 256

              Originally posted by EricHill78 View Post
              That's interesting to me. I've seen about 5 or 6 maybe dr's this last month not counting admitting staff, RN's etc... And they only ask if I smoke.. Never ask about tobacco in general. I allways say I quit smoking a couple months ago and that's it. I'm not lying
              because they only ask about smoking. I guess it depends what area of the country you live in? Who knows...
              Yeah, that's all I am asked. "Do you smoke?" I say no.

              Edit: But I made the mistake of bringing a cup of coffee in for an early morning appointment once and my doc told me I was addicted to caffeine! I only drink two cups of coffee a day. Good grief! Won't ever do THAT again, because I don't want to hear the lecture, LOL.


              • Darwin
                • Mar 2010
                • 1372

                I had a portion in a couple months ago at a doc appointment and not only admitted it up front but proceeded to give the full harm-reduction sales pitch. The doc seemed very interested especially since my BP and lung sounds were a lot better than last year when I smoked heavily. Whether or not this info will get transmitted to others is unknown but I figured it was worth the trouble to speak up.


                • GoVegan
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 5603

                  You know Eric, you might be able to use this doctors visit to your advantage and get a prescription for medical marijuana out of this.


                  • EricHill78
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 4253

                    Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                    You know Eric, you might be able to use this doctors visit to your advantage and get a prescription for medical marijuana out of this.
                    LOL that would be awesome!! Is that legal in Texas? I know it is in Cali...


                    • jagmanss
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 12213

                      Originally posted by dreed2 View Post
                      Yeah, that's all I am asked. "Do you smoke?" I say no.

                      Edit: But I made the mistake of bringing a cup of coffee in for an early morning appointment once and my doc told me I was addicted to caffeine! I only drink two cups of coffee a day. Good grief! Won't ever do THAT again, because I don't want to hear the lecture, LOL.
                      I have an opinion about this and it is this...... All Doctor's suck ( along with lawyers, Cops & politician's )


                      • dreed2
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 256

                        Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
                        I have an opinion about this and it is this...... All Doctor's suck ( along with lawyers, Cops & politician's )
                        Well, I don't know, but my doctor is battling cancer, and I don't think he smokes or drinks coffee, but he's still dying of cancer, so it's kind of hard to take his advice since I drink coffee and do snus and I'm still OK, and we are both the same age.

                        Edit: Since I only live once, I don't want to live without nicotine and caffeine. I exercise, take vitamins, and watch my weight. I work hard, play hard, and I'm enjoying this ride!


                        • Joe234
                          • Apr 2010
                          • 1948

                          To each his or her own.

                          I simply don't want a possible spike in blood pressure to give
                          them an excuse to push one of the new TV drugs.


                          • Frosted
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 5798

                            Doctors are hypocrites - they talk the talk but they don't do the walk. I bet these guys are smacking themselves up just to get the job done - I know that training docs take amphetamines.

                            Another example is the way they dish out anti-depressants as if they were smarties - I know a few very young kids on them and I think it's disgusting.
                            A doctor tried to get me taking amitryptiline just to help me sleep - they went in the bin after a few days - that stuff is awful.


                            • CoderGuy
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 2679

                              Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                              Doctors are hypocrites - they talk the talk but they don't do the walk. I bet these guys are smacking themselves up just to get the job done - I know that training docs take amphetamines.

                              Another example is the way they dish out anti-depressants as if they were smarties - I know a few very young kids on them and I think it's disgusting.
                              A doctor tried to get me taking amitryptiline just to help me sleep - they went in the bin after a few days - that stuff is awful.

                              I couldn't agree more. I have gotten to the point where whenever I go in I just say, "Everything is the same" and leave it at that. I would rather deal with the issues than stock up on meds (already take enough). Seems that there is a syndrome for everything these days; "Doc, everything is fine but my little toe was itching last night" Doc: "Ah well we will run some tests, sounds like itchy toe syndrome. I will prescribe some Itchactonome, it just came out but I think it will work. If not we have Scratchatomin which should also work."


                              • jagmanss
                                • Jul 2010
                                • 12213

                                Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                                Doctors are hypocrites - they talk the talk but they don't do the walk. I bet these guys are smacking themselves up just to get the job done - I know that training docs take amphetamines.

                                Another example is the way they dish out anti-depressants as if they were smarties - I know a few very young kids on them and I think it's disgusting.
                                A doctor tried to get me taking amitryptiline just to help me sleep - they went in the bin after a few days - that stuff is awful.
                                I agree, their answer for everything is a pill instead of finding out what the real problem is and fixing it...anti-depressants are their answer to everything... Here just pop a pill it will make you feel better, Not!!! More like here pop this anti-depressant and walk around like a zombie


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