Complete Noob

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  • jthall89
    New Member
    • Oct 2010
    • 4

    Complete Noob

    Hi all
    First off i would like to say i am a complete noob when it comes to snus and forums on the internet, so please bare with me hah. My motivation for starting to snus is to eventually quite smoking cigs. I bought some of the Marlboro snus today. and with that comes a few questions ( if these questions have already been answered, which im sure they have could you please point me to the stickies)
    1. what is the proper way to snus.(placement in mouth, hoe long to keep it in)
    2. where is the best place online to get high quality snus shipped to the US
    3. How does the nicotine in snus compare to a cigarette(1 pouch = how much nicotine)
    4 any other tips for a noob would be greatly appreciated
  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    Hi and welcome.
    I am sure you will hear it's best tp get real Swedish snus, and I agree. The American stuff don't cut it here for most of us, though I guess it has it's fans. I do not know the nicotine in Marlboror snus, but Swedish snus is generally 8mg, and I am not sure how that compares with a cigarette, as also the absorption is different. As to where you place it, upper lip area, in the front slightly to the side is how I do it. I usually keep one in about an hour, sometimes more, sometimes less. There are no rules.


    • Jwalker
      • May 2010
      • 1067

      1. Upper lip just right or left of the center of your mouth.
      2. I'd say personally because they're cheaper in bulk and don't charge tax, have a wider selection, randomn cans, etc. Northerner is another company that sells snus that I've used.
      3. Depends on the type, in general mini portion is .5mg regular strength is 1.1-1.4mg, stark is more, and extra sterk is even more. A cigarette gives you .3-3mg depending on how you smoke and what type it is 1mg being the average. Marlboro snus is under 1mg definitely and probably under .5mg.
      4. Get a wide variety of snus and hold on to ones you don't like at first, especially the tobacco flavored ones.


      • Snussles
        • Jul 2010
        • 108

        First time trying to swallow, even with snus, will take some getting used to. So don't be too surprised if you are getting a burning sensation in your throat, and also it might feel a bit offsetting in your stomach as well. I recommend following it down with some liquid, water or anything really, at least for the first times. Over time, rather quickly actually, your taste buds, throat and stomach should get used to the taste and not be as sensitive. As for the nicotine quanity, try to see what works for you. Start out with one portion, see how that works out and slowly increase to the quanity you are more comfortable with and are getting the best experience with; I have no experience with smoking though, but still found that it was best to slowly find the amount that I was comfortable enough with using.

        Good luck and enjoy a good breathe.


        • justintempler
          • Nov 2008
          • 3090

          Originally posted by jthall89
          Hi all
          First off i would like to say i am a complete noob when it comes to snus and forums on the internet, so please bare with me hah. My motivation for starting to snus is to eventually quite smoking cigs. I bought some of the Marlboro snus today. and with that comes a few questions ( if these questions have already been answered, which im sure they have could you please point me to the stickies)
          1. what is the proper way to snus.(placement in mouth, hoe long to keep it in)
          2. where is the best place online to get high quality snus shipped to the US
          3. How does the nicotine in snus compare to a cigarette(1 pouch = how much nicotine)
          4 any other tips for a noob would be greatly appreciated
          1. left or right of center.
          2. in the USA or coming from Sweden (SnusCentral ships from the same company as Buysnus, so compare both)
          3. I smoked for 39 years was smoking 2-3 packs a day and 8 portions of Swedish Snus per day was enough for me to satisfy my nicotine cravings, your mileage may vary. Some people need higher nicotine snus, I used regular strength. I keep portions in for 1 1/2 - 2 hours, some people change them every 30 minutes.
          4. suggestion, Drop the Marlboro snus, it's not Swedish Snus, The American snus tend to be have very little tobacco taste, high in sweetness and low in nicotine. American snus is a crutch to satisfy your urges until you can light up. Swedish snus replaces cigarettes completely (if you want them to)

          Welcome to the board.


          • PipenSnus
            • Apr 2010
            • 1038

            I have little to add to the good advice you've already been given, so I'll just say welcome to the board. Enjoy your exploration of snus, and just allow it to take over from the cigarettes at whatever pace is comfortable for you. Snus will win out over cigs. Many people here will attest to that.


            • Mr. Snuffleupagus
              • Dec 2008
              • 2781

              Welcome to SnusOn! Yeah, get the real snus and you'll be able to quit ciggs without trying over time. Try them all and have fun!


              • Snusdog
                • Jun 2008
                • 6752

                Originally posted by justintempler View Post
                1. left or right of center.
                2. in the USA or coming from Sweden (SnusCentral ships from the same company as Buysnus, so compare both)
                3. I smoked for 39 years was smoking 2-3 packs a day and 8 portions of Swedish Snus per day was enough for me to satisfy my nicotine cravings, your mileage may vary. Some people need higher nicotine snus, I used regular strength. I keep portions in for 1 1/2 - 2 hours, some people change them every 30 minutes.
                4. suggestion, Drop the Marlboro snus, it's not Swedish Snus, The American snus tend to be have very little tobacco taste, high in sweetness and low in nicotine. American snus is a crutch to satisfy your urges until you can light up. Swedish snus replaces cigarettes completely (if you want them to)

                Welcome to the board.
                From the master himself ^^^^^^^

                I would only add two things

                1. Let me add my own welcome to the forum
                2. Keep some bottled water handy at first. As you need to swallow, take a swig. I cannot tell you how much it will help you get through the initial transition period. Also, as you drink do your best to keep the water off the portion (you can direct where the water goes with a little effort). The more moisture on the portion the more juice it produces and the quicker it loses potency- the very reason that you keep it near the front of the mouth (less saliva, thus less juice, thus less problem)

                Anyway welcome and feel free to ask any question you have.............if we know the answer it is only because we asked it first or learned by trial and error.
                When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                • tom502
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 8985

                  I also wanna suggest, check out your local cigar and tobacco shops, and see if any of them carry General snus, and get some there. It's way better, in all cases that I have seen, than the higher expense of buying online, with all the shipping and such.


                  • precious007
                    Banned Users
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 5885

                    Try for some of the cheapest deals on snus..


                    • snusgetter
                      • May 2010
                      • 10903

                      As a SnusOn member, don't hesitate to check out SnusBargain.


                      • Snussles
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 108

                        Also, if you are not within a drive from a quality snus seller, swedish snus like General's or something, I suggest giving dip tobacco a try, since it is more freely available especially here in the states. (I am assuming you only have experience with cigarettes and no any smokeless stuff.) This way you can really get the feel for what "real" snus might be like, especially since you can get a good nicotine and taste experience. I am suggesting this since as it seems swedish snus has got rather expensive to buy over the internet, and it would really suck paying a good portion of your money for something, flavor or brand, that you might not like, and also stuff like Malboro and Camel's snus is not yet up to par with what swedish snus is like.


                        • jagmanss
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 12213

                          Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus View Post
                          Welcome to SnusOn! Yeah, get the real snus and you'll be able to quit ciggs without trying over time. Try them all and have fun!
                          First welcome to snuson... The above quote is good advise

                          Originally posted by Snussles View Post
                          Also, if you are not within a drive from a quality snus seller, swedish snus like General's or something, I suggest giving dip tobacco a try, since it is more freely available especially here in the states. (I am assuming you only have experience with cigarettes and no any smokeless stuff.) This way you can really get the feel for what "real" snus might be like, especially since you can get a good nicotine and taste experience. I am suggesting this since as it seems swedish snus has got rather expensive to buy over the internet, and it would really suck paying a good portion of your money for something, flavor or brand, that you might not like, and also stuff like Malboro and Camel's snus is not yet up to par with what swedish snus is like.
                          This is bad advise... I wouldn't advise you to try dip at all.. Your trying to quit smoking and do it in a harm reduced way not a more harmfull way as dip would be...The online price for swedish snus is not that bad at all and is alot cheaper than ciggs by a mile and if you can afford cig prices you won't have a problem affording snus prices I would try putting in a mock order with Northerner/getsnus and SnusCentral/BuySnus and see who gives you the best price. I can tell you as a 1st time Customer if you order through SnusCentral you will get 10% off your 1st order.. Have fun and order what flavor sounds good to you. search this forum for reviews and go to to see descriptions and reviews of the different snus flavors available...


                          • myuserid
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 1645

                            I can't really tell you anything other than what's already been said.

                            I can, however, say welcome to SnusOn.


                            • EricHill78
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 4253

                              Originally posted by Snussles View Post
                              Also, if you are not within a drive from a quality snus seller, swedish snus like General's or something, I suggest giving dip tobacco a try, since it is more freely available especially here in the states. (I am assuming you only have experience with cigarettes and no any smokeless stuff.) This way you can really get the feel for what "real" snus might be like, especially since you can get a good nicotine and taste experience. I am suggesting this since as it seems swedish snus has got rather expensive to buy over the internet, and it would really suck paying a good portion of your money for something, flavor or brand, that you might not like, and also stuff like Malboro and Camel's snus is not yet up to par with what swedish snus is like.
                              I think he should go for the real deal.. I've never tried dip myself but the spitting and crap really throws me off.. Id rather smoke. There are alot of folks on here that switched from dip to snus exclusively and prefer it way more.

                              Bottom line I say avoid dip and take the chance with snus.. If you don't like it you can allways put it up on the trade board or auctions here.

