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  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885


    In my worst days of withdrawal I could barely get out of bed...

    I couldn't even focus in my laptop, but you've got to learn with it...

    Addictions are only a lie, that's deep buried into the brain ;-)

    He will get back I'm sure :P


    • CoderGuy
      • Jul 2009
      • 2679

      Originally posted by precious007 View Post

      In my worst days of withdrawal I could barely get out of bed...

      I couldn't even focus in my laptop, but you've got to learn with it...

      Addictions are only a lie, that's deep buried into the brain ;-)

      He will get back I'm sure :P

      When I quit smoking and before I found snus (about 6 weeks) I was using e-cigs. They don't provide near enough nicotine for a 2 pack a day for 26 year smoker. By the 3rd week I was feeling listless and semi-depressed, had no energy, was not happy. I never imagined it would be nicotine withdrawal since I was puffing away on my e-cig regularly but once I started doing a little research I found it was indeed nic withdrawal and immediately had a cigarette (which I hated the taste of) but instantly I felt normal again. That is when I found snus.

      Since snusing and not smoking this past 17 month there have been several times when I noticed I was not getting enough nic (like when I leave a portion in too long and have only had 3 or 4 for the day) and I immediately double barrel a couple portions and feel better.

      Nicotine addition is a tough thing. I stopped smoking due to travel and work restrictions, not because I wanted to quit. As a result I do not plan on quitting snus any time soon as it provides my nicotine.


      • WickedKitchen
        • Nov 2009
        • 2528

        Originally posted by precious007 View Post
        Addictions are only a lie, that's deep buried into the brain ;-)
        At face value I beg to differ with that statement but I think I know what you mean.


        • ChaoticGemini
          • Jun 2010
          • 564

          I wouldn't worry too much about using more or stronger portions until the cravings for cigs go away. It will be much easier to step down in snus use than to get over cig cravings. Fight one battle at a time.


          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798

            Addiction is real.
            Immediately after the withdrawal has ceased you feel great, but then there's the long term factor. It's always there.
            The Royal College of Physicians found that in a lot of smokers there were permanent changes to the brain.
            There's also a genetic factor to addiction. If you find giving up easy - you've probably not got the problem gene.

            The same goes with alcohol. My dad and his brothers are alcoholics and it seems I've escaped that one. My mother must have handed me something that gives me excruciating hangovers.


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              I think I'm addicted to smokeless. I've been having concerns of my teeth and gum health, it wasn't the best before I used smokeless. But I recently told myself I was going to limit my usage to just the weekends. Well, yesterday I went to work, with no tobacco, and I was OK. But soon after I got home, I had this uncontrollable urge to put some Copenhagen in my mouth, as I have an open can here, so I did. I don't like how dip gets in the betweens of my teeth, anyway, I brushed good, and flossed a little afterwards. I've had this slight maybe-cold, throat irritation, and I called in sick today, so here I am about 10 am, and I have that crave again, and I caved in, and opened this bag of Levi Extra I have. I am a bit concerned of the sweet juice resting on my teeth and gums with chew, but again, it was an uncontrollable urge. I think I'm an addict, and the only way I can stop is to not have any tobacco in the house. It's so good though, yet I am concerned about my teeth and gums. I just don't know what to do. For the time being, I guess I'll just brush after each use.


              • truthwolf1
                • Oct 2008
                • 2696

                It is too bad they dont offer a longcut snus flavor you like. I have been happy with the Offroad Wg and have not had any gum/stain problems over two years but addicted "YES". I throw in the occasional can of dip maybe once a month for interest sake and barely can finish the can in most cases. For some reason I can really detect the taste difference between the fermented and steamed tobacco, and prefer the steamed.

                Patiently waiting on a standard, original flavored longcut.


                • EricHill78
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 4253

                  Maybe give your mouth a break and stick strictly with snuff.. Do the dip just every
                  now and again..


                  • ratcheer
                    • Jul 2010
                    • 621

                    I am coming up against it, too. Mainly due to pressure from my wife. I am almost out of snus (maybe have 3 or 4 portions left) and I have partial cans of Skoal WG long cut and Skoal WG pouches. I don't think I'm addicted to the nic, yet, as I can go all weekend without serious urges. But the wife is really on my case and I am seriously considering quitting after everything has been used up.

                    I really enjoy the flavor, though, and I keep wanting to try Copenhagen LC or pouches. It is so easy to just pick up a can when I'm at Wal-Mart.



                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      Well, it's hard to resist especially if you are just hanging around the house with a bunch of dip/chew/snus laying about. Out and active, or at work, it's not really an issue. But hanging out at home, it's not so easy.(for me)


                      • NonServiam
                        • May 2010
                        • 736

                        I'm more addicted than ever. I've been chain snus'n and dip'n like a motherfarker for the last month. But the last month has also had a lot of "irons in the fire" as they would say......

                        A funeral in another state
                        Grandma in the hospital
                        Grandfather-in-law taking chemotherapy
                        and to top it all off.....

                        I had to shoot our cat! He has suffered from seizures ever since a hawk swooped in on him and left a nice gash in his head. Well, a couple of weeks ago I could hear him doing his usual seizure gymnastics on the porch.

                        Apparently, in his post-seizure stooper, he staggered too close to a gap in the fence and the dogs made him a chew toy. After I chased the dogs out of the yard with the shotgun, the cat wouldn't let me tend to him (can't blame him) so I put him down. Feline funeral services were the following evening.

                        But all is well.


                        • truthwolf1
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 2696

                          Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
                          I'm more addicted than ever. I've been chain snus'n and dip'n like a motherfarker for the last month. But the last month has also had a lot of "irons in the fire" as they would say......

                          A funeral in another state
                          Grandma in the hospital
                          Grandfather-in-law taking chemotherapy
                          and to top it all off.....

                          I had to shoot our cat! He has suffered from seizures ever since a hawk swooped in on him and left a nice gash in his head. Well, a couple of weeks ago I could hear him doing his usual seizure gymnastics on the porch.

                          Apparently, in his post-seizure stooper, he staggered too close to a gap in the fence and the dogs made him a chew toy. After I chased the dogs out of the yard with the shotgun, the cat wouldn't let me tend to him (can't blame him) so I put him down. Feline funeral services were the following evening.

                          But all is well.
                          GoodgOd! That time of life would make everyone increase their nic usage.


                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            I'd eat a whole bag of Stokers after that!


                            • NonServiam
                              • May 2010
                              • 736

                              My nic usage did slow down this weekend. In fact I went a whole 24 hours without any tobacco! Before you applaud me, it's because I had explosive diarrhea and projectile vomiting. I don't think I'll ever want meatloaf for dinner ever again!


                              • Veganpunk
                                • Jun 2009
                                • 5381

                                My wife has picked up smoking again. I've gotten the urge to just light a Camel Light. One wouldn't hurt! (I could easily put it down after that one due to snus and snuff) But I promised myself I would make it a full year before even taking one puff.

