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  • Spear7
    • Oct 2010
    • 48


  • GoVegan
    • Oct 2009
    • 5603

    From what I have experienced, the longer you smoke the harder it will be to quit. I stopped using nicotine for almost a year and craved a smoke just about every day. It will get easier with time but I have known people that have quit for years and still crave smokes. My advice is to just relax and your snus habit will eventually take over and you will not really want smokes anymore. I actually find snus much more enjoyable than smoking. I can use it anywhere, there are many different kinds to try and I don't smell like a campfire anymore.


    • jagmanss
      • Jul 2010
      • 12213

      Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
      From what I have experienced, the longer you smoke the harder it will be to quit. I stopped using nicotine for almost a year and craved a smoke just about every day. It will get easier with time but I have known people that have quit for years and still crave smokes. My advice is to just relax and your snus habit will eventually take over and you will not really want smokes anymore. I actually find snus much more enjoyable than smoking. I can use it anywhere, there are many different kinds to try and I don't smell like a campfire anymore.
      +1 I would agree here... You need to stop trying to force youself to quit smoking as you are only going to make it worse because you feel like your depriving yourself... relax.. If you want a smoke... smoke one, eventually the snus will take over and you will find over time that you will want a snus more than a cigg. There is no time frame with this. Everyone is different, Some can quit smokes in a few days, while others could take months... Stop thinking about it so much and just let it happen.. Don't worry too much about your nicotine intake as snus is delivered in a more steady release in your system than A cigarette.. I went from wanting a smoke after a snus to wanting a snus after a smoke and then preferring a snus to smoking at all... Just Relax and stop worring about it.. And yes you will be just as happy as you were when smoking. You need to stop smoking with snus before you can quit nicotine.. Again stop forcing the issue and fighting with yourself.. Just let it happen and take your time, Put no pressure on trying to quit is the key..


      • gigaw4tt
        • Jun 2010
        • 20

        I didn't function real well the first 3 - 4 months I stopped smoking. (I was a pack to a pack and a half/day smoker) Then again, I was using the ecig during that time. Once I switched to snus I felt normal, but still lacking. I ended up going to extra starks and felt normal again, functioning exactly the same as before I stopped smoking. I also tried some other stuff like nasal snuff which I still use sometimes. About 6 months in from stopping smoking I started to crave snus instead of cigarettes completely, and dropped the ecig from my rotation.

        Might not be real useful because as other posters have mentioned, it varies from person to person, and I had quite a struggle before I found what worked for me.

        Best method method might be to just let snus take control, but I don't really know since I didn't start with snus. I did a more "cold turkey" approach and just dropped them entirely after I got the ecig.


        • GoVegan
          • Oct 2009
          • 5603

          Order some Gellivare at right now and you will feel much better!


          • Premium Parrots
            Super Moderators
            • Feb 2008
            • 9759

            great thread.

            now I really want a cig
            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

            I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


            • CoderGuy
              • Jul 2009
              • 2679

              Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
              great thread.

              now I really want a cig

              It's been 17 months since I quit and there are still occasions when I find myself reaching for a smoke. When that happens I know I need an injection of vitamin N.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                Order some Gellivare at right now and you will feel much better!

                Lol, trollin like a mother****er.

                @ OP. Just chill and buy some thunder frosted. Use sterks and youll be straight. No more smoking and you can just chill. Plenty of nic from a sterk and in a safe way. Try thunder frosted. As hard as they come. You will see what you have been missing.


                • snusgetter
                  • May 2010
                  • 10903

                  Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                  ... @ OP. Just chill and buy some thunder frosted. Use sterks and youll be straight. No more smoking and you can just chill. Plenty of nic from a sterk and in a safe way. Try thunder frosted. As hard as they come. You will see what you have been missing.

                  Consider Thunder Original Extra Strong Portion...
                  an extra strong snus with 16 mg/g nicotine.
                  One of the strongest snus!

                  If interested, consider ordering it at
                  before tomorrow's deadline. It's the only sure bargain
                  this week -- anyone can now order and have it shipped
                  right away. (My recommendation has nothing to do
                  with making it active ... it already is
                  .) Shipping has been
                  rather quick (my last bargain shipped Monday, received
                  Wednesday). 50% off!

                  And seriously consider other ways to keep your mind busy
                  besides just worrying about your addiction. All that worry
                  is certainly not helping.


                  • Monkey
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 3290

                    I was a pack a day smoker for fifteen years. I stopped almost two years ago with dip, moved to snus and now I use mostly nasal snuff with a few key snus throughout the day. It took quite a while for me to be over American tobacco and I still get the odd craving for a smoke. I would one day like to quit all tobacco but that has become less important to me since reducing the risk to my health with the change of format. If you are craving tobacco, you are addicted most likely and at this point you should let the snus win and not worry so much about upping your tolerance. When the strong craving for cigarettes is replaced with the craving for a snus it is easier to cut down the amount you use IMO. Getting off of the chemical stew that is a burning cigarette should be the first step. Regulars will do it but you may need to chain snus for a bit to reprogram your addiction. Throw in some nasal snuff if you like as it hits hard and fast compared to snus if you want to not chain snus. Use the snuff to kill the craving and the snus to maintain. Or go with sterek if you do not want to go the snuff route.

                    Baby steps... leaps and bounds will just leave you falling off the wagon and in the vicious guilt cycle. I know.

                    Good luck and never apologize about too many posts asking for advice on this. A bunch of us have been there and sometimes it helps to talk it out. Try different things until you find what works for you and don't be frustrated by a minor setback...learn from it and use it to succeed.


                    • WickedKitchen
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 2528

                      I smoked the same as Monkey for 15 years. I quit cold turkey and went to dip six months later. It took me a few years to find snus but about four years ago I became enlightened to the world of Swedish tobacco.

                      I craved a cig for about a year maybe more when I quit. The dip was a satisfactory distraction but the baggage that comes with dip is nearly as bad as that with cigs...the spitting, cups, social stigma et al. The snus will definitely win in the end. I'm not an ES fan but I do like Thunder ESOP. N&J is as strong as I go usually and I'd reccommend that you go with a stronger tasting snus. General is a good strong snus but try Grov too, and Ettan. Also los might be a little better for you at this point. It's a lil messy but it only takes practice. You get more flavor faster and more nic too I think. That being said, I don't think I've ever tried an ES los. I fear that I will try to eat the can so I keep myself away.

                      After a long time of quitting smoking I had a cig. I instantly remembered why I quit. I still have them from time to time but between my wife and I a pack will last us a week. I just don't have the desire for it after the first puff. The taste in my mouth is retched, IMO. I want a snus after for the taste reason alone.

                      Good luck, and post away, man!


                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        I smoked for 21 years. Gave up cold turkey 3 years ago. Quit for 5 months and started again.

                        Then I quickly found snus - I've never looked back.
                        If I haven't got enough nicotine in my system and I smell a cigarette, I want one because it smells great. If I have one it's totally and utterly disgusting. So make sure you're getting enough nic from snus.


                        • GoVegan
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 5603

                          How are you doing so far epeer2? Any updates?


                          • precious007
                            Banned Users
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 5885

                            I've been a smoker since 11, that's exactly 15 years (I'm 26 now).

                            At the begging I really enjoyed smoking (the taste, the feeling everything about it) .. Now I hardly enjoy the one or two cigarettes that I smoke daily and trying to quit these too. I get a nasty nausea from smoking not to mention the dizziness and all...

                            For the past 3 months, there's been two whole week that I went without smoking a single cigarette (the depression seems to be the biggest enemy)

                            But you know what? With snus (been snusing for 6 months now) it's much easier... just get used to it.. find the brand that you enjoy most ... you will have to try some of them out.. to come up with a winner ;-)

                            So far I love: (I'm a los snuser, not much of a portion snuser)
                            • Xkruf Xtra Stark Los
                            • Skruf Stark Los
                            • Oden's Kanel
                            • General Los
                            • General Extra Sterk Los
                            • Gotland's Los
                            • Ettan Los

                            I do like pretty much any los that I've tried but those are the one's I like most.
                            To be honest I've order a bunch of cans of dip (just can't get used to it) ... I get the heart burn, burping .. nausea .. way too much dizziness from it..... (if anyone can explain these symptoms and how to cope with them ... ?! )

                            You might want to try it but snus is much friendlier.


                            • snusgetter
                              • May 2010
                              • 10903

                              Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                              How are you doing so far epeer2? Any updates?

                              Damn, epeer2's last visit to these forums was when he started this thread!!
                              He seems to be gone with the wind ... or too depressed to venture forth.

                              Or maybe he's gotten a life and his addiction now straddles a different fence!!!

                              Wherefore art thou, epeer2?


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