Changed name, still worried

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  • myuserid
    • Jun 2010
    • 1645

    To me, 5 cigs a day is nothing.

    If you're only smoking that much, I would be willing to bet that the "withdrawal symptoms" you are experiencing are all in your head.

    But, if it's that hard for you, just keep smoking the 5 a day. Just don't start adding to that number.


    • Spear7
      • Oct 2010
      • 48

      The issue is i cant smoke from for 9 hours during work, so its pointless for me to continue the habit...isnt it

      Originally posted by myuserid View Post
      To me, 5 cigs a day is nothing.

      If you're only smoking that much, I would be willing to bet that the "withdrawal symptoms" you are experiencing are all in your head.

      But, if it's that hard for you, just keep smoking the 5 a day. Just don't start adding to that number.


      • jagmanss
        • Jul 2010
        • 12213

        Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
        Contrary to what others have posted, I believe you are getting too much nic compared to your smoking habit. I mean 5 ultra light cigs in a day is like 5mg of nicotine. Snus maybe to much for you. maybe try some minis.....
        Bigblue1 may be onto something here... Spear7, To tell you the truth, I don't know how you got away with smoking only 2 cigarettes in 7 hours or only 5 a day for that matter. I mean most smokers smoke another because of nicotine Withdrawal and craving that starts taking place approx 10 min to 1 hour after you smoke one and the nicotine rapidly leaves which is when you crave, So a smoker will stop the craving by having another. My guess would be that you are so used to nicotine craving and Withdrawal all day every day that when you snus your body is no longer going through it and thus your reaction. IDK I was a 2+ pack a day chain smoker and couldn't stand when i couldn't smoke. I think you never really smoked enough during the day to ever really satisfy the nicotine withdrawal... It takes a very strong person to to abstain and go through a constant nicotine Withdrawal and craving all day.. Whether you knew it or not it was happening...

        There are those that can go a day or 2 without nicotine, But it really takes 3-4 days for nicotine to leave your body completely at which point most smokers cave and light up or take any other form of nicotine because at that point you are going through heavy withdrawal and going insane in my case. It is said that it really takes 3 weeks for nicotine to be completely leave your system when stopping.. Then there is the physiological aspect that is left and is a whole other topic and could be part of what you are going through. It is also suggested that 90% of quitting is physiological... There is no doubt that nicotine changes your brain chemistry and behavior and is fact...


        • Bigblue1
          Banned Users
          • Dec 2008
          • 3923

          Heres a link to nicotine content in cig brands. It states that camel ul's have .5 mg

          Erowid posts similar results


          • Spear7
            • Oct 2010
            • 48

            Well based on that post it sounds like the cigs have done permamanent change to my brain/ behavior then?

            Look i just want to focus and feel normal like i do with the smoke. Ill do whatever it takes. I heard snus worked but i dont know anymore.

            I could pop in three snus, feel weird, but have a cig after and its like i didnt snus at all. Its really weird, its the opposite of what i would think--its like the fog (smoke) clears once i light up, not the other way around


            • Spear7
              • Oct 2010
              • 48

              Oh, and thank everyone a TON!!! for your answers. It means a lot!


              • jagmanss
                • Jul 2010
                • 12213

                Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
                Even one regular portion has more nicotine than 5 ultra light cigs....... I'm telling you get some granit minis and call me in the morning.....
                I would go with this advice and try it and get some minis as they are 4mg per portion, But don't go 3 hours in between try them at about 1 hour apart and see..

                Originally posted by Spear7
                so ive also tried using a general for 30 min instead of an hour..........same head feeling, with withdrawl symptoms....

                the thing is, i could throw one of these in for an hour, 3 for 3 hours, and it wont be 100 % until i have 10 drags of a cig`
                The general is an 8mg per portion and most of the nicotine is absorbed in the first 15-30 min... This is not the same as using a 4mg portion mini... Nicotine in snus is released by absorbtion rate..


                • jagmanss
                  • Jul 2010
                  • 12213

                  Originally posted by Spear7 View Post
                  Well based on that post it sounds like the cigs have done permamanent change to my brain/ behavior then?

                  Look i just want to focus and feel normal like i do with the smoke. Ill do whatever it takes. I heard snus worked but i dont know anymore.

                  I could pop in three snus, feel weird, but have a cig after and its like i didnt snus at all. Its really weird, its the opposite of what i would think--its like the fog (smoke) clears once i light up, not the other way around
                  I know what you are feeling here as I'm still smoking 2-3 ciggs a day after 3 months of snusing, But I feel it is way better than 2-3 packs and am gratefull for that.... I'm using the no pressure method and am holding onto those 2 or 3 just to piss my wife off mostly The more she harps on me smoking the more I want to. The more she want me to quit the less i want to.. But i want to and it is what i want not her... When I feel there is no no pressure I will stop.. Soon from what I can tell as she has even let it be known that she wouldn't mind the little cigars here and there I am beginning to prefer rather tha ciggs anyway. So I let go of ciggs... I snus,snuff and smoke the odd cigar... I win...


                  • myuserid
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 1645

                    If a Camel Ultra Light has .5 mg of nicotine, then you're barely getting any by smoking only five.

                    You're not addicted to nicotine. The snus makes you "feel weird", because it has much higher nicotine than you are used to.

                    If you're that concerned, just stop smoking the five cigs. Like I said before, your "withdrawal symptoms" are all in your head. You don't smoke enough to be addicted.


                    • jagmanss
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 12213

                      Originally posted by myuserid View Post
                      If a Camel Ultra Light has .5 mg of nicotine, then you're barely getting any by smoking only five.

                      You're not addicted to nicotine. The snus makes you "feel weird", because it has much higher nicotine than you are used to.

                      If you're that concerned, just stop smoking the five cigs. Like I said before, your "withdrawal symptoms" are all in your head. You don't smoke enough to be addicted.
                      I disagree here... Whether you smoke 5 a day or a pack a day it is how long you have been doing it not the amount per day that get's you addicted... He has been smoking at min 4 yrs... Not 4 months.. But then again I was a 38 yr 2+ pack a day smoker and is harder the longer you smoked then 4 yrs of it...


                      • myuserid
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 1645

                        Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
                        I disagree here... Whether you smoke 5 a day or a pack a day it is how long you have been doing it not the amount per day that get's you addicted... He has been smoking at min 4 yrs... Not 4 months
                        Yeah, but the amount of nicotine is nearly zero.

                        I will agree, that he has a "habit" (in the sense that I have a habit of carrying the garbage to the curb every Tuesday) of smoking 5 cigs a day, but as far as being physically addicted, I disagree.


                        • Spear7
                          • Oct 2010
                          • 48

                          right...i dont mind withdrawing for a week or 2, ive tried it before and its been terrible. thats what led me to snus. i just am shocked by this permanent change in behavior and brain activity.


                          • jagmanss
                            • Jul 2010
                            • 12213

                            Originally posted by Spear7 View Post
                            right...i dont mind withdrawing for a week or 2, ive tried it before and its been terrible. thats what led me to snus. i just am shocked by this permanent change in behavior and brain activity.
                            As I have stated before most of that is physiological though.. Nicotine especially in the smoked form hijacks the level of dopomine that your brain releases naturally and increases it.. Your brain is tricked into thinking that nicotine is what is relaxing you and helping you to concentrate when in fact it is not. The dopomine is what makes you feel good and too much is being released uncontrolled by smoking...


                            • Spear7
                              • Oct 2010
                              • 48


                              could you go into detail about those effects.....

                              bottom line is id like to feel normal...


                              • jagmanss
                                • Jul 2010
                                • 12213

                                Originally posted by Spear7 View Post

                                could you go into detail about those effects.....

                                bottom line is id like to feel normal...
                                Thought I pretty much did... Do some research online about smoking and Dopamine look up what Dopamine is.. I know after some time without nicotine your dopamine levels can return to normal, But you need to retrain your brain to do this.. Exercise is a good one... along with music, Laughter... These all cause natural release of dopamine.. But it is when you associate smoking with these activities before during or after that your brain is tricked into believing you need to smoke in order to be happy.. think.. When do you smoke.. why... after doing what.. There must be times you do it more than others.. for some it is after a meal... The meal was satisfying, But a smoker thinks that this is the iceing on the cake and smokes after every meal.. This is then associated with a feel good feeling and stored in your subconscious mind so you feel happy after a meal only if you smoke... your mind is tricked into believing this... A Non smoker does not go through this after a meal...

