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  • Spear7
    • Oct 2010
    • 48


    Beggining to think I may have ADD and have been self medicating. Ive been using some thunder frosted, they do the trick but i dont feel great until i have the 1 or 2 odd smokes ive been having everyday.

    Its like my short term memory is going to crap. Smoking made it seem like i was the most focused person in the world. With snus, im not a mess like iw ould be cold turkey, but im not a 100%. Any experience with memory/focus/concentration issues? or just getting used to this new delivery system...?
  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    The nicotine intake from cigarettes is done much faster than with snus.
    That's why you have memory/concentration issues when going cold turkey and it's normal.... (after the first month everything should go back too normal)


    • piks101
      • Sep 2010
      • 691

      Originally posted by Spear7
      Beggining to think I may have ADD and have been self medicating. Ive been using some thunder frosted, they do the trick but i dont feel great until i have the 1 or 2 odd smokes ive been having everyday.

      Its like my short term memory is going to crap. Smoking made it seem like i was the most focused person in the world. With snus, im not a mess like iw ould be cold turkey, but im not a 100%. Any experience with memory/focus/concentration issues? or just getting used to this new delivery system...?
      ADD here as well (self diagnosed). I think many nicotine users are self medicating. Nicotine really helps people function better mentally/emotionally. Replace the cigarettes with snus and you have the safest most enjoyable nicotine delivery system available.


      • visiON
        • Mar 2010
        • 308

        Diagnosed ADHD here, psychiatrist wants therapy, doesn't acknowledge that nicotine is actually helping me with my ADHD and says I'm just addicted...
        But nicotine does help most people with ADHD.


        • Spear7
          • Oct 2010
          • 48

          Ok so, in terms of reaching your brain, cigs are more effective.

          But in terms of overall concentration and memory, snus vs. cigs.....the same? is one better? Looking for any honest opinions out there?


          • WickedKitchen
            • Nov 2009
            • 2528

            Well, if it's nicotine alone that aids in relieving the mal-effects of ADHD then snus should win. The cigs will reach your brain faster like Ritalin, but snus should give you a more even and longer lasting effect like Adderall XR. Of course it won't last 6-8 hours, but 1-2 vs. a cig that might only provide relief for 30 minutes or so. Doesn't make you speedy either...but then there are those Boost, and Elyxir types that might do that. I never tried them so I can't say but Getter uses them often so maybe he could chime in but I don't think that caffeine and guaranna (or whatever that stuff is) are ADHD relievers.


            • Spear7
              • Oct 2010
              • 48

              so cigs only provide about 30 min of relief regardless? smoking 3 or 4 cigs a day doesnt benefit adhd really?


              • texastorm
                • Jul 2010
                • 386

                I often wonder if I dont have AD... oooh sparkly...looks tropical... remember Tattoo from Fantasy Island... I sat by a fat lady on the plane who smelled like cheese...I had a grilled cheese for lunch...whats the question? Why are you staring at me?!!


                • Spear7
                  • Oct 2010
                  • 48

                  Does anyone else have an opinion on this


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