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  • Spear7
    • Oct 2010
    • 48


    I know this post is going to sound like a lot of my others, but im still not confident about my decisions right now.

    How long do you think its going to take before I can put in a snus and not get knocked off my shit? I just want to be able to concentrate and focus without having to leave my desk for a cig break. Anyone feel like when they put in a snus theyre just out?

    I use mini's only. and even if i put one in after a cig, it sends me for a spin. Keep in mind, i only smoke around 5 ciggarettes a day (max these days). Not that i dont want more, i just spend a large majority of time in constant states of withdrawl.

    So for you short time and long time users alike, who are or used to be smokers- did you find that it was easier to focus with cigs? No difference? some?

    Do you feel like your the same overall person? (Besides the loss in identity for the actual act of smoking)
  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
    • Dec 2008
    • 2781

    Originally posted by Spear7 View Post
    I know this post is going to sound like a lot of my others, but im still not confident about my decisions right now.

    How long do you think its going to take before I can put in a snus and not get knocked off my shit? I just want to be able to concentrate and focus without having to leave my desk for a cig break. Anyone feel like when they put in a snus theyre just out?

    I use mini's only. and even if i put one in after a cig, it sends me for a spin. Keep in mind, i only smoke around 5 ciggarettes a day (max these days). Not that i dont want more, i just spend a large majority of time in constant states of withdrawl.

    So for you short time and long time users alike, who are or used to be smokers- did you find that it was easier to focus with cigs? No difference? some?

    Do you feel like your the same overall person? (Besides the loss in identity for the actual act of smoking)
    I used to smoke 1.5 packs a day for over 20 years. On snus the first I tried was Camel (the shitty one) and I got a huge buzz like loopy and dizzy. After a few of those I adjusted to it and got real snus. It wasn't until I got extra strong snus that I felt right.


    • precious007
      Banned Users
      • Sep 2010
      • 5885

      Anywhere between 2 - 6 weeks...

      You should know that the withdrawal symptoms are due to 100 - 200 other chemicals and the combustion resulted from them ... you're body is literally used to them ....
      You won't find any of those chemicals in snus.... apart from tobacco, water, salt and flavor....
      My last quit was roughly 30 days ago and I'm already starting to feel normal again ;-)

      And a quick note.... You have to be prepared to say no to smoking... It's either NO or YES ...
      If you always/constantly go out for another cigarette you're only feeding your body more with those chemicals ...
      Everytime you smoke another cigarette you're only worsening your addiction and experiencing a withdrawal with every cigarette....
      Smokers don't even realize they have withdrawal every single day of their life not only when they're quitting for one month ... or one year..... if it wasn't for the withdrawal you wouldn't light another cigarette....


      • c.nash
        Banned Users
        • May 2010
        • 3511

        I've never gotten light-headed or dizzy but I do sometimes get tired.


        • piks101
          • Sep 2010
          • 691

          Originally posted by Spear7 View Post
          I know this post is going to sound like a lot of my others, but im still not confident about my decisions right now.

          How long do you think its going to take before I can put in a snus and not get knocked off my shit? I just want to be able to concentrate and focus without having to leave my desk for a cig break. Anyone feel like when they put in a snus theyre just out?

          I use mini's only. and even if i put one in after a cig, it sends me for a spin. Keep in mind, i only smoke around 5 ciggarettes a day (max these days). Not that i dont want more, i just spend a large majority of time in constant states of withdrawl.

          So for you short time and long time users alike, who are or used to be smokers- did you find that it was easier to focus with cigs? No difference? some?

          Do you feel like your the same overall person? (Besides the loss in identity for the actual act of smoking)
          what is the mini that you are using?


          • WickedKitchen
            • Nov 2009
            • 2528

            I think precious hit the nail on the head. your body might be wanting for the other stuff in cigs.

            As far as the nicotine'll get used to it. The buzz is fun, but it will disappear quickly and you'll want it again. It's not worth upping the tolerance IMO though. Have you tried an 8mg portion. I know it's twice as strong as a mini, well most minis, but it might get your blood nicotine levels to a point that you might better be able to reference.

            As far as focus I am not sure it helps. For me, snus helps 'cos it's a habit, routine, call it whatever you want but I think it's more a mindset than a nicotine thing for me. I put in a portion just before I go to do something and I equate the two things. Nic, might help me concentrate and I think that's proven, but when I was a smoker I used the cigs to get back to what I considered normal. Turns out it isn't normal at all, but in my world it was.

            I'd suggest substituting the cig w/ an 8mg portion. You'll get a big buzz for a while but you'll feel better in the long run than if you just smoked a cig, or even two. Snus gives you the nic a lot more evenly than cigs do. It takes about six minutes to smoke a butt though the nic isn't gone from your blood for about a half put in a snus and it ratchets up your nic. less is more. 'yknow.


            • precious007
              Banned Users
              • Sep 2010
              • 5885

              Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
              I think precious hit the nail on the head. your body might be wanting for the other stuff in cigs.

              As far as the nicotine'll get used to it. The buzz is fun, but it will disappear quickly and you'll want it again. It's not worth upping the tolerance IMO though. Have you tried an 8mg portion. I know it's twice as strong as a mini, well most minis, but it might get your blood nicotine levels to a point that you might better be able to reference.

              As far as focus I am not sure it helps. For me, snus helps 'cos it's a habit, routine, call it whatever you want but I think it's more a mindset than a nicotine thing for me. I put in a portion just before I go to do something and I equate the two things. Nic, might help me concentrate and I think that's proven, but when I was a smoker I used the cigs to get back to what I considered normal. Turns out it isn't normal at all, but in my world it was.

              I'd suggest substituting the cig w/ an 8mg portion. You'll get a big buzz for a while but you'll feel better in the long run than if you just smoked a cig, or even two. Snus gives you the nic a lot more evenly than cigs do. It takes about six minutes to smoke a butt though the nic isn't gone from your blood for about a half put in a snus and it ratchets up your nic. less is more. 'yknow.
              It's about the body's perception ...
              Smokers are a lot dizzier when they're smoking comparing to the withdrawal ... you just don't notice it anymore...
              Remember when you had your first cigarettes how you felt in the mornings after the first one?? ... that's how you always feel as a smoker ... but you just can't notice it anymore... the body gets used to the sensation ...

              The dizziness from smoking is the actual interaction of carbon monoxide in the blood stream and nothing else... ;-)
              Which is deadly too.


              • Spear7
                • Oct 2010
                • 48

                So did cigs increase your concentration? Or allow you to feel normal? and does snus do the exact same? I know the hit is different, but once i get used to the method of delivery (and the niccotine over a week or 2 period) is it the same


                • precious007
                  Banned Users
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 5885

                  Originally posted by Spear7 View Post
                  So did cigs increase your concentration? Or allow you to feel normal? and does snus do the exact same? I know the hit is different, but once i get used to the method of delivery (and the niccotine over a week or 2 period) is it the same
                  To be honest I've been much more disoriented in the withdrawal period but that doesn't mean cigarettes were increasing my concentration. That's just BS. Even though I've read on dozens of websites including that nicotine has its magical powers to increase your concentration... I was feeling that way at all .... In fact when smoking I feel very anxious..... have a permanent headache, nausea, dizziness .... and the list goes on.... I know that not everyone feels this way ..... but most of the people wouldn't recognize it either.....

                  Bottom line - you can't feel normal when smoking - maybe you get a false impression that you're feeling normal .... all the toxins and chemicals in the cigarettes are destroying your brain's chemistry ... the first thing that is affected is serotonin ... the chemical responsible for your happiness (It is a well-known contributor to feelings of well-being, therefore it is also known as a happiness hormone....

                  Thanks God I've managed to quit smoking again, and I hope I'll never be hooked on them ....
                  As with snus, once you get rid of all the chemicals from your body ... and go over the withdrawal period (which is normal) you should be fine with snus..... I haven't found snus to be a real helper in the quit smoking cessation ... it's not like saying ... "Hell ya snus eliminated all the withdrawal pangs ....I was feeling great from the first day" because that won't happen...

                  Again snus might contain nicotine but it doesn't contain all the other chemicals that your body was used to... Last but not least if you were a heavy smoker or a smoker of at least 5 - 10 cigarettes a day then it's normal to have a strong psychological addiction that will make you very anxious/nervous whatsoever ... in the withdrawal period... that's the way it is ....


                  • piks101
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 691

                    Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                    To be honest I've been much more disoriented in the withdrawal period but that doesn't mean cigarettes were increasing my concentration. That's just BS. Even though I've read on dozens of websites including that nicotine has its magical powers to increase your concentration... I was feeling that way at all .... In fact when smoking I feel very anxious..... have a permanent headache, nausea, dizziness .... and the list goes on.... I know that not everyone feels this way ..... but most of the people wouldn't recognize it either.....

                    Bottom line - you can't feel normal when smoking - maybe you get a false impression that you're feeling normal .... all the toxins and chemicals in the cigarettes are destroying your brain's chemistry ... the first thing that is affected is serotonin ... the chemical responsible for your happiness (It is a well-known contributor to feelings of well-being, therefore it is also known as a happiness hormone....

                    Thanks God I've managed to quit smoking again, and I hope I'll never be hooked on them ....
                    As with snus, once you get rid of all the chemicals from your body ... and go over the withdrawal period (which is normal) you should be fine with snus..... I haven't found snus to be a real helper in the quit smoking cessation ... it's not like saying ... "Hell ya snus eliminated all the withdrawal pangs ....I was feeling great from the first day" because that won't happen...

                    Again snus might contain nicotine but it doesn't contain all the other chemicals that your body was used to... Last but not least if you were a heavy smoker or a smoker of at least 5 - 10 cigarettes a day then it's normal to have a strong psychological addiction that will make you very anxious/nervous whatsoever ... in the withdrawal period... that's the way it is ....

                    All I know is that cigarettes were awesome for me mentally/emotionally but physically it was a dead end (literally and figuratively). Snus gives me all the benefits of cigarettes and more, as the cigarette (crack) hit leaves you wanting for more quickly but the snus is a smooth and steady supply of nic and I can freak'in breathe for a change and I don't stink up myself and surroundings.


                    • precious007
                      Banned Users
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 5885

                      Originally posted by piks101 View Post
                      All I know is that cigarettes were awesome for me mentally/emotionally but physically it was a dead end (literally and figuratively). Snus gives me all the benefits of cigarettes and more, as the cigarette (crack) hit leaves you wanting for more quickly but the snus is a smooth and steady supply of nic and I can freak'in breathe for a change and I don't stink up myself and surroundings.
                      Neverr had breathing problems myself ... I rarely coughed...
                      The main reason I quit smoking is simply because I always felt weak... never had energy... my body was so heavy that sometimes I had difficulties running 100 meters...
                      Moreover my sinuses were always infected because of the smoke I was inhaling daily ...
                      I also had a terrible headache.. it was more like a migraine that wouldn't go away.. no matter what pills I would take...
                      My room and the entire house smelt like one of those ghetto bars.. I had to put new painting on the walls all around the house once every two years
                      My clothes stunk like shit...
                      I was 60 kg most of the time now I have roughly 70 :-)
                      I was barely eating all day long ... the 30 - 35 cigarettes were also a substitute for my food .. I almost never felt hungry.. I'm not kidding..
                      I have been working in front of a laptop for last 3 years.... and always felt I never had the time to finish everything I had to do for that day... and that was purely because I was smoking for roughly 300 - 350 minutes every day.... and since one hand was holding the cigarette ....
                      Not to mention cigarettes costed me $200 a month + $50 coffee .. that's $250 a month .. $3000 a year ... holly shit ... I could buy a new apartment with the money every ten years now... a new 2 bedroom apartment (60 sq meters) costs around $35.000 ... and live a happy retirement off the rent ... that would be around $2000 from rents alone ... ;-)
                      Last but not least cigarettes make me anxious... especially combined with caffeine.. (used to drink 5 cups on a normal day and 8 on a bad day..)



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