Since I've never actuall introduced myself here yet.

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  • LincolnSnuff
    • May 2010
    • 676

    I am dumbfounded. Really. You can't be serious.


    • WickedKitchen
      • Nov 2009
      • 2528

      Ok, so we've got MAJOR tolerance here. Do you think you could get by on one can of Thunder ES in a day? For me, I'd vomit before dinner, but for you I think that you might be jonesin' all day if you only used this snus. I think going cold turkey would kill you.

      I'd actually like to spend a day even watching all that tobacco getting consumed. ha! Ok, maybe 2 cans of Thunder per day. How long do you think it would take to get used to a 1can snus/day? ...and I'm worried about having a third sterk in a given day.


      • Mykislt
        • Sep 2010
        • 677

        Originally posted by outbackblackjack View Post
        Well here's how it was/is possible. I'm a disabled veteran and have been since being discharged from the US Army back on 02/06/96 and I haven't been able to work a job, the last time I worked a job I was fired on 12/30/98 from a car dealership my father was a parts manager at back and my brother also worked at. So needless to say I have a lot of time on my hands and if there's nothing to hunt or fish then I'm mainly online. Yes I tend to use multiple tobacco/nicotine products at the same time to help get my nicotine fix. For example right now I'm using an e-cig powered through my USB port of my pc and loaded up with several drops of 24mg Menthol E-liquid, I've also take a generous snort of Hedges L260 up each nostril, and I have a General Wintergreen regular portion in i find the mints & menthols work well together. I also found that Levi Garret goes well with cope, or any of the more tobacco tasting dips and can be used with about any of the more natural smelling snuffs, and Redman goes well with more sweet tasting snus & dips and goes well with any sweet smelling or fruity snuffs, now the Stoker's moonshine I got from Tom was excellent with about everything except wintergeen snus & dips and any snuffs I tried with it. If I'm using wintergreen snus or dip then I use a wintergreen chew like stokers wintergreen or beechnut wintergreen and they mate up well with menthol snuff and a menthol cigarette or e-cigarette. On the cigars it depends on the cigar whether it's a good hand-rolled and from what country and what type of tobacco it's primarily composed of, example a good spicy nicaraguan corojo pairs well with a good snuff like W.E. Garrett's Scotch and a snus like skruf and a chew of Levi Garrett. On the pipe tobacco note I like a good english pipe bacy matched up with a good snus or dip that has a tobacco taste and a snort of a Molens Latakia Ao 1860, perique baccy goes well with cope & a snort of Schmalzler or Molens AP, as far as flavored pipe bacy it's very easy to mate them up with contrasting/complimenting snus, dip, chews, and or snuffs. Straight VA or burlies go well with more natural tobacco tasting dips & snus and mate up well with similar snuffs. Also before I go to sleep I either place a dissovable tobacco or a snus pouch in my upper lip and take a good double dose of Quit With Snuff/Dholakia Irish coffee or other snuff so I'm able to sleep without waking up wanting nicotine, without doing so I tend to wake up after about 2 to 4 hours jones for nicotine and I go hunting for a smoke as it always seems to be my fastest and easiest way to intake my nic fix. with the snuff & snus or disolvable I'm able to sleep about 5 to 7 hours and I wake up with less of a craving. My 2 worse vices are nicotine & caffine. I haven't had a drink in over 10 years or smoked any lefthanded smokes in 10 years either. So yes I was being completely honest as to my nicotine/tobacco consumption. I guess I should have said "Hi my name is Steve and I'm a nicotine fiend!!".

        Yes I am still smoking RYO cigarettes that are mainly Drum tobaccos as I bought a crap load of them before the pact act went through so I've been making and smoking about a carton of them every 7 to 14 days.
        guiness worthy


        • heders
          • Jan 2011
          • 2227

          Wait a minute here...

          5~ cigars, 2,2 oz of pipe tobacco, 4~ packs of cigarettes, 1,7~ cans of snuff and 1-2 cans of snus each day? Wow.

          And I thought I was addicted.

          Very interesting introduction of yourself by the way. Thanks for sharing and nice meeting you.


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            Welcome to SnusOn.

            I'd really suggest to try and cut down if possible. If you could switch to just snus that would be great, if somehow you could start on the stronger ones, I feel that you could get your fix without having to use all these different tobacco products. Snus provides a great nicotine delivery system into the blood, and in time I think your body could adjust and be more satisfied with just snus than all those products combined. Just my two cents.


            Originally posted by sagedil View Post
   the end, the snus always wins.
            Originally posted by sagedil View Post
            ....the snus will win in the end. It always does,
            Originally posted by sagedil View Post
            The snus always wins, but it usually isn't overnight.


            • outbackblackjack
              • Jun 2010
              • 88

              Actually the numbers are more a bi-weekly tobacco consumption. But I do more often than not use two or more nicotine products at a time.


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