I have been reading these forums for a good while now but just recently started posting and i just had to say that this may be one of the most helpful and welcoming group of people i have ever met.
just a little background here, 30 years old from easley SC, been smoke free for nearly 3 years now thanks to snus. quit cold turkey from a 3 pack a day habit, and never looked back, although the girlfriend probably wishes she had her fridge and freezer space back. anyways, i just wanted to say thanks to all for the pleasent start to my snus forum experience.
just a little background here, 30 years old from easley SC, been smoke free for nearly 3 years now thanks to snus. quit cold turkey from a 3 pack a day habit, and never looked back, although the girlfriend probably wishes she had her fridge and freezer space back. anyways, i just wanted to say thanks to all for the pleasent start to my snus forum experience.