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  • fishmeat
    • Feb 2011
    • 767

    New to the forum

    Hello everybody! I recently quit smoking using snus after being tormented by the US Camel Snus. I ordered me some "real" snus last year and I thought yuck, this stuff is nasty! I blame myself for jumping in head first and not properly reviewing what I was buying. I didn't like the brands and portions I got at all, with the exception of two cans. I noticed one thing though, I was still smoking and just using snus as a get by until I could smoke. So my taste-buds from years of smoking couldn't take in the complexity and at times simplicity that goes into snus flavors.

    A few months ago my local shop started carrying General's US line up, I was excited to see this stuff. We are tired of being fooled around with Camel & Marlboro snus, that stuff is true garbage. The few times I went to buy from there I started with General White, Wintergreen and Mint. I started to notice my tastes have changed and I started to appreciate the craft that goes into making snus. Also this time I was finally going to quit smoking of 15 years. I'm not getting any younger and I felt that now was the time and snus was going to be the way.

    I recently got my order in from The Northerner of General Onyx, Jakobsson's Strong Wintergreen and Oden Extra Sterk Licorice. Seeing how the last few cans of General White I got were expired by well over a month I was feeling that 8mg right now trying to quit might not be enough to take off that edge. So I got a bunch of strong portions. I absolutely love Onyx and it will be a staple of day to day snusing for me. Jakobsson's Wintergreen is good as well as Snusify told me on Youtube, yet the flavor tends to wear off after a bit sooner than I thought it would.

    Anywho, I am Fishmeat of Hell's Waiting Room, FL here to tell you I <3 Swedish Snus!
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Welcome to SnusOn, and enjoy the experience. It's fun trying the different brands. Once you get acclimated to the Swedish style, you really start to pick up flavors you didn't notice previously. Out of curiosity which snuses didn't you like?


    • fishmeat
      • Feb 2011
      • 767

      I initially ordered...

      General, Portion - Kinda liked, but now love.
      Probe Whisky, Portion - Absolutely hated it, was very very smokey and had a dip from hell.
      Discreet Strawberry, Pouches - Garbage IMHO
      Discreet Peach, Pouches - Garbage IMHO
      02 Original Strong Portion - I did like this one as it was strong
      01 Original Portion - Didn't care for it too much as I did with 02


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Discreet's too sweet. Best of the homegrown Americans but it's a low standard :^D I like Probe, but I burn out on it quick. i have a tin of lös in the freezer, and I' using it 1/4 tin at a time. ~12g is a good amount before I get tired of it, and it scratches the occasional itch :^)


        • Monkey
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2009
          • 3290

          Hello and welcome to snuson.

          Try everything you can and, as many more will probably echo, your tastes will change so do not throw anything out.


          • nicodude
            • Jan 2011
            • 688

            Ive noticed that my tobacconist has had expired general white portion as well, for the past 3 months, he has been putting out newer cans, but still expired. He claims he is waiting for his latest shippment to arrive. I thought it strange that everything except white is within date, maybe swedish match has been sending out expired?

            IDK, I still buy it though, one of my favorites, I havent had a problem with it being dry or anything, though if I keep the open can around too long, I end up having to re-hydrate it.

            Welcome to the forum, and congrats on quitting smoking. You may want to give nasal snuff a try as well, especially if you are still getting nic cravings even with the snus, nothing like a good snuff as a booster to your favorite portion


            • WickedKitchen
              • Nov 2009
              • 2528

              Welcome aboard. Keep trying all the snus you can. Once you settle on a brand that is your go-to it's nice to experiment with others still. Variety as they say...


              • Bigblue1
                Banned Users
                • Dec 2008
                • 3923

                oh great another newb for pp to rape! J/K he always asks permission. He'll just take it if you don't acquiesce tho. Keep us informed how it goes. You might get some free offroad coffee vanilla outa the deal so all is not lost. anyway welcome and post often. especially about the NWO, Nazis, and flying saucer craft.


                • saffron
                  New Member
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 12

                  New here too, but long time snus user, maybe 4 years now. Just wanted to say welcome to the snusworld fishmeat and echo what someone else said about tastes changing much your first year. What you think you hate today you may come to love in a few months. And others you love (and overuse) can turn on you. So keep an open mind.

                  And hi everyone else, glad to be here. Been a long time coming.


                  • jagmanss
                    • Jul 2010
                    • 12213

                    fishmeat & saffron....Welcome To SnusOn!


                    • snusgetter
                      • May 2010
                      • 10903

                      Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
                      fishmeat & saffron....Welcome To SnusOn!

                      fishmeat & saffron ... sounds like a vaudeville act.


                      Welcome to snuson


                      • jagmanss
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 12213

                        Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
                        fishmeat & saffron ... sounds like a vaudeville act[/B].


                        Welcome to snuson
                        Could very well be the next snus flavor....


                        • snusgetter
                          • May 2010
                          • 10903

                          Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
                          Could very well be the next snus flavor....

                          Not from the General...

                          But I'll bet the bacteria that SM claims V2 peddles would enhance the flavor!!


                          • fishmeat
                            • Feb 2011
                            • 767

                            Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
                            not from the general...

                            But i'll bet the bacteria that sm claims v2 peddles would enhance the flavor!!


                            • Veganpunk
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 5381

                              Welcome to SnusOn fishmeat and Saffron.


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