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I am a bit curious fishmeat about how you got your name. I am thinking that you are either a fisherman or a real player in the Florida club scene but I could be way off. How is the not smoking thing working out? Sometimes I sneak in a smoke but I am at the point where I don't really like them anymore.
Originally posted by GoVegan View PostI am a bit curious fishmeat about how you got your name. I am thinking that you are either a fisherman or a real player in the Florida club scene but I could be way off. How is the not smoking thing working out? Sometimes I sneak in a smoke but I am at the point where I don't really like them anymore.
The not smoking is going very well. In the ten days now I have quit the first 6 days I did smoke 5 cigs as all I had was dried out General White that wasn't cutting it. But then my package from The Northerner came in and I haven't smoked since. 10 days, 5 cigs is awesome considering I would of smoked a carton by now. Snus really is gonna end up saving my life. Cancer and respiratory problems run in the family, father has lung cancer from 30+ years of smoking, uncle died two years ago from lung cancer. I work in an ICU and see really really sick people on a daily basis. I can say that 80% of those patients are there because of smoking related health issues. After you see so many of them go and or have it impact your family in one way or the other you start to wonder why you even started.
Yeah, no kidding. My stepfather died from lung cancer after he had stopped smoking for over 14 years. It was a very slow and painful death. I can't figure out if the treatment for cancer is worse than the disease itself. The radiation treatments literally cook you from the inside out and you don't really get any better as you go along. I don't know anybody with emphysema but that also seems like it would be a very slow and painful death to me. Sometimes I see people at the casino strolling their little oxygen bottles and then turning them off so they can have a smoke. Cigarettes seem to be one of those lifelong addictions where you just have to deal with it a day at a time. I definitely think that snus has either saved my life or added a few more quality years to it. It's too bad that doctors just can't see the light on this one. I still remember my doctor telling me to have plenty of celery and carrot sticks around whenever I try to quit. Yeah right. I am kind of hoping to die from a massive heart attack while having sex for my 80th birthday. I reserve the right to change my mind when I turn 79 though.
My father smoked for many years.. He quit years before he died but it already did it's damage.. I really wish my dad knew about snus back then. He dipped every now and again so I know he'd definetely try it. He'd get a kick out of it because he was part Swedish. He may have been around long enough to meet his grandson. My wife was pregnant when he passed.
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