Diet Snus?

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  • phersh
    New Member
    • Feb 2011
    • 3

    Diet Snus?

    Hi All,

    I'm cutting back on the number of cigarettes I smoke because it is interfering with exercise. Because I am also dieting I would like to try snus without any sugar. Can anyone recommend a snus that has no added sugar? Also, I read on this forum that there is a type of low TSNA snus called purified snus. How much variation is there in the TSNA levels of Swedish snus? I obviously want as low a TSNA level as possible.

    Thanks Muchly,
  • Snus Boost
    • Jan 2011
    • 640

    From as low as 0.7 PPM (V2 products) up to 2.7 PPM. The numbers appear as though there is a big difference but they are both extremely low. The difference is like saying when you get out of a pool the water that remains on your swim trunks lowers the water level. It's true but does it really matter? I have seen "purified portions" claim to have lower TSNA's than Nicorette and it is around 0.0023. I don't know that I believe that though. The point is I don't think the level of sugar or TSNA's in any of them is enough to allow it to sway your desicion. Go with what you like. That is the only way you will STOP smoking instead of "cut down"
    Edit. I have only known about snus for about 2 months and these stats are all from memory so they may not be perfect. However I am Pretty F**@ing smart so I am sure they are close.
    Welcome to the forum!


    • simplesmoke
      • Jan 2011
      • 75

      It was my understanding that most snus contains no sugar.

      Either Swedish or American. (At least Camel or Marlboro)

      It is all artificial sweetener if any sweetner is used from my understanding.

      I recall reading posts previously when I first found out about snus when I was searching with Google from Camel and Marlboro diabetic users that had no issues from either. (Which those taste syrupy sweet)


      • phersh
        New Member
        • Feb 2011
        • 3

        I guess I'll just pick a snus portion and try one. It's interesting that you mention nicorettes. That is what I have been using. As far as giving up, maybe one day. I love a smoke with a coffee after breakfast and with a glass of wine (or two) after dinner The rest in between are probably nicotine craving and stress. At least I only smoke American spirit rolling tobacco with no additives.

        Thanks for your help, and thanks Snus Boost, for your welcome. Always nice to meet a smart person



        • fishmeat
          • Feb 2011
          • 767

          Dude, you can quit with snus. Its very possible...I did it! You might wanna try a bunch of different brands at first until you find something you really like and use that as your daily go to snus. I have found quite a few brands that I use frequently like for example with coffee, out at a bar drinking, etc etc. Its all about finding what you like and going fourth and conquering the habit of smoking. Don't throw away any snus because you don't like it the first few times, taste change and you might find yourself liking that brand in the future. Anywho, I suggest General Long Sterk as it is a stronger portion snus. I find that Sterks (strong) snus helped me curb any withdrawal from smoking while switching to exclusively snus.


          • phersh
            New Member
            • Feb 2011
            • 3


            Thanks for the encouragement.



            • Kstolen23
              • Feb 2011
              • 281

              Yeah pretty much all snus is known for having a dramatically low TSNA compared with other tobacco products and as far as I'm concerned it has very low (or none) amounts of sugar, except for maybe the flavoured snus. Snus has salt in it which is what you should know about, I doubt there is enough to be an issue though. Good luck with quiting smoking. This is more or less here-say but apparently snus is the best (easiest?) way to quit smoking and because it is much safer than other forms of tobacco it is the (second) best option for you.


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                Diet mean like General Silver?


                • Kstolen23
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 281

                  snus light. . .


                  • Jwalker
                    • May 2010
                    • 1067

                    Snus doesn't contain sugar, I don't think you'd absorb much anyway if it did. They all have low TSNAs.


                    • SnusoMatic
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 507

                      I have diabetes and must use insulin so i can tell when something has ANY sugar in it. I do not think that I have ever used any swedish snus that had added sugar. With that said, sometimes I can tell a slight increase in my blood sugar from certain snus. I am not a doctor but I assume there are some calories in some snus. But i am talking about very slight changes in blood sugar. If I were not diabetic I doubt that I would have any changes. Besides, it may be the nicotine fighting my insulin. It could be allowing my blood sugar to rise and not the snus itself causing the blood sugar to rise directly.


                      • WickedKitchen
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 2528

                        I think that's the case SnusoMatic. Being that nicotine is a stimulant it does cause your body to operate differently. As far as a diet snus you might be best off with Boost or something but then again it's just adding more stimulant. I do it with a sterk and a coffee. I don't like to eat with snus in my mouth unless I'm eating the snus iteself so I use snus to squash hunger (more effective with coffee) and I do this more than once every day. I wouldn't recommend snusing at the gym though. I think the amount of stimulant in snus isn't enough to make much of a difference though but I never thought about it interacting with insulin.


                        • Ansel
                          • Feb 2011
                          • 3696

                          I imagine if any sugar is there it would be such a negligible amount. Quitting smoking can make you put on weight but with Swedish snus it should affect your metabolism like smoking and help in not gaining weight. Good luck. I say just try snus... i really recommend it.


                          • precious007
                            Banned Users
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 5885

                            lol, diet snus what that ?! :^)


                            • Ansel
                              • Feb 2011
                              • 3696

                              The Northerner (the brand) Citrus and Lemon 6mg (also known as Oomph) is known as the absolutely purified snus so this may be what you would like to try also. But even though it says it's 6mg i find i have to put 3 portions of it in at a time to get the nicotine i need.


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