New here...some questions...

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  • resnor
    • Mar 2011
    • 619

    New here...some questions...

    So, here's my backstory...been dipping for about 10 years. I usually use Skoal or Grizzly longcut (mint, citrus blend, berry blend, spearmint, natural flavors), and dip about a can to a can and a half a week. About two years ago, I started also using the Camel snus, as I got probably 100 free tins from a Camel rep while working a motorcycle rally in NH, and really like the frost. I am currently thinking I'd like to quit dipping, and switch to snus all the time. My questions are these:

    1. Do I want to go with portions or loose? I REALLY like the idea of going with loose, and getting some of the Icetool stuff. I guess I could get Icetool tins for both loose and portioned, but, whatever. I just wonder if I'll like the loose better cause I have dipped for awhile.

    2. Everyone talks about the nicotene content. Do I need to worry about that? LOL. Should I stay away from certain kinds at first?

    3. Best flavors? What is the difference between whites, and whatever?

  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9758

    Welcome to the forums. All your questions can be answered by using the seach button on the upper right of the page. Enjoy the site
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • WickedKitchen
      • Nov 2009
      • 2528

      A quick note about nicotine though...

      I was a Grizz user for years at about 1 can every day and a half. I went to standard 8mg portions with no nicotine problems whatsoever. I started using 8-10/day. I had about the same amount of dips per day but the dip had more nic. For me as I'm sure it is for many it was more habitual usage rather than a desire for nicotine. Snus just simply took the place of the dip. I do believe, however, that the Camel and Marlboro offerings in the US have less than half of the amount of nicotine. This might create more of a nicotine need in your case. I'm of the position that this is a planned move by the tobacco companies so it would be wise to get some real Swedish snus. It's very easy to get.

      Sterks will give you more nicotine than you're currently used to I bet. I'd recommend avoiding those at least now unless you truly don't care about how much nic you take in. You'll appreciate the sterks more if you don't start out with them. Many smokers start out with them 'cos they deliver the amount of nic that the smokers are accustomed to...or at least they perceive that to be the case. I didn't come to snus from cigs so I can speak personally on that account.


      • precious007
        Banned Users
        • Sep 2010
        • 5885

        Welcome to the forums

        I guess you can start using regular snus, loose or portions (forget the white or extra sterks for now) ... go with the regular.... I would recommend using loose since you're used to dipping ... it gives a much better nicotine hit and the flavor last longer.... you get to chew bits and pieces of the nicely flavored to tobacco.... try Skruf,Ettan,General,Offroad loose ... they're awesome



        • Veganpunk
          • Jun 2009
          • 5381

          Welcome to SnusOn!


          • Ex Dipper
            • Oct 2010
            • 47

            Welcome to the forum! I can really help you here because your story is EXACTLY the same as mine. I quit dipping grizzly after years of two tins a week using snus. I think you will find snus to be a great substitute.

            1. Go with portions AND los. Snus is much finer cut than dip, you will find that los isn't practical when out. I use los at home and portions when im working or out with the girlfriend etc. Los is the best, but its not very practical.

            2. I found that the normal 8mg nic portions weren't cutting it for me. I use general Ekstra Sterk los and portion as well as jacobssons strong wintergreen. As I dipper I highly recommend both of them. Try regular and sterks. As a dipper you have a strong nic tolerance built up already. See what works for you.

            Hope this helped! Oh and one more tip stay the hell away from american snus. Lol


            • jagmanss
              • Jul 2010
              • 12213

              Welcome to SnusOn!


              • fishmeat
                • Feb 2011
                • 767

                Welcome to SnusOn! About nicotine strength, I quit smoking of 15 years with snus. I opted to go with Sterks as they do offer me more nicotine and I find that when I started to quit smoking regular portions weren't cutting it for me. If you are getting by with Camel Frost I suggest that you start with a regular portion. From the get go, Swedish snus has more nicotine than Camel and Marlboro snus. If you find that 8mg portions aren't doing it for ya, try a stronger grade. Also you being a dipper I suggest loose snus as it will IMHO help you transition better. Remember to try a bunch until you find what you like...just like dipping or smoking there are many options and finding one that you really like takes some trying different things out.


                • resnor
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 619

                  Yeah, I don't really crave the nicotine when I don't's more the flavor, and spitting, whatever, I like doing it. I'm not really worried about not getting enough nicotine. LOL.

                  Also...does los = loose?

                  Thanks for all the help!


                  • Rattlesnake
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 891

                    yep los=loose and with snus of the swedish or nordic type you don't need to spit. that is the beauty of it for me. just don't swallow the whole portion at one time if you want to swallow those at least break them open and swallow them a little at the time.
                    No Joke intended


                    • Mykislt
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 677

                      Originally posted by Rattlesnake View Post
                      yep los=loose and with snus of the swedish or nordic type you don't need to spit. that is the beauty of it for me. just don't swallow the whole portion at one time if you want to swallow those at least break them open and swallow them a little at the time.
                      No Joke intended
                      you swallow the tobacco?


                      • Rattlesnake
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 891

                        Little bits and pieces of it don't bother my system. I have swallowed bigger pieces with no problem but I would not reccomend swallowing the tobacco even for a 10 year dipper. He said he has dipped for 10 years he is probably more familiar with Juice than I am.
                        And probably has swallowed more than I.
                        The truth is: If you spit into a rattlesnakes mouth he will die.

