Hi everyone, i'm a current smoker and been absolutely fascinated by snus. I apoligise for my ignorance but I was hoping you guys may be able to answer some questions and possibly lead me down the right path here.
As a kid i tried a bunch of different dips kind of liked the burn in the bottom lip but hated the spitting,the dirtiness of loose portions, and overall image of dipping, if that makes sense.
after doing research and trying to skip past all the marlboro and camel, etc snus I tracked down a local shop who carried General from their website. All they had left were small foil sample packs of white portion and regular.
Here are my first impressions.
Seemed to smell alot different than I imagined.
Popped a white portion im my upper lip just right of my frenium, (that little flap inside your upper lip.)
Felt strange in my upper lip from trying dip in the bottom,
The regular white potion seems to big for my lip. (rests right on the end of my gum line where the tooth starts and I found myself continually pushing it back up higher and higher making my lip bulge a bit.) perhaps I dont have as much room in my lip up top compared to others? idk.
Invigorating bit of burn when I first popped it on.
The flavor, for the first 5-10 minutes the flavor of the general regular was very different and somewhat pleasing but after that I found the citrusy flavor sickening,
(and this comes from a person who LOVES citrus flavors in very hoppy ipa beer, candy,anything. Hell sometimes if im eating an orange ill bite into the rind just to get a shot of the strong citrus oil flavor...)
After a little over an hour that trademark "general citrus flavor" got sickening even more and I tossed it, for another hour plus that flavor totally dominated and wrecked my palette. The flavor was hard to get rid of.
This was something I don't really remember happening with "regular american dip". The only way I can describe it is like if you sucked on some potpourri for a while and then spit it out. the strong flavorings or oils or whatever I imagine would stick around in your mouth...
Another thing I noticed as well, a very uncomfortable prickly feeling in my throat from swallowing the juice. Is this a trait that goes along with the snus experience? That feeling is a big turn off for me. perhaps I will get used to it?
I think I may be looking for a fresher tasting mini white portion to start off with? Can you guys give me some reccomendations?
As a kid i tried a bunch of different dips kind of liked the burn in the bottom lip but hated the spitting,the dirtiness of loose portions, and overall image of dipping, if that makes sense.
after doing research and trying to skip past all the marlboro and camel, etc snus I tracked down a local shop who carried General from their website. All they had left were small foil sample packs of white portion and regular.
Here are my first impressions.
Seemed to smell alot different than I imagined.
Popped a white portion im my upper lip just right of my frenium, (that little flap inside your upper lip.)
Felt strange in my upper lip from trying dip in the bottom,
The regular white potion seems to big for my lip. (rests right on the end of my gum line where the tooth starts and I found myself continually pushing it back up higher and higher making my lip bulge a bit.) perhaps I dont have as much room in my lip up top compared to others? idk.
Invigorating bit of burn when I first popped it on.
The flavor, for the first 5-10 minutes the flavor of the general regular was very different and somewhat pleasing but after that I found the citrusy flavor sickening,
(and this comes from a person who LOVES citrus flavors in very hoppy ipa beer, candy,anything. Hell sometimes if im eating an orange ill bite into the rind just to get a shot of the strong citrus oil flavor...)
After a little over an hour that trademark "general citrus flavor" got sickening even more and I tossed it, for another hour plus that flavor totally dominated and wrecked my palette. The flavor was hard to get rid of.
This was something I don't really remember happening with "regular american dip". The only way I can describe it is like if you sucked on some potpourri for a while and then spit it out. the strong flavorings or oils or whatever I imagine would stick around in your mouth...
Another thing I noticed as well, a very uncomfortable prickly feeling in my throat from swallowing the juice. Is this a trait that goes along with the snus experience? That feeling is a big turn off for me. perhaps I will get used to it?
I think I may be looking for a fresher tasting mini white portion to start off with? Can you guys give me some reccomendations?