I love snus i quit smoking

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  • WickedKitchen
    • Nov 2009
    • 2528

    Congrats on quitting the death sticks!

    What??? Do mine eyes deceive me??? There is no Grov in your order, Sir. Make that number ten please. You will not be disappointed. Go grov Black if you like 'em strong. It's similar to Onyx, IMO. Grov OP and Los are something you must try...or you'll never know what you're missing and that would be terrible.


    • Experimental Monkey
      • Mar 2010
      • 795

      His taste sounds like he wouldn't dig the Grov too much if he hates Copenhagen and prefers loose leaf on American smokeless. I wouldn't order more than a couple cans on anything, including Ettan. I'd actually suggest General as a first loose considering Ettan los is bland especially to the new los user. I'd actually reccomend adding some V2 on there. Thunder Original los and portions are good with a slight natural sweetness like most V2 snus. Phantom Brown los is also excellent and better than Ettan IMO. You should like Nick and Johnny. My favorite strong portion. I don't care much for any regular portions aside from Swedish Camel which we can't get and maybe Granit OP.


      • BradenL
        • Dec 2010
        • 187

        Originally posted by Experimental Monkey View Post
        I'd actually suggest General as a first loose considering Ettan los is bland especially to the new los user. I'd actually reccomend adding some V2 on there.
        Ettan was my first los, and now I always have some on hand. I was a mainly straight dipper, and ettan just seemed to fit the bill for me. I'm not sure how or why but it just stuck. Much like skruf stark los, it's unique and is not in anyway unpleasant.


        • Debaroo
          • Mar 2011
          • 67

          Congratulations and welcome from another snus newbie! There's so much to learn here and you'll have a good time too!


          • JMo
            • Mar 2011
            • 28

            Placed a new order today guys. Check it out!

            Grovsnus Black, Strong Portion 1
            Göteborgs Rape, White Portion 1
            Nick & Johnny, Strong Portion 1
            Skruf Stark, Strong Portion 1
            Gotland Fläder (green), Portion 1
            Gotland Anis (grey), Portion 1
            Ettan, Loose 1
            General Extra Sterk, Strong Portion 1
            General Onyx, Black Strong Portion 3
            Ettan, Portion 2

            Figured I'd throw in some loose, as per the recommendations of the forum users.

            Hopefully now the goddamn customs Nazis will let me be free, and my order comes through unscathed!


            • snusjus
              • Jun 2008
              • 2674

              Are you from Canada?

              Best luck to your order getting through the Gestapo.


              • JMo
                • Mar 2011
                • 28

                Yep sure am. My first part of 5 cans from buysnus came through ok, second part of 6 cans got dinged.

                I ordered from Northerner this time just to see what happens.

                Even if it does get dinged, meh, it's still better and cheaper than smoking.

                Hopefully half of it gets through though. Free country my ass. We demonize tobacco and the tobacco industry and then protect their market with foreign import tariffs. Makes a hell of a lot of sense, doesn't it?


                • ChaoticGemini
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 564

                  Snuson JMo. Congrats on making the switch.


                  • angrylollipop
                    • Apr 2011
                    • 209

                    Gotland grey is quite nice. Not a all day long snus, but after dinner or before bed you'll enjoy it quite a bit to break up the flavor of regular snus.

                    Ettan is great for a smoker trying to quit. It has that smokey flavor. The first time you drop it in, it will be salty and strong but after a few minutes it'll mellow out and you'll enjoy it quite a bit i reckon.

                    Jak wintergreen is a nice choice for strong wintergreen flavor (if you're into that flavor) Lots of americans are. Myself included it's a nice change of pace.

                    01 is my #1 (har har) snus though.

                    Also, **** smoking! ;-) keep up the good work. If you feel the desire to smoke I suggest popping in a snus and coming on the forum or browsing the snus order page online. Just to remind yourself that smoking is terrible and you've found something better to replace it.


                    • Carlito
                      New Member
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 12

                      Congrats on your quit!!! I'm quitting myself, only 4 days in, but I feel great. I'm doing a combination of snus and the 510 e cig, which works wonders for me. Remain true to yourself and your desire to quit and the rest will fall into place. Cigarettes are the means to your end so stay strong.

