I've DONE IT!!!!!!! YAY!!!

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  • jmdkodiak
    • Mar 2011
    • 218

    I've DONE IT!!!!!!! YAY!!!

    Ok I just made my second snus order of about 19 cans in celebration of my second day with NO cigarettes!!!!!

    I have one can left in my first order that I opened this morning. Goteborgs #2. I was pleasantly surprised! I liked it!! I didn't like the original Goteborgs Rape los I got. Actually I have an unopened can of it still. *shrug* Ill make a post in the can exchange soon. I was almost certain I would like it so I ordered two. Oh well. The first can of loose I had was General los. It didn't impress me, tasted weird, different, so I went through the smorgasboard of snus' I had ordered including:

    01 Original: Probably my favorite portion snus so far.

    General Los: My first and true favorite so far. I got "bored" with it's odd taste when my order first came in so I set it back in the fridge and just pulled it back out today. Wow! I am glad I did! My favorite I think.

    Ettan Los: I liked it a lot and used most of the can before it dried out. Again though, Since going back to the General Los Ettan moves down a notch or two.

    Roda Lacket White Portion: YUCK!!! I tried one and didn't like them. Odd sweet taste i didn't care for too much.

    Offroad Original los: I used this for a couple days. Smells like dirty feet, tastes marginally better. Unfortunately maybe my palate needs some work cause it's about #4 or so on my list of faves.

    Grovsnus Portion: Close #2 next to the 01 portion.

    Gotland Green: YUMMY! I want more!!! For a "flavored" portion snus this is my favorite so far.

    Goteborgs Rape Los: YUCK! I was certain I would like this so I ordered two cans. I was way wrong. Disgusting. Blech.

    Goteborgs Rape #2 Portion: Pleasantly surprised that the Goteborg line made something decent tasting Pleasing sweetness, great for the early mornings. Not jarringly salty after brushing my teeth. good! I will finish this can for sure.

    In celebration of day TWO with no cigarettes!!!! I made an order based on research and limited knowledge of what i like and don't like. I also noticed that sometimes I don't get that "kick" I need like a cigarette gives me. I have determined that I am a biggest fan with the "regular" flavor snus so I kept that in mind when making this order. With that in mind, here goes!

    It goes as follows:

    2 - 01 Original Portion. I liked it last time may as well get more!
    1 - Blue Ocean White Portion. Never heard of it but it looked neat and I am a fan of nautical anything.
    1 - Ettan Los. Was decent, so I got one more can.
    1 - General Extra Sterk portion. I love los General but sometimes it's inconvenient. So I got this in addition to:
    2 - General Extra Sterk Los. Loved the General Los, so I got this to help keep the nico-demons away in the coming days and weeks missing cigarettes.
    1 - General Los. My favorite, Only got one can though because I ordered so many others to try.
    1- General Onyx Portion. Haven't tried it so I figured I would. Pretty can.
    1 - Nick & Johnny Portion. Have heard great stuff about this, so I got some. Didn't see any in Los to buy.
    1 - Offroad Long Cut Wintergreen. Long cut snus? Really? It's only a couple bucks so I figured I'd try it, having used American dip before. Was just curious.
    1 - Roda Lacket Los. I was always told if you didn't like a portion style, try the Los. I've heard this is better. One can just to try it.
    1 - Skruf Cranberry portion. The whole Skruf line appeals to me and i think I will like their products based on what I like so far. mixed some portions and los(below).
    1 - Skurf Extra Strong Los. The General Los on steriods? I hope so.
    2 - Skruf Strong Los. Figured, like General, I couldn't go wrong. I hope I like this brand!
    1 - Skruf Strong Portion. A portion version for variety and ease of use.

    And that was it.

    Order as just a little over $100.. seemed like a lot but still cheaper than smoking!

    So how did I do? Do ya'll think I will like the Skruf brand? Glad I got more General products though. I think, like Marlboro, they sort of set a baseline, and until I find something better, which is probably inevitable (hopefully Skruf!), I will use them.
  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Blue Ocean is good stuff. Not an all the time snus but has a unique flavor, it's good on occasion.

    Nick and Johnny doesn't come in los anymore. The portion flavor is great, especially in the morning. I hear a lot of folks like it with coffee.

    Offroad Long Cut Wintergreen was discontinued, so enjoy it but don't get attached.

    Skruf Cranberry - meh. I like the Offroad better, which was also discontinued.

    Skruf is good. I know a few folks that are die hard. Skruf has a very unique taste in that they include rose oil in their recipe which makes their product a tad sweeter. But it's good stuff.


    • jmdkodiak
      • Mar 2011
      • 218

      Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
      Blue Ocean is good stuff. Not an all the time snus but has a unique flavor, it's good on occasion.

      Nick and Johnny doesn't come in los anymore. The portion flavor is great, especially in the morning. I hear a lot of folks like it with coffee.

      Offroad Long Cut Wintergreen was discontinued, so enjoy it but don't get attached.

      Skruf Cranberry - meh. I like the Offroad better, which was also discontinued.

      Skruf is good. I know a few folks that are die hard. Skruf has a very unique taste in that they include rose oil in their recipe which makes their product a tad sweeter. But it's good stuff.

      Rose oil huh? Man.... I sure hope it's closer to a General Los flavor than to a Goteborgs Rape flavor... I ordered it because it was supposed to be a strong tobacco flavor. I wanted something like general but more tobacco flavored.


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        Originally posted by jmdkodiak View Post
        Rose oil huh? Man.... I sure hope it's closer to a General Los flavor than to a Goteborgs Rape flavor... I ordered it because it was supposed to be a strong tobacco flavor. I wanted something like general but more tobacco flavored.
        Yeah, it's a traditional snus, with citrus/tobacco in the mix, just not as much pepper as General. The rose oil is an afterthought, but it's a nice little hint.


        • precious007
          Banned Users
          • Sep 2010
          • 5885

          Here's my views on these :^)
          My snus taste buds changed a lot since I've started with snus, and there's quite a few factors involved I think..... starting dipping was one of them .... Yep I like the flavor of DIP more than snus.............and ..........quitting smoking was another strong reason (smoking basically paralyzed all my taste and smell, even with food...... and perfumes...............hence I've had slightly different taste in the first few months of snusing.

          1 - Ettan Los. Was decent, so I got one more can.

          I still like ettan loose, though it's not one of daily favorite loose. Strong aroma, long lasting.

          1 - General Extra Sterk portion. I love los General but sometimes it's inconvenient. So I got this in addition to:

          I was snusing a lot of this stuff. Bought a whole roll on my first order. I honestly don't like that much anymore. I'm a loose guy anyway. There is a little bit too much lime in it.

          2 - General Extra Sterk Los. Loved the General Los, so I got this to help keep the nico-demons away in the coming days and weeks missing cigarettes.

          Awesome. General ES Los is through my first 5 favorites. Awesome aroma and strong tobacco taste.

          1 - General Los. My favorite, Only got one can though because I ordered so many others to try.

          I used to like this on a lot, but then came Skruf, Odens, Offroad, Phantom that replaced it ......... I rarely have General Los now, it's a bit borring.

          1- General Onyx Portion. Haven't tried it so I figured I would. Pretty can.

          Great portion. One of my favorites. Love it with earl gray tea.

          1 - Roda Lacket Los. I was always told if you didn't like a portion style, try the Los. I've heard this is better. One can just to try it.

          I use roda once in a while, love the smoky flavor but I don't die for it even if it's one of the most popular brands amongst swedes.

          1 - Skruf Cranberry portion. The whole Skruf line appeals to me and i think I will like their products based on what I like so far. mixed some portions and los(below).

          There one thing with Skruf Tranbar, it has a nice and smooth berry taste but this one has to be used with caution. I haven't been able to speak a whole day from diouble barreling Tranbar once.

          1 - Skurf Extra Strong Los. The General Los on steriods? I hope so.
          2 - Skruf Strong Los. Figured, like General, I couldn't go wrong. I hope I like this brand!

          BEST LOS EVER!

          1 - Skruf Strong Portion. A portion version for variety and ease of use.


          I've noticed that a lot of people overlook the smaller brands that don't mean they're not better ......... Gotlands, Offroad, Odens, Phantom are the best los producers.



          • jmdkodiak
            • Mar 2011
            • 218

            Originally posted by precious007 View Post
            Here's my views on these :^)
            My snus taste buds changed a lot since I've started with snus, and there's quite a few factors involved I think..... starting dipping was one of them .... Yep I like the flavor of DIP more than snus.............and ..........quitting smoking was another strong reason (smoking basically paralyzed all my taste and smell, even with food...... and perfumes...............hence I've had slightly different taste in the first few months of snusing.

            1 - Ettan Los. Was decent, so I got one more can.

            I still like ettan loose, though it's not one of daily favorite loose. Strong aroma, long lasting.

            1 - General Extra Sterk portion. I love los General but sometimes it's inconvenient. So I got this in addition to:

            I was snusing a lot of this stuff. Bought a whole roll on my first order. I honestly don't like that much anymore. I'm a loose guy anyway. There is a little bit too much lime in it.

            2 - General Extra Sterk Los. Loved the General Los, so I got this to help keep the nico-demons away in the coming days and weeks missing cigarettes.

            Awesome. General ES Los is through my first 5 favorites. Awesome aroma and strong tobacco taste.

            1 - General Los. My favorite, Only got one can though because I ordered so many others to try.

            I used to like this on a lot, but then came Skruf, Odens, Offroad, Phantom that replaced it ......... I rarely have General Los now, it's a bit borring.

            1- General Onyx Portion. Haven't tried it so I figured I would. Pretty can.

            Great portion. One of my favorites. Love it with earl gray tea.

            1 - Roda Lacket Los. I was always told if you didn't like a portion style, try the Los. I've heard this is better. One can just to try it.

            I use roda once in a while, love the smoky flavor but I don't die for it even if it's one of the most popular brands amongst swedes.

            1 - Skruf Cranberry portion. The whole Skruf line appeals to me and i think I will like their products based on what I like so far. mixed some portions and los(below).

            There one thing with Skruf Tranbar, it has a nice and smooth berry taste but this one has to be used with caution. I haven't been able to speak a whole day from diouble barreling Tranbar once.

            1 - Skurf Extra Strong Los. The General Los on steriods? I hope so.
            2 - Skruf Strong Los. Figured, like General, I couldn't go wrong. I hope I like this brand!

            BEST LOS EVER!

            1 - Skruf Strong Portion. A portion version for variety and ease of use.


            I've noticed that a lot of people overlook the smaller brands that don't mean they're not better ......... Gotlands, Offroad, Odens, Phantom are the best los producers.

            Hey thanks for the insight!! It seems we have similar tastes maybe.. I enjoy the taste of dip more as well, but the more I use snus the more I am liking it. I have used it exclusively (read: almost all waking hours) for the last couple of days, and I am really enjoying it while keeping cigarette cravings to a very minimum.
            What did you think of Goteborgs Rape? I hated it! I don't know how to use the "auctions" or whatever but I'm going to put my other unopened can up there. Or should I keep it and try it at a later date?

            Also, what do you think of Offroad Original Los? I noticed you mentioned you liked Offroad. I've been using that the last few days and it's weird.. Smells like dirty feet or something. But the tastes is different... I dunno. I still am sticking by General Los for now.. But I think that is because it's the only one I can quantitatively analyze, enjoy, and accurately taste. The guy above said it's peppery, and I can see that. I love pepper, too.

            Roda has a smoky flavor? I didn't catch it. I think I would like that though. The Roda white portions I wasn't too much of a fan of.

            Secondly, I have been keeping these in the fridge, the last of my order lasted me two months. Is that too long to keep snus in a fridge? Should I freeze it? Does the nicotine level decrease in the fridge? I kept them in a plastic bag tied up in a crisper.


            • Monkey
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2009
              • 3290

              Put Phantom brown and Gellivare on your list to try for regular strength los.

              Put Thunder original los and Odens los on your extra sterk los list to try.

              These are all very good tobacco toward flavors. A lot of people are singing the praises of pioneer snus but I have yet to try it.

              Welcome to snuson! (That should have been first...)


              • Veganpunk
                • Jun 2009
                • 5381

                Congrats on day two of no smokes!


                • ChaoticGemini
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 564

                  Originally posted by jmdkodiak View Post
                  Secondly, I have been keeping these in the fridge, the last of my order lasted me two months. Is that too long to keep snus in a fridge? Should I freeze it? Does the nicotine level decrease in the fridge? I kept them in a plastic bag tied up in a crisper.
                  I can't speak for the exact nicotine levels, but I think 2 months is fine in the fridge. The reason some of us freeze is that we have more snus than we can possibly use in that time, or the snus will be well past its expiration after 2 months. I keep both and have never noticed the difference between a 8 month old can from the freezer and a 2 month old can from the fridge meat drawer.


                  • LaZeR
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 3994

                    I'm' getting a boner reading this thread. Yes, Skruf is good stuff!


                    • dpete

                      Excellent order. I really enjoy getting a new snus to try, too. Feel like a kid in a candy store. Best of luck with the stopping smoking. I've only been completely smoke-free for 6 weeks but I smoked for over 40 years. The relative ease that snus allowed this is nothing short of astounding.


                      • precious007
                        Banned Users
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 5885

                        Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
                        I'm' getting a boner reading this thread. Yes, Skruf is good stuff!
                        Skruf is surely what turned you on ! :^)


                        • timholian
                          • Apr 2010
                          • 1448

                          Originally posted by danielan View Post

                          Good job! I'm 2 weeks shy of 1 year. It totally works.
                          +1 Never though I could make it this long, snus does totally work!


                          • whalen
                            • May 2009
                            • 6593

                            Enjoy exploring the Snus. And enjoy the excitement also, most important thing to remember is that your tastes will change and keep an open mind! These guys have given you some great feedback. I am just shy of two years smoke free with snus, and snuff. Try the snuff to quell those urges. Just remember you are probably going to acquire a pretty hefty blood nicotine level with snus, far higher maybe than smokes. You will live far longer with snus. Trust me I found that out the hard way, the younger you convert to snus the better. Enjoy, and stay away from PP.
                            wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                            • jmdkodiak
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 218

                              First can I opened was the Skruf Stark Los.

                              Really diggin it. TOO much nicotine when I put a couple gram sized prilla in. Made me sweat!
                              Almost afraid to try the extra stark los I got too.

                              Really looking forward to trying to Roda Lacket los, the General Extra Sterk los, and the skruf tranbar and blue ocean!

                              So tempting to open more cans NOW! I have two cans of portion open and one can of los, I think I'll use one or two of these before I open another. Just pinched off some more Skruf Stark Los and I have a half a can left. I have been using it exclusively over the last two days. So I reckon to say a can of los will last me four days. Is that okay? Is that heavy use, light use? average? I used to smoke a pack a day if that is any reference.

                              The Skruf Stark Los has a very, very strong taste to where it's almost bitter, but I do really enjoy it! I can't taste any rose oil though.

                              It's also a lot easier on my gums compared to General Los, and easier to keep in a prilla. It doesn't fall apart. I guess there is less salt in it beacuse the General Los sometimes gave me a little salty spot on my lip.

                              Can't wait to open a new one!!


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