I ordered some Thunder Mini+ in both original and mint but find that they are just too drippy. The "drip" burns my throat and gives me heart burn pretty badly so I'm looking into other options for a small(-er) portion that is close to a white but doesn't have a pitiful 4 mg of nicotine. Some that I found were; General medium, General Long (they say it doesn't drip too much), General Long Sterk, and 01/02 portions. From what I read, the latter 3 seem not to drip as much even though they are a regular portion. True? Regular portions were just too big in my petite front upper lip which brings up another question; Does anyone put portions in their upper lip but behind the canine to hide it better?
Any other options for small portions with a good kick that aren't drippy?
01 & 02 are my favorite snus. They are correct in they don't drip much and they are pretty easy to hide. They fit in the mouth well.
They do drip a little bit if they get moist, but they have a bit of a tobacco/nut flavor so it's not too bad. The further back you put it in your mouth the more drip you'll get.
I don't like the drip either. It not only gives me heartburn but sometimes I get sick at my stomach. I find that if I take the portion out and blot it ever so often it keeps the drip to a minimum. I hope you find something that works for you.
edit: I love the drip from Odens Extreme...I will suck the life out of those little boogers.
Oden's classic standard portion is easily the least dripping snus I've tried, I can put it alot further back without trouble. Subtle flavour though, but it's really grown on me (luckily, as it's about the only thing I can get in the UK now). General long is good, but twice as drippy, only a touch more drip than general white so it's pretty good on that count. 01/02 I find to be more drippy still, tbh every bit as drippy as a standard portion. The absolute worst dripping snus I've found is general silver, purely because the drip is just so noxious, have to take it out to breathe! I think this all goes to show that drip is subjective, some people are fine with one snus, that others think is too drippy.
Weird thing with the Oden's is that not only is it a standard portion, but it's also massive, both are usually factors for drip, but it's really mild, got through a roll of it now, alternating with long and white general, and the difference is huge on drip. If they could make a mini portion with 8mg nicotine then that would be ideal.
I got a sample of Northerner branded mini portions that I think are 6 mg. I used one during a long meeting the other day and had no problem with drip at all. It behaved itself (stayed in place) and was completely unnoticeable. Mocha on the other hand nearly killed me the first time I tried it a few years ago. Really nasty stuff.
No drip at all when I use Northerner Purified Minis and those, only being 6mg pack a good little punch. They come in 3mg's also but I have yet to try those. Also, General Smooth is fairly drip free but delivers in nicotine. I know both of these were already mentioned, but just adding that I agree!