My initial thoughts on snusing

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  • Inigo Montoya
    New Member
    • Mar 2011
    • 8

    My initial thoughts on snusing

    Well gents its been about 3 weeks since I started my snus journey and I wanted to chime in with my thoughts. I was so excited to finally find a product to replace the sugar infused mouth wrinkling spit inducing copenhagen long cut that I had enjoyed for so long with a product that had a much reduced risk while using.

    Going into this I read and read about the Swedish snus and the great experience that all of its followers were having. I received many excellent suggestions on my intro thread and read through the dippers guide to snus several times to soak in all the information. With excitement I opened my first can of General original and took a big whiff of that aroma. Now most recommend not doing this, but for me the smell was intoxicating and made me feel like this was my proper choice. So I popped myself in a portion. And waited. Waited longer. Man where is this awesome experience everyone keeps bragging about?

    So in the next week or two I tried the originals, white portion, general mint (mmmmm), and the minis (meh). Frustrated, I started to double pack, triple pack and only could occasionally find my buzz. Man this is just not for me, my mind kept telling me, at the same time thinking it is such a reduced risk product. Finally got my order in of Thunder frosted long + and extra strong. Flavor was acceptable but still fought through the cans.

    Coming on week three I had several revaluations to my new path. Thunder started to taste excellent, original was no longer agonizing to keep in, flavors started to unfold in my pallet. Folks this product is not about the destination (buzz) it is about the journey. Enjoy and savor these flavors, give it time to acclimate, don't reach out expecting something to replace your dip. Order samples, try different things and find yourself ready for a great experience. I feel like I have crested the hump I was trying to get over and now find my self agonizing over the week long wait I have to return to my (for now) favorite of Thunder frosted long +

    I would like to thank all for there time and comments to help me get going and stress that this process will take time to unfold for you. Do not rush it and soon you will find yourself longing for that next portion. Haven't touched Copenhagen in three weeks and am truly starting to enjoy this journey. For me I think I was addicted to more of the crap by products of fire cured tobacco than just the pure tobacco that I am starting to enjoy. No more reaching out for a pinch of polonium and other radioactive materials for me!!!

    That is my initial thoughts over my first few weeks, what were yours?
  • resnor
    • Mar 2011
    • 619

    I'm with you as far as the buzz part goes...I dipped for about 10 years...but, I dipped more for the flavor, and perhaps to fill some sort of oral fixation (no homo). As I've never really gotten a buzz from oral tobacco, not getting one from snus wasn't really a big deal for me. I really love the extraordinarily wide selection of flavors and choices for snus. I love that snus isn't an overwhelming flavor, like American dip, and there are all these complex layers to the flavors.

    P.S. - I HATE the General minis...I feel like I have nothing in my mouth when I use them.


    • c.nash
      Banned Users
      • May 2010
      • 3511

      I started with snus and have since enjoyed dip. I still like suns much more than American tobacco but there is a time and place for everything.
      Buzz is different from suns than dip and honestly there isn't much buzz to think of from either anymore for me.
      They are both good products, both harm reduction. Snus just seems to be a little higher standard, variety and deliciousness. :P


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Great post IM..............glad you found your way!!

        I left dip a little over 4 years ago and have not looked back.

        The fun is just beginning

        Next order work in some Odens Extreme and some Jacobson...............good stuff.
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • LincolnSnuff
          • May 2010
          • 676

          If you want a buzz, do a large prilla of General Ekstra Sterk los (loose) or the new Oden's Extreme los. It can be found, but I can only achieve it with strong los at this point. Portions don't have the same nicotine transfer capabilities as your lip is only in contact with watered down snus juice, not the tobacco directly.


          • teeotee
            • Jul 2009
            • 251

            I can totally relate with what you went through. My experience was similar. It does take a while to notice the subtleties in some of the flavors. My first try of Ettan was very much a non event. I'd heard all about the wonderully rich flavors of Ettan, popped one in, nothing. Went through my can of OP and didn't go back to Ettan for months. I'd gotten into los by then and found the los is way better. Now 12 months later i recently revisited Ettan los and it gets almost too rich for me now. Golden rule is never throw a snus out you don't immediately like. bag it and in the freezer with it, revisit in 3 months, it could end up being a fav.

            Some flavors will chaneg on you too. My first can of Thunder Berry was a prime example. The first time itried it i thought it was bitter and tasted almost cough medicine like. By the time i was halfway through the can it had changed and now it is a firm favorite of mine.

            I agree with Lincoln, if you want a buzz get some ES los, maybe Thunder Frosted since the longs are a fav of yours right now.

            Anyways, keep enjoying your journey and if you haven't yet you owe it to yourself to try some los soon.


            • resnor
              • Mar 2011
              • 619

              Oden's Extreme didn't really give me a buzz at all...and I had a pretty good sized prilla of it. The taste, though, is really different. I need to try the other Oden's loose snus...the Extreme tobacco was amazing, but I couldn't stand the taste...maybe I can still get that glorious tobacco, but in a flavor I can love.


              • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                • Mar 2011
                • 7035

                Originally posted by resnor
                Oden's Extreme didn't really give me a buzz at all...and I had a pretty good sized prilla of it. The taste, though, is really different. I need to try the other Oden's loose snus...the Extreme tobacco was amazing, but I couldn't stand the taste...maybe I can still get that glorious tobacco, but in a flavor I can love.
                That i asure you you will get in other flaivor


                • Inigo Montoya
                  New Member
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 8

                  No it just so happened about a week ago I got this warm comfortable sensation with a portion in and had my awakening. After that I really quit chasing that "buzz" and just enjoy this path I am taking now.

                  About the los. Picked up a can of general los at the store, watched some videos and bake my first pris. Son of a bitch did a mudslide on me in the first five minutes. It was a two gram or so portion and when I was done an hour later ejected about a quarter gram. Tried again this time using an available 1/2" galvanized fitting and packing it down with a smaller tube and success. (ghetto, but will work till my prismaster comes in on this order) Did not enjoy either to much, but when using about my fourth pris, really started to like it. Many individual los cans coming in on this order, can't wait to sample them.

                  The only real crap part of this whole ordeal is ordering. Gotta wait around a week to try new stuff, can't just go out and get it at 7-11. Note to the new guys order early while working through current supplies. Don't see it being a big deal after I "settle in" and have some supply. Unfortunately I think I will be a sterk or extra sterk user for awhile, but so it goes.

                  Seems to be cheaper through snuscentral but I don't want to get a "you owe us money" bill in the mail from the government, anybody ever deal with that?

                  Snusdog will do that on my next order. Teeotee, I hear you on the flavors changing, couldn't figure out why general OP was so popular at first, but now enjoying a nice portion of it. Big props out to snusgetter for answering some of my shipping questions, too. Hella nice guys around this place, hope to be here for a good while.


                  • resnor
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 619

                    Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                    That i asure you you will get in other flaivor
                    Only problem is, your site only sells to EU...only site I could seem to find Oden's on was Northerner, and they only had the Kanel. Making it REALLY hard for U.S. snusers to get your product...


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