First order doesnt quite hit the spot..

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  • you're doing it wrong
    • Feb 2025

    First order doesnt quite hit the spot..

    So im trying snus to cut down/quit smoking and got my first order today which consists of;

    Ettan op x2
    General OPx2
    General LS x2
    Jak WG x4
    Skruf XSp x1

    Which made it through customs without duty which is awesome but, I am finding hard to even cut back slightly on my smoking while using snus, does it normally take a while before your brain realizes its getting nicotine from snus? Or is the physical/mental habbit of smoking much stronger than just the nicotine?

    Also found the same problem with snuff which i tried first.

    Any reformed smokers that switched to snus got any tips?

  • GoVegan
    • Oct 2009
    • 5603

    Everybody is different but normally I really start to notice the nicotine after 20 minutes or so. Just give it time and keep using snus even if you sneak in the occasional cigarette. Snus kind of grows on you and you will prefer snus over smokes eventually.


    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
      • Dec 2008
      • 2781

      Yeah your brain doesn't get it at first. Keep at it. Keep using snus and your brain will figure it out over time. It's a different delivery system that you're not used to. Smoking spikes a quick nicotine hit, snus ramps up slower over time and goes away slower too. Nasal snuff spikes fast and leaves fast. If you put a strong snus in 15-20min before you would smoke it might help. Really strong snus helps your brain get the picture. Good Luck!


      • you're doing it wrong
        • Feb 2025

        I was kinda hoping my first snus of exta sterk would make my guts turn and not want a cigarette but alas i cant "feel" it so to speak. My wallet doesn't want to have to double barrel xtra sterks and smoke aswell .

        Hopefully with time the effect will grow on me.


        • sirloot
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2011
          • 2607

          Sounds like what the Dr ordered is a few cans of Oden's EXTREEME !


          • you're doing it wrong
            • Feb 2025

            Out of stock at northener, but yeh i want some.


            • Mr. Snuffleupagus
              • Dec 2008
              • 2781

              Yeah eveyone's different. I buzzed hard on Camel Frost the first couple times. I was smoking 1.5 pack/day American Spirit Medium at the time. Snus is a lot different but better over time. Keep at it!


              • you're doing it wrong
                • Feb 2025

                With my experimentation it must be the physical habit as two xtra sterks while smoking made me feel a bit uneasy, so must have enough nicotine in the system but just the habit of rolling a smoke and smoking will take time to override.

                Considering i don't feel any 'hit' when smoking i just smoke because i want one/need one/something to do/taste but still go through a pack a day. Well 10g a day rollies. I guess i haven't been without nicotine long enough to notice the actual effect of it.

                Will wait and see i spose, i have read people don't like the salty taste at first but from the first pouch(jakWG) i put in i have fallen in love with the taste. No complaints here on taste on the above flavors i mentioned, gums stung at first but overall pleasurable experience.


                • c.nash
                  Banned Users
                  • May 2010
                  • 3511

                  It's seems like it's mostly you physical addiction to smoking, not really the nicotine. Keep busy and use snus and you won't even think about smoking. Just keep your hands busy, by getting a hobby or working or something. Or you can be like lazer and frosted and just touch yourself a lot more. Lol


                  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 2781

                    Yeah I quit first with E-cigs so I broke the hand to mouth thing first I guess. It can be hard though. I had a lot of problems with nicotine withdrawal symptoms until I stepped up the snus strength. Just smoke when you want and keep snusing and wait. It will happen. It's way better.


                    • GoVegan
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 5603

                      Try los if you need the hand to mouth thing.


                      • you're doing it wrong
                        • Feb 2025

                        Thats what your m... Never mind but im considering los on my next order, in fact my next order will be los.

                        its just if i do get stung for duty it will be alot more for los. but its worth a shot.

                        $0.43 per gram plus $30 handling fee plus GST which is 25% on total purchase value , surprised i got this lot through the gestapo.


                        • dpete

                          I wouldn't worry but it may take some time. In my case I went from pipe smoking, which I really liked, to cigarettes. Bleh. I used snus in the house and kept the smokes in the car so only smoked while driving. Suddenly I found myself going places and not lighting up in the car but snusing the entire drive. For a while I was down to 2 cigarettes a week and one day my all-time favorite cigarettes tasted so bad that I wondered why I was even having any. Also, for me, the liberation of not being concerned about being places where one can't smoke and that discomfort is fantastic. I would suggest getting the strongest portions you can and when one is done put in another. Chain-snusing solved any nic cravings as I never allowed the craving to begin. Best of luck and let us know how it's going.


                          • you're doing it wrong
                            • Feb 2025

                            I find that funny as i tried to pipe before all this snus/snuff, and after a nice bowl of irish flake first thing i would do is roll a smoke. Has to be the habit i got to break.


                            • Snus Boost
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 640

                              I was using only Thunder Frosted and Jaks Wintergreen for the first week. I was chain snusing until I felt sick and had to spit portions out and even lay down sometimes and i still wanted a cigarette? Clearly it wasn't the nicotine I was after it was the act of smoking. I bought a disposable e-cig used it for about 10 days until I realized I hadn't used it in 3 days and never did after that. I will also say that researching snus and staying busy on this forum helped me stay busy and not think about smoking. I think a lot of us remember it being much easier than it was to quit with snus. It's not always easy but quitting without snus was impossible for me.

