Suggested first three for a Newport Smoker

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  • Lcarvone
    • May 2011
    • 425

    Suggested first three for a Newport Smoker

    Good morning,

    I am new to the forums (2nd post) and am just starting this delve into the world of Snus. I am a former flavor chemist so the varieties of tastes and flavors described by the members is fascinating and think it may help me in two way...first to cut back on smoking and second get to experience more than just the tastes of tabacco and menthol when getting my nic fix.

    So after all the rambling...I am a newport smoker and I understand everyones palate are different but curious to see if there are any snus brands that specifically newport smokers have started with that they liked best?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Snus isn't like cigarettes, and you can't really compare tastes across tobacco forms. Trying them all is really the only way to know what you'll like. Here's 3 to start with though, and it gives a wide flavor range; well, as wide as you can get with 3 types anyway :^D

    Jakobsson's Strong Mint - slightly sweet, slightly alcoholic, with an herbal finish
    Jakobsson's Classic(not the strong) - bitter, with orange notes. Tastes hoppy like a good beer
    Grov - smoky, salty, with chocolate and cigar notes.

    Welcome to SnusOn!


    • Mongrul
      • Aug 2008
      • 151

      I only smoked one brand for many years, but now enjoy a variety of snus types and flavors. I'd suggest getting a starter box as well as some of the brands suggested. To quicken your quit, get some strong stuff like skruf extra stark or Odens Extreme. Warning, when I increased my snus intake while continuing to smoke, I started smoking more to keep the nic level up. I was up to almost 3 packs a day before committing to snus 6 weeks ago. I just smoked up what I had and decided not to buy any more. I'm saving money and really enjoying my stash of different flavors and types of snus. I don't miss the smokes much anymore. (over 30 year habit)


      • Lcarvone
        • May 2011
        • 425

        Originally posted by Mongrul
        Warning, when I increased my snus intake while continuing to smoke, I started smoking more to keep the nic level up. I was up to almost 3 packs a day before committing to snus 6 weeks ago.
        That is interesting because it kinda brings up another question I had....what is (if it exists) the equivalence of cigarette to snus in terms of nic? As many here in the U.S., my first experience was with Camel SNUS but didnt really enjoy it very much and didnt help with nic cravings hardly at all. I honestly have yet to receive my first order of the real stuff so I don't have a substitution rate idea.

        Thanks for the heads up!


        • Mykislt
          • Sep 2010
          • 677

          well, obviously if you smoked menthols, then maybe you should try a mint snus: Thunder Frosted, General mint, and Jakobssons Mint


          • Lcarvone
            • May 2011
            • 425

            Originally posted by Mykislt View Post
            well, obviously if you smoked menthols, then maybe you should try a mint snus: Thunder Frosted, General mint, and Jakobssons Mint
            Glad you said that because all three of those are in my shopping cart already as I decide what all to get (and can afford!)


            • Monkey
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2009
              • 3290

              I was a menthol smoker but go through mint cycles. Some.days I love it....the rest of the time not.

              Grab some es no matter the flavor and try everything. You might be surprised.



              • snusjus
                • Jun 2008
                • 2674

                There is a new snus called Nick & Johnny Crushed Ice. It has a mint flavor and a high level of nicotine. You would probably enjoy it.


                • jumissa
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 111

                  Thunder Frosted Long + would be one that comes in my mind for u to try out
                  Welcome aboard!


                  • EricHill78
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 4253

                    I used to smoke newports back in the day.. They were the gangsta cigs lol. Newport box shorts ftw!


                    • Redbeard
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 390

                      I echo the suggestion to try more than just the mint flavors. I was a menthol smoker and find that I reach for the natural flavors more often than the mint ones.


                      • Mongrul
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 151

                        Originally posted by Lcarvone
                        ....what is (if it exists) the equivalence of cigarette to snus in terms of nic? As many here in the U.S., my first experience was with Camel SNUS but didnt really enjoy it very much and didnt help with nic cravings hardly at all.
                        First of all, Camel and Marlboro are totally crap. Pray your order gets there soon. As for the nicotine, my smokes had 0.6mg of nic per smoke. 12mg per pack. You can get single portions with more than that now. You'll only absorb about half of the nic in a portion typically, so that's about 1/2 pack per portion. As you can see, you get much more nicotine for your money and per dose than with a cig. You don't get the instant hit which is what trips a lot of people my self. Took me three years to finally commit. You can tie on a serious nicotine buzz with snus the likes of which you'll never experience with smokes. That knocks out the need for a quick fix for most people. Plus, none of the negatives associated with smoking! No smell, you can be discrete, use at the office or on an airplane etc. Lungs feel better and all that. Great benefits well worth the effort.


                        • Veganpunk
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 5381

                          Originally posted by Redbeard View Post
                          I echo the suggestion to try more than just the mint flavors. I was a menthol smoker and find that I reach for the natural flavors more often than the mint ones.

                          Same here. I do still use mint snus, but mainly non-mint.


                          • Snus Boost
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 640

                            I smoked Newport to. I started with Thunder Frosted and Jakobssons Wintergreen. Now I use everything under the sun and usually take at least 4 different kinds of snus with me when I leave the house. As was stated above I lean towards natural flavors now.


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