I've come to the realization that I totally love GW! i do. now dont get me wrong, i also like unflavored stuff, however, this has become my "go-to" even before bed. i've fallen asleep with it a couple of times (i know, gross!) and it wasn't so bad. lol. I also tried Oden's Extreme the other day and that was pretty good, good kick of nicotine in it, and I am so desperately looking forward to trying some of the other stuff i received from you guys, such as General Long, i believe Extra Sterk? hmmm. Thanks again. and today starts week 3 of being smokeless!
General Wintergreen
Congrats on being smoke free...Ive been smoke free since 10/10 and haven't looked back. I feel better, smell better, I even found out that I sleep better. I'm literally out cold all night every night now. My wife even said the snoring has stopped. Who would of thought a little pouch of tobacco could do so much. Keep up the good work!
I have to agree with lazer before jaks wintergreen was released it was the only regular strengh wintergreen swedish snus available other than offroad (tastes like cardboard). Id find myself reaching for a camel wintergreen before the general but since jaks has come out I only use jaks for my wintergreen kick.... BUT i just got a tin of NJ Crushed Ice and OMG this shit is amazing!!! not fully wintergreen, not fully spearmint, not peppermint but a blend of all three it seems, DELICIOUS!!! I think im gonna go to sleep with one of these babys tonight. Does that makeme gross?
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